
This is an azure world. The sky is as deep and pure as the ocean, and it is endless. Breathing in the refreshing air is refreshing.

In the bright morning, people quickly finished their breakfast and rushed to work. The faces of office workers on the road were anxious. The city was too busy, and there were frequent traffic jams.

There was only a frivolous young man sitting on the bench, with his legs crossed comfortably, his eyes wandering, full of unfamiliarity with the world around him, and the opposite of those office workers, this man had a leisurely expression on his face. .

"Which world is this... If the force is pitiful, it is really expected by the General Assembly." Wuchen looked up at the sky, sighed in despair, and was completely disappointed in this world.

He has been wandering around for several days and has not found a suitable prey.

"Let's find a place to rest for a while."

Wuchen looked up and saw a row of apartments waiting to be sold not far away. His body was exhausted and he thought about it carefully. It was time to find a place to rest.

"Just find it anywhere and buy it."

Wuchen stood up from the bench and walked towards the apartment not far away. Because of the relationship of "The King's Treasure", he didn't worry about running out of money.

For him, things like banknotes are almost limitless.

It took about half an hour for Wuchen to complete the purchase procedures. For a local rich customer like him, who is stupid and rich, the procedures have always been extremely fast, and others are afraid that Wuchen will go back on it.

It took about another two or three days, and Wuchen finally finished the furniture. Just when he locked the door and planned to go out for a delicious meal, he was caught by two shadows. "

"Mio-sama, have you seen that kid? I've already checked it out. He's alone, or he doesn't do his job all day, so he knows the salted fish who is idle."

In the alley in the corner, the white-haired loli girl introduced that her name was Naruse Maria, and the fiery red long-haired girl standing beside her was called Naruse Mio, the daughter of Demon King Wilbert.

"Maria, have you checked it out?" Naruse Mio's eyes fluttered with hesitation. She clenched her fist tightly. If possible, she really didn't want to involve a human being in the strife of the demons.

"Mio-sama, don't worry, I won't hurt him." Naruse Maria patted the poor chest and assured: "I will use magic power to change his memory, temporarily let this guy think that Mio-sama and I are His sister... Find a suitable identity, Mio-sama and I can also save a lot of unnecessary trouble."

"Okay, just do as you say."

After hesitating for a while, Naruse Mio's pretty face lightly tapped a few times, and the two of them quietly invaded the dust-free home.


"That should be enough for a while."

On the way home, Wuchen was carrying a few plastic bags, which were filled with all kinds of food, most of which were instant noodles, so he was not picky about eating, and Wuchen had no talent for cooking, anyway, no matter what. You can handle it, as long as you can eat it.

About fifteen minutes later, Wuchen finally arrived at the door of the house. He picked up the key and opened the door, but the scene that caught his eye made him sluggish.

Looking up and looking straight, at the door of the bathroom deep in the corridor, two naked girls are intertwined. A petite silver-haired girl is riding on the red-haired girl's stomach, rubbing her white hands vigorously. With the red-haired girl's career line, the tall and slender members were crumpled into various shapes.

You can even hear filthy words like "Mio-sama, let me see how you look in love".

"Did I go to the wrong place?"

After being in a daze for a moment, Wuchen looked back quickly, and he definitely did not go wrong. The words "clean dust" were written on the plaque of the small courtyard.

There is no doubt that this is the new home I just bought, but what the hell are these two... !

"Mio-sama, and Maria?!"

Wuchen's pupils shrank suddenly, he just heard such words just now, and in a trance, he already understood the world he came from - the world of the new sister demon king contractor!

In order to make sure there was no mistake, Wuchen looked at Naruse Mio and Naruse Maria carefully. Maria was like a female erotic, and those small hands were like tentacles, scurrying around Mio Suxiang's body. The girl also made some weird noises out of instinct, which made people bloody excited.


The reaction speed of the two women was really uncomplimentable. It was not until Wuchen watched their performance for dozens of seconds that the two women who were playing hipi realized that someone was looking at them with integrity.

Not to mention the shy Naruse Mio, even a dream demon like Naruse Maria has hot ears, and her pale cheeks are banned by a morbid flush.

"You, you bastard! When did you come back? I don't feel at all, I don't even make a sound when I walk."

In order to cover up the embarrassment, Naruse Maria pointed at Wuchen and cursed, this kid must have done it on purpose.

"That's kind of interesting."

The dust-free and boring face showed a little playfulness, and the boring days were long over, and he needed this new life.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! !


Chapter 2 Naruse Mio and Naruse Maria, be my servants [Second]


At this moment, a burst of light suddenly appeared on Maria's body, an inexplicable deterrent force covered Wuchen's head, and the open door slammed shut automatically.

"Boy, have you seen something you shouldn't see?!" Wanliya looked at Wuchen with a bad eye, and was quite unhappy. This guy sneaked in quietly, but he didn't realize that, as Naruse Mio's servant and bodyguard is a shame.

Hearing this, Wuchen shrugged fearlessly, and explained loudly, "Can you blame me for not being able to? You guys are so engaged in playing that you are ignoring me, a big living person."

"I, I, I..."

Naruse Mio's pretty face was extremely embarrassing, and at the same time she gave Maria a vicious look. This lascivious little girl was a sneak attack every time she was in the bath. While she was taking a bath, she approached her like a ghost, looking for an opportunity to launch an attack. Sneak attack on Naruse Mio.

"Long story short." Wuchen pursed his lips, stared at the two and asked bluntly: "This is my home, right? The two of you are doing that kind of thing in my home... Is it necessary to give me an explanation?"

After finishing speaking, Wuchen looked at Naruse Mio, and as for Naruse Wanria, she ignored it, knowing that she was just a servant.

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