"Really?" A wicked smile suddenly appeared on Wuchen's face, and then he raised his right arm and snapped his fingers with a "pop".

"Boom boom boom!"

Jiu Lanshu's body suddenly exploded, and a good-looking person was torn apart, as if a time bomb had been buried in his body. It fell to the ground and was scorched by the flames from the explosion, leaving him dead without a whole body.

"Then, I want to ask, will this kill him?"

In Egret Geng's ears, the voice of the god of death resounded. She raised her beautiful eyes lightly, and the person who came into view was a contemptuous and dust-free expression.

Chapter 44 The Self-righteous Stupid Woman [First More]

Egret Fang's heart trembled, her beautiful eyes were flowing, her face was frightened, frightened, and all kinds of fears could be clearly seen.Obviously they are all vampires, but they are completely creatures in two domains. "I, I, I, I..." Wuchen's eyes were dead silent, as if looking at a dead person, and the egret was even more frightened and stuttered. "Let me take a good look at you." Wuchen's short flowing hair danced without wind, messy like weeds, and the corners of his mouth seemed to have a smile that seemed to be full of cynical contempt. "Do you want to dance too? Let the horse come here." Wuchen said calmly, looking at Egret Geng bored in every possible way, and said: "You are so beautiful, if you can't dance more beautifully, I will kill you, then It's such a pity." The egret leaned down with blond hair that was as dazzling as gold, setting off her extremely noble. "Death?!" Egret is full of despair in her heart. She still has her own ambitions, so she is going to die now?She is really reluctant to give up, and she still has her own dreams, how can she be willing to die.The eyeballs were turning dripping dripping, revealing a strange edge, and suddenly, the beautiful face of the egret flashed a strange color, as if he had found some good idea. "Looks like I've decided." Wuchen also showed a look of anticipation, and his fingers moved again, "Come on, let me have a horse, let me see what kind of level your little girl has." Wen Yan, The egret came more calmly and elegantly, deliberately puffed out her chest, and outlined a beautiful smile on the corner of her mouth. She came slowly step by step, and there was a noble temperament overflowing her body between her gestures, like a noble princess, temperament Fascinating. "My head is sick." Seeing this, Wuchen's brows could not help wrinkling. She was fighting this chick, not watching her catwalk.In just a few steps, Egret walked to Wuchen's side, thinking that this guy would suddenly attack, but she knelt down on one knee and knelt down reverently.Seeing this scene, Wuchen couldn't help but stare at the girl for a moment, and asked boredly: "Don't you want to rely on me?" "Master Wuchen." Egret continued to lower his head and said I didn't say much, just one sentence of Mr. Wuchen actually explained everything. "I used to be blind and bewitched by Jiulanshu... As long as you are willing, I am willing to be a slave and a servant, just like Zaoyuan Liujia loyal to you." Egret looked up at Wuchen, noble and noble. Her face bloomed with a charming and charming smile, she deliberately opened her collar, and the snow-white and tall flesh was exposed to the dust-free eyes, round and amazing in size.Wuchen couldn't help but stagnate for a while, looked at the egret for a few seconds, and secretly said in his heart: "This woman is very interesting, she knows that she is not my opponent, so she gave up resistance and chose to rely on me... Even in order to survive, you can sacrifice the appearance of death. What." The corner of Wuchen's eyes flashed across Egret's chest again, this woman is a delicate type, she is not very tall, and her butt is not very upturned, but the sexy chest is not. It's too big to be ridiculous, and the petite body is close to the legendary type of childish face and breasts, and it really has two cents of capital. "There is a play." Discovering that Wuchen was tempted, Egret was even more secretly delighted, and her beautiful eyes contained a vague spring feeling, as if it would discharge and rush directly into Wuchen's heart.At the same time, the egret suddenly stood up, took elegant steps, and deliberately lifted the princess dress she was wearing, revealing her white and flawless legs, which were as pure as white jade. "Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu." A gust of wind suddenly came, blowing her long skirt high, and the black fat times appeared.The egret moved gently and moved closer to Wuchen. She was like a familiar fairy, exuding mature charm. She used her plump career line to clamp Wuchen's right arm, "Master Wuchen. , you can do whatever you want to me." After speaking, Egret's face turned even redder, shyly lowered her beautiful eyes, and even those with ruddy cheeks could drip blood, and sometimes raised her head slightly to peek at Wuchen, her eyebrows showing affection, budding. The appearance to be released is waiting for the dust-free to pick. "This sassy fox!" This scene, unfortunately, was caught by Zaoyuan Liujia and Jiulan Yuki. Both women stomped their feet in anger. This stinky woman is simply possessed by a generation of saucy gods. 1 The ability to attract people is too powerful, and it is extremely shameless. "You two should be careful. That woman is poisonous. If I were a man, I might not be able to control it." Fei Yingxian reminded softly that, as a woman, she was originally the type of alluring country. She is an extremely rare beauty, and now even Fei Yingxian is a little jealous of Egret, and she does have a set. "Hmph, stinky boy, wait for me, this time I'll let you get some cheap money, and I'll squeeze you out in the future, I have to torture you alive." The egret smiled even more like the breeze, which made people relax their vigilance, but In her heart, she cursed Wuchen very viciously. Because of this bastard, she even knelt down. For a woman who is more confident and ambitious in Egret, this is 1 times more uncomfortable than killing her. "You look so beautiful." Seeing the egret for a while, Wuchen looked addicted, as if she was really hooked up by this woman, "I will promise you." "In the future, I will definitely take good care of you. Serving Wuchen." Bailu was even more overjoyed when he heard the words, and nodded respectfully to Wuchen, pretending to be innocent and pure on the outside, but actually full of contempt in his heart, and sneered contemptuously: "In the end, it's still a color..." "Kacha..." Before Egret even finished speaking, she suddenly felt that her neck and head were separated. A divine sword that cut iron like mud chopped up her head, and her head fell to the ground like a ball. , rolling around, blood all over the floor. "No, Lord Wuchen, what do you mean?" Bailu looked even more confused, shouldn't this guy be captured by his beauty?Even though her head fell to the ground, she couldn't just die casually. Wuchen was not using a hunter weapon.However, Wuchen didn't even look at her, his eyes glared, and the dark sky directly swallowed the egret. "It's okay for men to be lecherous, but for a hypocritical bitch like you, you must kill them all." After speaking, Wuchen left, and couldn't help sighing that the egret is even more ridiculous, there are too many confidantes in the system Now, which one is not celestial?This little girl really thinks that she is superior to others and that she can charm herself, which is simply a fantasy.

Chapter 45 The end of the vampire knight [first more]

After solving the Egret update, and killing all the vampires, Wuchen was relieved. Those vampires are just a group of minions, and solving them is just a small problem.

About half a day later, all the vampires entrenched in the Black Lord Academy were beheaded, but sadly, the Black Lord Academy also turned into ruins.

"My previous thinking was a little naive."

Standing on the endless ruins, the black master Hui Yan clenched his fists, and his years of hard work were all destroyed by the hateful vampires. Can he not be angry?

At the same time, he also sighed that the previous ideas were too naive. The relationship between the two races was like a natural enemy. If vampires wanted to live, they had to draw nourishment from humans.

Artificial blood would not satisfy a vampire's cunning appetite.

"You can understand."

Wuchen smiled lightly and patted the black master Hui Yan on the shoulder: "It is almost impossible to relieve the hatred between species. Even if vampires can give up human blood, then humans can restrain their fear of vampires?"

"This... you have some truth in what you said. My previous thoughts were all wishful thinking." Hearing this, the black master Hui Yan couldn't help but sank, and then nodded with a wry smile.

In this world, the most difficult thing to resolve is the conflict between races, especially the hatred between humans and vampires, which has lasted for thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years. How can it be so easy to turn war into jade?


Wuchen suddenly turned his back to the black master Hui Yan, staring at the distant sky, "This is the last time we meet. After today, I will leave this world... Remember, it is forever."

"Leave this world?!"

The black master Hui Yan couldn't help but be stunned when he heard the words. The implication was that he did not simply resign, but seemed to mean to disappear from this world forever.

When he looked at Wuchen again, the figure in front of him had vanished.

In the quiet room, after all the vampires were tortured and killed, Fei Ying Xian and Hayao Yuan Liu Jia, including Yuuki, all prepared their luggage, and the three planned to leave with Wu Chen.

In this world, there is nothing worth lingering about.

"We can completely rule this world, Master." When he left, Zaoyuan Liujialu stared at the blue sky with fascination, and a deep reluctance was brewing in those beautiful gem-like eyes.

Wuchen glanced at Zaoyuan Liujia in surprise. At first, when she said she was going to leave, this little girl was very active and wanted to flash people quickly. How can she show such a reluctant expression now?

"I also don't think it's necessary. There's nothing wrong with a carefree life in this world." Jiulan Yuki also suddenly nodded, looking at Wuchen with a pure face, and said coquettishly: "Good brother, why don't we stay here forever?"

After finishing speaking, Jiulan Yuji deliberately softened into Wuchen's arms, rubbed Wuchen with her budding career line, and deliberately blew hot air in his ear, Xiaoxiang's tongue gently Licking Wuchen's ear, she blushed and said, "If you agree, no matter what brother wants to do to me, Yuki will obey your orders."

After speaking, Jiulan Yuki blushed to the extreme, and blood dripped from her face. She looked very shy, but she still summoned up her courage and gently kissed Wuchen's cheek, and immediately revealed a shy look. The coquettish and shy look picked by Deputy Renjun is very cute.

"Uh... Did you make a mistake? You wanted to leave one by one before, but now you are paying more attention?" Wuchen was confused, before whether it was Yuu Lan or Zaoyuan Liujia who wanted to go Unknown world.

"You can't guess a woman's mind at all, I really don't understand why a man like you has so many beautiful women following." Fei Yingxian's calm voice followed, and she slowly explained: "Before , Yuji and Liu Jia want to leave, because they didn't know that you have a super harem group, and now that they know, they definitely don't want to leave, after all, there are so many porridges and wolves, you alone, everyone will definitely not be able to tell them apart."

Hearing this, Wuchen's cheeks suddenly darkened, and he looked at Fei Yingxian badly, what did this indifferent little girl think of herself?Listen to this tone, is there any difference between this fuck and a male prostitute! ?


A crisp sound came suddenly, and the frightened Fei Yingxian jumped up. Her pretty face, which could be broken by bullets, was covered with frost, and murderous intent was awe-inspiring: "You dare to hit my ass?!"

When Fei Ying's gossip fell, even the air was extremely awe-inspiring, and the chill embellished by her beautiful eyes was enough to penetrate a person's body.

Seeing this, Wuchen just smiled lightly, and said calmly: "You must have done it on purpose, you know that I am a shameless person and like to spank women's butts, and you also deliberately said that, secretly mocking me as a male prostitute. , you just want to make me your ass, right? You change the way to take advantage of me, Fei Yingxian, you are really good at it!"

After finishing speaking, Wuchen also gave Fei Yingxian a thumbs up.


Hearing this, Fei Yingxian was directly vomiting blood, how could there be such a brazen scum in this world?It's unbelievable that the strength is still strong, and Fei Yingxian can't cope with all her strengths.

Therefore, being taken advantage of by Wuchen, she could only swallow her anger. If she wanted to take revenge, it was unrealistic, and Wuchen would only humiliate her even more.

"Giggle... Sister Fei Yingxian was also bullied." Jiulan Yuki's eyes narrowed into crescent moons, and her laughter was sweet.

Seeing this, Wuchen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It would be good if everyone could live in harmony. If he went to the system to fight a civil war, he would have a headache.

After about ten minutes, Wuchen and others completely disappeared from this world.

New sister Demon King Contractor

Chapter 1 New Sister Demon King Contractor [First Update]

In the system world, surrounded by mountains and green and lush green, there are countless palaces located in the middle of the mountainside, looming in the clouds, like a fairyland on earth, the scenery is very beautiful.

The girls who just came to the system world were quickly fascinated. It was hard to imagine that this world was several times larger than the world they lived in before.

And there is only one supreme master - Wuchen.

After arranging a few girls, Wuchen didn't stop there, and proceeded to the next invasion without food.

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