"Didn't you notice anything?" Wuchen asked suddenly, with a cold look in his eyes.


Maria, who was pulled back to her thoughts, glanced at Wuchen suspiciously, and then said without hesitation: "Master is talking about those monsters outside? Just leave it to me."

"That's not what I said."

Wuchen shook his head, the group of monsters attracted by Mio's magic power all had their own shadow clones to solve.

Under the domineering perception of seeing and hearing, Wuchen clearly noticed that someone followed Maria and quietly followed. There were not many, just one person. The hiding skills were barely good, at least avoiding Maria's detection.

"I'll go take a look."

Putting down the book in his hand, Wuchen walked out the door.

Mio's identity is too sensitive. Whether it's from the demon world or the brave family, all eyes are on her. Before, she took a few days off from school, and this time she took a few days off, which adds up to almost a week. It is estimated that the brave The monitors of the clan and the demon world felt that there was a problem and came to take a look.

Chapter 9 Yuki Nonaka [First Update]

After going out, the poisonous sunlight shone down from the sky, and Wuchen subconsciously picked up his small hand to block the sunlight, only to feel that his face was scorched.

"This damn god doesn't give face at all."

Forgetting a glance at the sky, Wuchen muttered, and then walked out of the courtyard carelessly, looking around, searching for the enemy following him.

The stalker was obviously hidden, and there was no suspicious person in the place where Wuchen's sight could see, and then the arrogance spread quietly, searching for creatures within a radius of hundreds of meters.

Seeing, hearing, domineering is the power of listening. As long as any creature is alive, its body will emit a special sound. The dust-free seeing, hearing, and domineering has already reached the realm of ecstasy, and he can hear the tiniest sound.

"found it."

After just a few minutes, Wuchen's eyes flashed with a gleam, and the corner of his eyes swept into the alley on the left, about a hundred meters away, and a cautious gaze was secretly staring at himself.

The person who was watching carefully was a young girl. She only showed half of her head. Her messy and slightly neat aqua-blue hair drooped under her forehead. The eyes are even more pure and flawless, exuding a crystal clear light.


Behind the girl, a flash of light condensed, and the figure of nearly [-] meters quickly condensed, and the dust-free figure in white casual clothes appeared silently.

The girl did not notice the abnormality behind her. Those beautiful eyes that were as calm as autumn water were still staring at the dust-free home.

"So familiar chick... I always feel like I've seen it somewhere before."

Wuchen walked in and observed it carefully, and after a few more glances, he recognized the identity of the girl.

"Nonaka Yuki?" After confirming that he was not mistaken, Wuchen asked lightly, "Is it good-looking when you stare so deeply?"

"What does it look good? I'm bored, leave quickly, it's none of your business." Nonaka Yuki replied subconsciously, following a demon in a boring manner, what's so good about it?

However, the moment these words fell, Yuki Nonaka was stunned, who could approach him quietly?

"who is it?!"

The girl turned her head in disbelief, and Wuchen's half-smiling face came into view, and the curvature of the corners of her mouth was even more playful.

"how is this possible?!"

Nonaka Yuki's sluggish smiling face flashed a deep disbelief, her eyes widened exaggeratedly, and following the line of sight just now, Wuchen was still standing at the door in a daze.

"Why are there two identical you?" Yuki Nonaka exclaimed, at the same time the dangerous long sword had been scabbed out, the tip of the sword pointed at Wuchen's throat, full of vigilance and caution.

Although Yuki Nonaka tried her best to remain calm, the surprise in her beautiful eyes could still be clearly captured.

Out of the corner of his eye, he peeked at Wuchen, who was looking at the other place, because he couldn't find the stalker, and his expression was very troubled. If it was fake, it was too lifelike to imitate.

"It's just my hidden clone, it's normal if you can't see it." Wuchen said lightly, which was also expected.

After all, even though Yuki Nonaka is a hero, they are just ordinary characters.


Wuchen snapped his fingers, and then, when Yuxi was puzzled, the hidden clone disappeared with a "bang".

"I have no other intentions." Wuchen looked down at Yuki Nonaka, and said politely: "Although I like an exciting life, but ah, ants, forget it, I can't get the slightest appetite, think about it. It's also very simple to say, you, and your brave family, don't harass Mio in the future."

Hearing this, Yuxifan's jade-carved face sank slightly, "Are you warning me? That guy is the daughter of the Demon King, and may do things beyond common sense at any time. He is the object of our brave family's surveillance. I advise you not to worry about it. business."

Wuchen took out his ears, sighed helplessly, and said that it seemed useless for a long time.

"It's very simple, Mio is my servant, I don't want to take care of this business." Wuchen said lightly: "As I said before, I am not interested in ants. If you are not wise, there will be another time. You warriors are about to die."


Yuxi's little face showed a sullen look, listening to Wuchen's words, it seemed that he wanted to kill their brave family, and it was too arrogant, the demons could not destroy them, let alone Wuchen alone.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The dangerous sword edge suddenly came towards the face, and the bright edge of the sword tip was exposed, stabbing towards the dust-free face.


Wuchen did not evade, his head was stabbed on the spot, and a warm and shining light splashed out.

"Even if I stand in front of you, you can't kill me, it's too far."

The wound healed in an instant, and the voice of the dust-free cloud was light and windy. Seeing that he had such a strange and unpredictable ability, Yuxi's face froze.

Not believing in evil, she stabbed again with her sword, and Wuchen's body was constantly being poked out of wounds, but the result was exactly the same as before. The wounds flowed out photons, not blood, and they were repaired in the blink of an eye.

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