"But you'd better not be fooled. Although pure blood has an infinite lifespan and can be called immortal, if you summon a beast, it will devour your lifespan. You are not a true ancestor like me, don't make fun of your life." Wuchen Rarely cautious, with a hint of warning.

"Giggle..." Fei Yingxian smiled indifferently, with a hint of playfulness in her tone, she reached out and touched Wuchen's face and asked, "Are you worried about me?"

"You think too much, I just don't want my things to hang up inexplicably." Wuchen patted Fei Yingxian's little hand and said indifferently: "You can go out."

"What a cold guy." Fei Ying stuck out her tongue and left obediently.


Time passed by, and the quiet room was dead silent. Wuchen was sitting on the sofa motionless, no different from a sculpture. If it weren't for his slight breathing, many people would have thought he was dead.


The door of the room was suddenly opened gently, and a young man with blond hair walked in silently. He was holding a sword and approaching Wuchen step by step.

This person has a handsome appearance and a long face that is very sunny. He belongs to the kind of warm man who looks very caring and stable when he smiles.

This man gradually approached Wuchen, quietly looking at the man who was close at hand in front of him, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and the long knife slammed out of its sheath with a sound of "clang", aiming at Wuchen's head and slashing coldly.

"Die, you bastard!"

This person roared loudly, and all the strength contained in his body was used in his hands. With this knife, he could definitely split Wuchen in half.


A crisp sound spread out, sparks scattered, the man's arms trembled fiercely, looking at Wuchen who was safe and sound, widened his eyes in astonishment, Wuchen had opened his eyes, and only used a thumb to block him s attack.

"Sneak attack while I'm sleeping, I'll definitely have nightmares at night." Wuchen's tone was as calm as the breeze, staring at the blond man in front of him, "You're called Ichi Takuma, right? Ichima Yuan from the Senate is your grandfather?"

This person is Ichi Takuma, a die-hard supporter of Jiulanshu, and his grandfather is Ichima Yuan.

"Your grandfather sent you to kill me, right?" Wuchen asked again: "If I were you, I would choose the weakest people, such as Ruka, it's best to tie her up and take her as a hostage. You can blackmail me."

A Takuma was silent, but his eyes glowed with a scorching light, as if they were about to melt without dust.

Chapter 26 Let you see what cruelty is [Chapter Three]

"Have you touched my knife?" After a while, Takuma Ichichi suddenly said such a sentence, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth, giving people the feeling that the victory was in his hands, and he was assured of no dust.

Wuchen's eyes moved slightly, and he couldn't figure out what this guy meant, and then he said lightly: "As you can see, I met your Tao, so what's wrong?"

I saw Wuchen blocked a Takuma's attack with one finger, casual and simple.

"Hehe... Do you know my abilities?" The smile on Takuma's face became clearer and more obvious, almost turning into a flower, "For the sake of your impending fall, I will tell you mercifully. Come on, true ancestor!"

When Takuma said that the true ancestor was born, his face was full of irony, as if Wuchen was about to die and was killed by a noble-level vampire, which was really ridiculous.

"Let me tell you directly, in fact, my swordsmanship is average, but my ability is special, called [Material Decomposition], this knife is equivalent to a medium, and the material that comes into contact with my knife will be dismembered, no matter what it is, So you understand, the vampire I cut down with my knife will also be instantly wiped out."

"So it is." Hearing this, Wuchen suddenly realized, and said to himself: "Then I am really careless. I didn't expect you to have such extraordinary abilities. You deserve to be trusted by Jiulanshu."

Hearing this, Takuma was in high spirits, and the sword was withdrawn and put back into the scabbard, "You are too careless, no matter what kind of enemy you face, you must be on guard, because you don't know what kind of ability the other party has."

"That's true." Wuchen nodded in agreement, then a sneer suddenly appeared in the corner of his mouth, "Then, Mr. Ichito Tama, did you see my body dismembered?"

Looking closely, Wuchen is safe and sound, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, very healthy, where does he look dismembered?

"This...Impossible, you must be pretending to be so calm on purpose. In fact, your body has already collapsed, right? Stop pretending there!"

A Takuma was suddenly startled, only then did he remember this, and stared at Wuchen in astonishment, yes, this guy was spotted by his own sword, why is he still unscathed?

"A self-righteous idiot." The disdain on Wuchen's face was even more obvious, and he sneered: "What you said just now - no matter what kind of enemy you face, you must be on guard, because you don't know what kind of ability the other party has, this sentence, I will return the original amount, may I ask, do you know my abilities?"

Wuchen suddenly felt funny, this guy is too stupid, think about it, even his loyal king, Jiu Lanshu, was crushed by himself, not to mention this guy, he just doesn't know what to do.

Yi Tuoma was speechless and replied with an embarrassed expression: "I..."


Before the words could be said, Wuchen had already disappeared, Yi Tuoma was suddenly startled, and suddenly felt a flash of light from the top of his head. When he looked up, he saw a big golden foot aimed at his head.

"Let you see what cruelty is, farewell."

With a wicked laugh, Wuchen's big feet landed suddenly, "Kick at the speed of light!"

"Boom boom boom.",

A huge explosion swept away, the dust-free room was wiped out in an instant, and the fiery fire burned everything and turned everything into dust.

A Takuma lay in the ruins, his whole body scorched, he just stared blankly at the sky, the sky was blue, and his eyes were soft. This might be the last time he looked at this sky, and his eyes were full of infinite nostalgia.

"poor person must have something mean.",

Wuchen glanced at Tuoma lightly. This guy insisted on listening to his grandfather's nonsense to assassinate him, and as a result, he fell. Who can blame?Deserved!

In fact, it is worth mentioning that at first Takuma Ichigo didn't plan to assassinate Wuchen, but set his sights on Yuuki's head. After all, Yuki is still a child, and her strength is much weaker, so she can easily deal with it.

But it didn't take long for Zaoyuan Ruka to protect Yuji, which made Takuma secretly helpless. Now Zaoyuan Ruka is not what it used to be, and Jiu Lanshu can crush it, not to mention him.

In desperation, Takuma's eyes focused on Wuchen again.

"Give me away."

With a slight blink of his eyes, Amaterasu burned his entire body from a Takuma, and burned this guy to death, leaving no residue of the corpse. To deal with this kind of person, Wuchen has always been ruthless.

"The night club should be disbanded. Jiu Lanshu has left this school, and the deputy dormitory head Takuma Ichigo has also been killed by me. Those vampires should disband and go home."

Wuchen muttered to himself, there were already several figures running over in the distance, wearing the uniform of the night department, they were the younger brothers of Jiu Lanshu.

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