"I can feel the bloodline of Miss Yuki." Hayaoyuan Ruka admitted that vampires are sensitive to blood. When Wuchen awakened Yuki's memory, human blood immediately became the blood of pure blood.

As for the wound on Yuuki's neck, it has been repaired by Wuchen.

"By the way, then again, do you really need to get rid of those two people?" Zaoyuan Ruka's expression suddenly turned cold, and what he was talking about was Ye Mo Shi Ya and the black master Hui Yan, especially the former who dared to Assassination Wuchen, in her opinion, should be broken into thousands of pieces.

"That guy is just a pitiful person." Wuchen's eyes were calm, unusually serene, and he said lightly: "In the end, it's just a sad person who was used. After this lesson, that guy also understands who is the enemy."

"Does the master plan to use Ye Miao Ten Tooth to destroy the Hunter's Association?" Hayano Ruka is not an idiot either, she understood Wuchen's intention almost instantly.

"Yes, you're a lot smarter." Wuchen gave an admiring look and said slowly: "Of course, it's definitely not enough to count on that Ye Mow Ten Teeth alone, he still needs a help - Black Lord Gray Yan With the cooperation of these two, it is not a difficult problem to destroy the Hunter Association."

"Dong dong dong."

As soon as Wuchen finished speaking, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll go take a look." Hayaoyuan Ruka took the initiative to open the door. She is now a servant of the dust-free, and this is all part-time work.


After the door opened, the few people who came into view made Hayano Ruka frown.

Looking at the entire Black Lord Academy, the only people who can make Hayaoyuan Ruka frown and show dissatisfaction are the group of vampires in the night department.

Since following Wuchen, the positions of both sides have also changed and they have become enemies.


Kayuan Xiao greeted him with a friendly smile, but Hayaoyuan Ruka had a gloomy face, as if seeing the unlucky expression of Broom Star, the scene was quite embarrassing.

"Since the guests are here, please invite them in, don't reach out and slap the smiling person." A lazy voice came from the room.

"You guys better be careful with me." Hayaoyuan Ruka's gaze swept across the faces of Kayuan Xiao, Zhikui Qianli, and Toya Limo with a warning.

"What are you doing? I'm very busy." Wuchen sat on the sofa and looked at the people with a playful expression, in fact, he had already guessed their purpose.

"Just now we smelled the blood of pure-blooded vampires." Jia Yuanxiao looked at Wuchen, but out of the corner of his eyes, he kept peeking at Yuki.

"Yes, as you can see, just now, I woke up the memory of Yuuki's blood ghost, now she is a pure blood, and I should re-introduce Yuki's identity, she comes from In the Jiulan family, the father is Jiulanyou, the mother is Jiulan Shuli, and the elder brother is Jiulanshu, the head of your dormitory."

Wuchen talked about it, but he was too lazy to hide it, and it was not necessary. Telling them the truth would not change anything.

"Since it's the sister of the head of Jiulan's dormitory, then we'll take it away, presumably..." Jia Yuanxiao's voice stopped abruptly, and when it got to her lips, she took it back, and suddenly felt that she was being greeted by a pair of cold His eyes were fixed, and he looked down, and it was astonishingly cold and dust-free.

"If you say take it away, take it away?" Wuchen glanced at Jia Yuanxiao indifferently, "Have you ever heard a word, a dog's mouth can't spit out ivory, now that I think about it, it's true already."

Jia Yuanxiao's face turned green, who else could he say besides that?

Chapter 31 How about looking down on you? 【Second Update】

Zhikui Qianli and Yuanya Limo also changed their faces greatly, and the dust-free attitude was too bad, and they didn't speak mercilessly at all, and they looked down on them at all.

In fact, not to mention Jiulanshu is better, it is because of Jiulanshu's relationship that Wuchen seems to have eaten gunpowder, and there is a strong smell of gunpowder in his tone.

"So hot..."

Yuuki suddenly groaned, attracting everyone's attention.

"Miss Yuki is Lord Shu's younger sister. This is a matter between brothers and sisters of others. What qualifications do you have to stop you as an outsider?" Looking down at Jia Yuanxiao with domineering eyes.

"Rujia, get out of the way, Wuchen, if it's a man, just..."

After grinding for a long time, Jia Yuanxiao didn't say why, and his face was embarrassed.

One-on-one is also self-inflicted humiliation. The reason why Wuchen is so arrogant is that he is strong, so he speaks with the meaning of superiority from the beginning.

"Rujia sees off." Wuchen closed his eyes, too lazy to talk nonsense with this group of people.

"I don't need to say more, right? If you continue to pollute the air here, you will force me to do it. I won't be as merciful as the master." Hayaoyuan Ruka said coldly, so far, she has completely Return to the dustless.

"I'm not as good as this guy." Jia Yuanxiao heard the heartache, and clenched his fists again. There is no chance of winning if he is hard. Just one morning Yuan Ruka can beat them violently.

"It turns out that I am really a vampire." Yuuki's shocked voice suddenly came, and her words caught everyone's attention, and Jia Yuanxiao and others were the most happy.

"Miss Youji, it's great that you are awake!" Jia Yuanxiao and the others asked excitedly, "Your brother Jiu Lanshu has left the Black Lord Academy, let's go together."

"I refuse." Yuki looked at a few people and answered very simply.


Jia Yuanxiao and others were startled, their faces stunned, they could understand Wuchen's refusal, but Yuki's refusal of this proposal was puzzling.

"I want to live with Wuchen, that brother is fine." Yuki's big eyes shone with light, very serious.

"Did you hear that?" Wuchen asked flatly: "Youji is not the kind of person that Jiu Lanshu is, and it will not end well in the end if you force it together, so you should get out of the way."

When Jia Yuanxiao heard the words, she did not pay attention to Wuchen, but looked at Yuki nervously and explained, "Lord Shu has always been extremely worried about your safety."

"Hmph, that selfish man." Hayano Ruka sneered and said contemptuously, "His heart really only has Yuki, but that's just pure possessiveness, not a brother-sister relationship, which is needed between any creature. Forgive each other, that guy is used to being alone and never cares about other people's feelings. If it is Miss Yuki's brother, you should respect her choice, not just force it. Remember, possessiveness does not mean caring, and neither does a real brother. Worth entrusting."

"Very original opinion." Wuchen nodded slightly, what Rujia said really made sense, and couldn't help but admire her, everyone said that after breaking it up, Zaoyuan Rujia is indeed different since he followed him.

"Please come back." Yuki was also full of indifference. As for the so-called brother, she actually knew who he was, not only the relationship between brother and sister, but also the marriage contract.

In other words, Jiulan Yuji is Jiulan Shu's fiancee, but after living as a human for so long, Yuji has a great rejection of brother-sister marriage.

"Does Miss Yuki want to bury Lord Shu?" Seeing that Yuuki was so ignorant, Jia Yuanxiao put on a big hat, "Lord Shu has done everything for Miss Yuuki until now. , even if it is really difficult for a strong person, it is for Miss Yuki, don't you think that you are too cruel to him for abandoning Lord Shu so ruthlessly? After all, Lord Shu is your biological brother after all, and the bond between bloodlines is not possible. Let go at will."

Wuchen's brows couldn't help but rise, and it was inevitable that he was a little surprised. Why didn't he find this guy's eloquence so good before?It's straight-forward, and although it's all a crooked reasoning, it has some truth to it.

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