Chapter 10 Ambush? 【First Update】

Wuchen stood calmly in front of Yuxi, the girl did everything she could, even if he was riddled with holes, her calm and indifferent face was not shaken in the slightest, and she spoke freely, as if nothing was happening, do whatever you want. To attack is to stand still, without feeling at all. The only entity that wants to attack Wuchen is armed and domineering.

I don't know how long it took, Yuxi's attack frequency gradually decreased, and she was so tired that she was sweating profusely, and even Wuchen was tired of standing.

"Are you tired? Give it up, my back hurts from standing, and you still haven't killed me!" Wuchen asked with a smile, rubbing his back, which was really uncomfortable.

"You monster!" Yuxi was annoyed, this guy is a monster, he has stabbed thousands of holes all over his body, but it will be repaired in the next second, is there such a monster?

People who can repair physical wounds have seen it before, but the speed of Wuchen is too fast, almost in one thought, the wounds all over the body will heal, and it seems that there is no burden on Wuchen's calm appearance.

"Go on!"

Yuxi's eyes narrowed, and the sharp sword in her hand swept out again, sweeping towards Wuchen.

Seeing this, Wuchen just stretched out a finger.


A knife hit a dust-free finger, like hitting a solid metal, and sparks were sparked, and Yuxi's arm trembled slightly.

Seeing this, the girl's face was even more ugly, and she was desperate. Not only was this guy immune to physical attacks, but his skin was even stronger than a diamond, so he couldn't even pierce it.

That tiny finger actually blocked his attack.


A crisp sound came suddenly, and Yuxi couldn't help but froze for a moment, Mei Mu looked up, and saw Wuchen's two fingers clutching her blade tightly.

Those two white fingers seemed weak and weak, but their strength was surprisingly terrifying. Even with all of their strength, they couldn't pull out the long knife.

"Kick ka ka ka...

Then I only heard Wuchen use a little force, and lightly crushed his weapon.

Youxi stared at Wuchen in awe, with a deep shock on her face, her career line trembled, she just felt like a sting in her throat, even if she had a thousand words, she couldn't say it, looking at Wuchen's cold face, there were more A layer of coldness, there is no previous play.

I was just bored before, just teasing this child. Who would have thought that she would have to make an inch, and Wuchen would definitely not give a good face.


Finally, with an explosion, Wuchen crushed Yuxi's saber with his bare hands, and the fragments fell to the ground. Then, his thin hands locked towards Yuxi's throat.

The girl turned pale when she saw this, and was so frightened that she quickly backed away. In front of this man, she was too fragile, like a baby in a swaddle, vulnerable to a single blow.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Wuchen swept a large number of photons all over his body, flashed out, and disappeared in an instant. Yuxi's speed is also very fast, the speed of wind, but ah, is there a speed of light?

Almost instantly, Wuchen blocked Yuxi, and his right hand tightly grabbed her throat.

"let me go!"

Yuxi was lifted up, her breathing was extremely difficult, and her feet were in the air.

Wuchen looked at the girl lightly, then suddenly glanced back, and said coldly: "You guys are really calm, do you want to watch your companions get killed?"

"Did you find it!?"

Yuxi, who had difficulty breathing, couldn't help but be stunned. In fact, at the beginning, she was not the only one who came, and the other companions hid in ambush to prevent accidents.

Those few people were hiding very secretly, and Wuchen actually found out, Yuxi was really surprised.

"If that's the case, then I'll kill you." Wuchen suddenly smiled evilly, locked the right hand of Yuxi's throat, and increased his strength the next moment.

"Cough cough...cough cough..."

Yuxi coughed in pain, it was very uncomfortable, tears flowed, she only felt that her neck was about to be twisted, and she might suffocate at any time.

Don't look at Wuchenchang's weakness, the body is of that thin type, but the power is terrifying. Under this thin body, there is hidden explosive power.


At this moment, behind Wuchen, suddenly several high-density magic bullets struck.

"Boom boom boom!"

The light bomb exploded, and the place where Wuchen was before was blown into ruins, and the flash condensed in another place, and Wuchen and Yuxi who was caught by him emerged.

"It's understandable to kill me, but you are still being held by me... These people even want to kill you?" Wuchen frowned, looking at the man on the fox's cheek, he must be a brave family, who just shot He was the one who attacked.

"Spo, what did you mean just now, you want to kill your sister?!"

The girl with a face shape similar to Yuxi asked angrily, if it wasn't for Wuchen's quick response, maybe the two of them would have been blown to pieces by Spo Gongyi.

And the girl who fought for Yuxi was her sister, Nonaka Walnut.

Chapter 11 Your companions are dead, it's not interesting that you are still alive! 【First Update】

Spo Gongyi kept his eyes closed, and the corners of his mouth were raised high again, his expression looked very strange, like a cunning fox.

"Shut up and find out your identities. The supervisor of this operation is me." Spo Gongyi said indifferently, not taking Ye Zhonghutao seriously, and said lightly: "If you kill this guy, If you just sacrifice your sister, we will make a lot of money, how can there be undead in war?"

"Spo is right. Sometimes some sacrifices are unavoidable. Our brave family wants to protect the world. Yuki also has the consciousness of sacrificing himself, right?"

Another member of the brave family followed closely. He had blond hair, was tall, and had a solemn expression. His face was unsmiling and very serious.

"Gao Zhi, even you? Everyone is a companion who grew up together."

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