
The members of the night club who came over happened to see a scene of Takuma being burned alive. Everyone was stunned and looked at Wuchen with hatred.

Since Wuchen appeared, members of their night club have been killed one after another. First, Lan Tangying, the second is Yi Ma Yuan, and even Jiu Lan Shu has left.

"You should be disbanded at night, anyway, the damned are dead." Wuchen said calmly, completely ignoring the hated expressions of several people.

There are too many people who hate themselves. How old are these people?Not even qualified to let Wuchen face it.

"I will never leave this school." Jia Yuanxiao said with bright eyes, "Sir Shu will come back sooner or later. Your atrocity elders will never watch, just wait for their revenge."

After that, Jia Yuanxiao and others left, it was difficult to collect the corpse, after all, a Ma Yuan was destroyed.

Chapter 27 Night Mow Ten Teeth [First Update]

Wuchen put his hands in his pockets and stared at the departing members of the night club, with a slight expression of sympathy and pity. In fact, to a certain extent, these people have been abandoned, and Jiu Lanshu left the Black Lord Academy. If If they were of value, Jiulanshu would not have left alone.

Jiu Lanshu can't deal with Wuchen himself, let alone this group of people, so it is normal and worthless to be abandoned.


Because the dust-free blood is so magical, there are too many people peeping at his blood. Almost every day, vampires invade the black master school to harass, and the students in the school have already attended the class and all go home for refuge.

Of course, there are people who are clean and dusty, and there are humans among them.


Zaoyuan Ruka casually crushed the intruder's throat, and when he looked around, there were seven or eight corpses all over the place. This group of people didn't have the crazy smell of vampires, and they were all serious human beings. Dressing is almost the same, everyone is close to the denim clothes, looks very casual.

"This is a hunter from the Hunter's Association..." Hayano Ruka glanced at the corpses, naturally understood the natural enemies of vampires, and instantly recognized that they were hunters of the Hunter's Association.

"Ruka, please excuse me."

Wuchen appeared silently, standing silently behind Hayato Ruka, looking at the corpses all over the floor, his eyes became colder and colder, and the tender grass under his feet was frozen.

The Hunter Association is actually just the dog of the Senate. The presidents are all vampires’ lackeys. They even degenerate into vampires in order to maintain their so-called youth. Now that the owner has started to bite Wuchen, the lackeys of the Hunters Association will definitely not watch it. , also joined in.

"Master, it's not the right time to endure it all the time. It's better to take them all in one pot, once and for all." Zaoyuan Ruka's eyes flashed with scarlet hostility, and the murderous intent was awe-inspiring. It was unforgivable that this group of people came to make trouble again and again.

"Definitely." Wuchen nodded lightly, opened his mouth and said, "Go and take..."


Suddenly a gunshot came, and a bullet rushed towards him, piercing the dust-free head with a "click", leaving a hole the size of a thumb.


After regaining her senses, Hayano Ruka screamed, her eyes widened countless times in an instant.

"Yo... the ambush was successful."

A slender, slightly taller figure jumped up from a branch. He was carrying a rifle, and there was still white smoke at the muzzle. He just used this gun to give the dust-free fatal blow.

"It's from the Hunter's Association again... You bastard, I'm going to smash your body into ten thousand pieces!" After the sneak attacker appeared, Ruka Zaoyuan was furious, and her little face turned hideous in an instant, terrifying and gloomy.

"Oh, oh... This expression is really scary." The hunter glanced at Hayano Ruka with a feigned fear, and then said lightly: "There are too many people who want to kill me, but I am still alive. Now, what's more..."

The hunter glanced at the hole in Wuchen's head, and smiled calmly: "Killing one earns, if I can kill you again, then I will make a lot of money, this guy is still the emperor of vampires, more pure than that group. The bloodline is even more terrible, killing him, even if I die a hundred times is enough, maybe because this guy died, I became a human hero."

The mysterious hunter seemed to be joking, but also seemed to be talking to himself seriously.

Zaoyuan Ruka sneered again and again, his fist clenched with a "click" sound, "You will die, and you will die miserably. If you dare to kill your master, I will brutally kill you in the most brutal way!"

Wuchen gave Ruka everything to Zaoyuan, and she had long regarded Wuchen as a god.

"Ah ah ah... Are you cursing me to death?"

The dull voice suddenly came, and Hayaoyuan Ruka couldn't help but stunned, turned his head and glanced, the forehead was penetrated by the dust-free smile and said, "Just this kind of fish still wants to kill me... He hasn't wake up."

"not dead?!"

The calm mysterious hunter also changed his face greatly, only to see the hole in Wuchen's forehead, a faint golden light gushing out, and then it was repaired by the ability of elementalization in an instant.

"You are called Ye Miao Ten Tooth, right?" Wuchen stared at the hunter for a few times, and then said: "I heard that you are the No. 1 hunter in the Hunter Association, but your strength seems to be average, even our hospital longer than that."

"You mean the black master Hui Yan? That guy is a legendary hunter. There are more people than him. I am the only one. The president may not be as good as that guy. It's not ashamed." He replied, looking at Wuchen with gloomy eyes, and his heart was shocked.

Although pure-blooded vampires claim to be immortal, they cannot escape bad luck if they are hit in the heart or head by a hunter's weapon, and the result is certain to die. For example, Jiulanyou and Jiulanshuli, their couple are pure-blooded. Although they are immortal, However, he was killed by Jiulan Li Shi using a hunter weapon, but what happened now violated this rule.

The weapon used by Ye Moya Tenya is naturally also a hunter weapon, and it also runs through Wuchen's head. How can this guy chat with himself like no one, is there a mistake?Now you should lie down on the ground and die in peace!

It's no wonder that Ye Miao Shiya is unbalanced in his heart. Most vampires in the world are afraid of hunter weapons, only Wuchen is an exception.

"Don't stare at me with those terrifying eyes, I'm actually not as scary as you think." Wuchen lowered his voice, as if to comfort Ye Moya, and smiled gently: "Don't feel hopeless, maybe A few thousand more shots would kill me."

"Thousands of guns... Are you really a vampire? Are you sure you're not a monster covered in steel plates?"

Ye Miao Tenya's forehead turned black. In the past, pure blood belonged to the top vampires. Now this Wuchen jumped out, and his strength completely surpassed pure blood.

Chapter 28 Selling Teammates [Second More]

It's no wonder that Ye Miao Shi Ya is so tangled and surprised. Although the vampires he usually encounters are very ferocious, they also have weaknesses. For example, they are afraid of hunter weapons. Wuchen is the exact opposite. It is seamless and has no weaknesses.

"What should I do with you?" Staring at Ye Miao Shiya and looking at it, Wuchen finally looked at Ruka and asked, "This stupid hat doesn't seem to mean anything at all."

"The master's vision is too high. This guy is No. 1 of the Hunter Association. In your eyes, he is indeed weak and pitiful, but in the eyes of others, it is already considered an unattainable limit." Hayano Ruka explained Dao, the implication is that the resentment is too strong.

"Despise me?"

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