"You've got the wrong person, I'm not a so-called god, I, I'm just here to find my student." Hasegawa's eyes flickered, and he decisively chose to hide his identity.

This kid is like a perverted demon. When an ordinary person hears a god, shouldn't he be respectful and fearful?This bastard is good, looking at himself with a frenzied and a little excited, as if he has found a fun toy, Hasegawa shudders.

"If you don't admit it, that's okay, but..." Wuchen narrowed his eyes, with a wicked smile on his face, "But, I still can't let you go."

"Why?!" Hasegawa was stunned, Meimei stared at Wuchen with wide eyes, this guy and he didn't know each other, obviously it was the first time they met.

When we meet for the first time, we must sign a master-servant contract and become a slave-like existence. Dare to be more overbearing?

"Because you exposed murderous aura to me..." Wuchen said seriously: "Do you think I will let go of someone who wants to kill me?"

Hasegawa's expression changed, treating this kind of person, it would be fine if he didn't kill him, let alone let him go.

"So, you still have to sign a master-servant contract for me, Maria, prepare it for me immediately, I'll try what it's like to be a god later, and Mio and Yuki, go buy me some The collars are all spare, understand?"

"You are dreaming!"

Hasegawa Meimu shot a sharp edge, what a joke, if he signed a master-servant contract with Wuchen, wouldn't he be this guy's slave?What other human rights and freedoms are there? She is the god of the heavens, and she has become a slave of human beings. How can she save face?


Hasegawa's jade hand waved gently, and the dazzling magic formation instantly formed, and the light bombs roared out like a torrential rain.

"Childish guy." Seeing this, Wuchen just pouted with extreme disdain. He blinked lightly, and a powerful pupil power followed.

"Divine power!"


The void in front of Wuchen was suddenly torn out of terrifying cracks, like a black hole. All the light bullets that were shot were swallowed by this black hole, like a stone entering the sea, and there was no movement after that.

"What kind of ability is this?!" Hasegawa scolded secretly, realizing that something was wrong, she turned around and retreated, this guy is too dangerous.

But Hasegawa hadn't run a few steps before a powerful, irresistible force suddenly descended, locking Hasegawa tightly like the hand of God.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

Behind, the dense gravitational force suddenly came, and Hasegawa suddenly realized that his body was out of control, completely lost his balance, and inexplicably floated in the air.

Looking back, it is clear that it is Wuchen with a wicked smile.

"If you continue to be so self-willed, I'm really angry." Wuchen glanced at Hasegawa coldly, and said coldly: "Of course, you can't be afraid of death, but... if I make that kid Dongcheng Basara bigger Unloading eight yuan, what do you think?"

"you dare?!"

Hearing this, Hasegawa's beautiful eyes instantly turned red, like a hungry beast, staring at Wuchen frantically, as if he was willing to die together.

"I have traveled through countless worlds, and I haven't encountered anything I dare not. If you think I dare not, you can try it." Wuchen sneered again and again, Dongcheng Xun was killed by himself, not to mention his son, who provoked Wuchen. , still destroy it!

"In this vast universe, there are countless worlds that have been destroyed by me!" The moment Wuchen said this, there was a blood mist surging behind him.

Everyone was terrified, and everyone saw such a scene in their eyes-the past years, Wuchen used the infinite moon reading, and the scene of the divine tree world descending to destroy countless worlds.

"Take a step and try, if you dare to take a step, I will lose." Wuchen sat on the sofa leisurely, and the released Vientiane Tianyin also took back, looking at the gloomy Hasegawa with a playful face, "It's better to clean up you. To clean up Dongcheng Basara, that kid was beaten by me, you must be in more pain, right?"

Hasegawa's cheeks are blue, this guy is really shameless to the extreme.

"you are vicious……"

Hasegawa took a deep breath and heard Wuchen's threat, but in the end he gave in and stood still, only those cold eyes locked onto Wuchen.

"You know what you're interested in." Wuchen nodded lightly, Hasegawa compromised, but he was not as happy as he imagined.

In fact, the more Hasegawa is like this, the more angry Wuchen is, and he has to accept her as a servant. This guy still thinks about others, especially the other party is Dongcheng Xun's child, which is even more uncomfortable for Wuchen. There is a raging breath in the pupil.

Chapter 18 Mother and daughter with developed estrogen [first more]

"Where the hell is this guy's head?"

Hasegawa was also secretly depressed, and felt the sense of oppression emanating from Wuchen, as if he had encountered the legendary natural enemy, and he felt uncomfortable all over.

"Don't let me meet that stinky boy Dongcheng Basara, or I will definitely kill him." Even though he had never met, Wuchen had already sentenced Dongcheng Basara to death in his heart, and he would definitely kill that nasty stinky boy next time he met.

Wuchen is so domineering and savage, unreasonable, perhaps in the eyes of Mio, Yuxi and others, this is the logic of robbers, but Wuchen is convinced that the strong are respected and the strength is superior, what's wrong with being arrogant?Even if the other party is a weak chicken and doesn't look pleasing to the eye, Wuchen will still decisively trample him to death.

"Go back." Mu Ne looked at Hasegawa for a moment, Wuchen suddenly changed his mind, and said extremely indifferently: "Disappear from my eyes immediately."

When Wuchen's words fell, everyone was stunned. Yuxi and Hu Tao, including Maria and Mio, looked at Wuchen in shock. This guy is so possessive, especially a perfect beauty like Hasegawa. , Both her temperament and her figure are impeccable. Who would have expected this guy to let her get out of the way? It's unbelievable.

Even Hasegawa was full of surprise, staring at Wuchen's indifferent cheek in surprise, and subconsciously blurted out, "Are you sure? Or was it just my illusion?"

"Are you overconfident?" Wuchen showed contempt and said with contempt: "You are very beautiful, but I have seen too many beauties. In my eyes, you are a cow with developed estrogen. ."


Hearing this, Maria and Mio couldn't hold back their laughter. Even Hu Tao and Yuxi, who had the most opinions on Wuchen, snickered and gave Wuchen a thumbs up. This guy is too good at swearing. .

"How dare you..."

Hasegawa shivered with anger, that majestic career line was dangling, and she was about to blow up her clothes. She was also a goddess aloof, this bastard actually said that she was a cow with developed estrogen?What a shame!

"Are you still not satisfied?"

Wuchen asked calmly, and said calmly, "How about I take off your clothes and take a look?"

"Don't regret it, I will find you to settle the account when I get back the power of the heyday." Hasegawa gave Wuchen a vicious look, and those biting eyes kept Wuchen in his heart forever.

This hateful man who gave her a huge shame will never be forgotten for the rest of her life.

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