"This is looking down on me!" Ye Miao Shiya's face was gloomy and watery, and he couldn't help but think of a sentence, the lion is great, even if the territory is invaded by ants, it will not have the same knowledge as this inferior creature, it will only be self-sufficient. lose value.

"It's good that you know, so, ah, you better look at it!" The black master Hui Yan patted Ye Miao Shiya's shoulder, not knowing whether to comfort or ridicule this guy.

"You bastard, get out of the way and cool off." Ye Miao Shiya was so humiliated and kind, this bastard was too irritating.


In the quiet room, Yuki was on the sofa, wearing very thin clothes.

"This little girl doesn't know how to cover the quilt when she sleeps. Isn't she going to catch a cold lying on the sofa?" Wuchen picked Yuki up and gently placed it on the bed.

"The master is too doting on the young lady." Hayaoyuan Ruka said softly, and she was quite jealous about it, her tone was sour, Wuchen really took care of Yuuki in every possible way.

"Ah ah ah... You are too jealous."

After putting Yuki in the quilt, Wuchen stood up and stretched, and Hayazon Ruka also took the initiative to lean over, her eyes blurred, dotted with a little spring.

"You're really a hooligan, Ruka." Wuchen beckoned, Zaoyuan Ruka immediately rushed over, her body was like water, and she was directly soft in Wuchen's arms.


Ruka climbed up to the dust-free ear, blew a breath of heat, and her little hand couldn't help reaching into the dust-free clothes.

"It's not suitable here." Wuchen shook his head, after all Yuki was still sleeping here.

"I understand." Zaoyuan Ruka spit out a small tongue when she heard the words, but she was someone who knew the etiquette.

"It's really obedient." Wuchen rubbed the girl's neck and put her mouth on his neck, the meaning is self-evident.

"Really, is it really possible?" Hayaoyuan Ruka is naturally a smart person and understands what this means.

"Of course, I have always treated everyone around me fairly." Wuchen said, scratching the nose of Hayao Yuan Ruka, "Of course it's your share."


After Wuchen's words fell, Hayano Ruka couldn't wait to pierce his teeth into Wuchen's skin, demanding delicious blood.


Ruka absorbed Wuchen's blood with all her might, hugged his head tightly, and pressed it into her own career line, all pressed into a patty shape, Wuchen could feel the wonderful touch, just shook her head, vampires only need to suck blood , the mood immediately became extraordinarily excited.

"Damn, that guy Ruka is eating alone again."

Vampires are extremely sensitive to blood, and the moment Wuchen left, they were noticed by the members of the Night Club. Everyone was envious, jealous, and hateful. The higher the blood vampire, the more attention paid to his own blood, Wuchen seemed to have nothing at all. If you don't care, let Hayano Ruka suck blood at will.

The higher the level of vampires, the more delicious and ecstatic the smell of blood is, which makes people unable to let go. Other vampires have an instinct that they can't help but want to swallow the dust and take it as their own.


Jia Yuanxiao's eyes were dim. For a long time, he had a crush on Rujia in addition to being a pure companion. Unfortunately, it was just unrequited love. Since Zaoyuan Rujia took refuge in Wuchen, the two sides went further and further.


At the same time, Yuki, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Hayano Ruka, who was holding her dust-free head tightly, and she couldn't help being sluggish for a while.

"You can let me go." Wuchen said, Zaoyuan Ruka nodded lightly, wiped away the blood stains left on the corner of his mouth, and the wound on Wuchen's neck was repaired in an instant.

"I want to suck my brother's blood too." Yuki was pissed off, her cheeks were bulging, she was extremely cute, and her tone was full of jealousy.

"You?" Wuchen was stunned when he heard the words, and then he couldn't laugh or cry, now Yuki is just a human.

"Miss, the blood of the master has a different taste to you." Ruka Shaoen shook his head gently. Humans are different from vampires. At least their taste buds are completely different. Vampires naturally think that blood tastes wonderful, but humans drink it. In the mouth, there is only a disgusting fishy smell.

"I agree, but before that, I need to make you a vampire."

Wuchen's answer surprised Hayaen Ruka very much. In fact, he also planned to wake up Yuuki's memory of being a vampire. There were some things that Yuuki had to understand, and Wuchen didn't plan to hide it.


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Chapter 30 Become a Vampire [First Update]

"The master also said that I am jealous, and the young lady is no exception." Zaoyuan Ruka said in a low voice, but Yuuki glared at her when she heard this, and muttered: "You suck the blood of your elder brother the most. Dare to tell me."

"Cough cough cough..." Hearing this, Zaoyuan Ruka coughed awkwardly. Thinking about it carefully, it was indeed the case. He sucked the dust-free blood several times in succession, and the content of each time was extremely large, enough to consume normal blood. Humanity.

The only exception is a monster like Wuchen. It's fine after being sucked a few times, but everyone else has already sucked it dry.

"Do you really want to be a vampire? Yuki, I can understand if you refuse. After all, you have always hated vampires." Yuki was almost killed by vampires in the past, so she left a serious psychological shadow and hated it. Vampires can understand it without dust, and this is human nature.

"I've decided, this is my destiny." Yuki nodded lightly, her eyes full of determination, but her soft voice contained great courage.

"Then I'll start, and accept my destiny calmly." When the words fell, Wuchen showed two fangs, and his eyes were also scarlet. With a "click", the fangs pierced into the white neck.

"It's the first time I've seen the attitude of the master vampire." Ruka Hayano, who was standing on the other side, focused on Wuchen, as if he had discovered a new continent, and he was a little obsessed with it for a while.

Dust-free crimson eyes, without the crazy bloodthirsty of other vampires, very calm, wise, and without the arrogance of pure blood, it gives the impression of being charming, mysterious and unpredictable like a black hole. , I can't help myself when I look at it.

"Is there something on my face?"

Wuchen suddenly spoke up, and seeing Hayaoyuan Ruka staring at her motionless for a few minutes, she couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable, this girl doesn't look very innocent, but her heart is very hot. Every time she took the initiative to ask.

"Master is so charming." Lu Jia pursed her lips and chuckled softly, winking like silk, as if it would discharge, comparable to an aphrodisiac.

But Wuchen didn't eat this set, and calmly said, "Soon, Yuki will wake up and recall the past."

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