"Wuchen, no, master... just let her go like this? This guy's origin is unknown, and he is powerful, watching her leave, isn't that just letting the tiger go back to the mountain?" Maria asked worriedly, always feeling Wuchen If you are too self-willed, it would be great if you signed a master-servant contract, so you can train with confidence without worrying about revenge.

"Your worries are superfluous. She wants to catch up with me, and she has been practicing for 1 years... Moreover, what if I make her surrender..." Wuchen continued to close her eyes and lay lazily. On the sofa, he said plainly, "What's the point of forcing a woman to bow her head? It's pointless to be aggressive in front of a woman who is weaker than you. All I need is for the whole world to tremble under my feet!"

"It sounds nice, you haven't forced us to bow our heads, we are also women!" Hu Tao took the opportunity to complain, but Wuchen forced them to sign a master-servant contract.

"You are different. Turning you into servants is purely out of interest. You can also understand that I am too boring and need one or two people to chat with me to pass the boring time... And following me is not for you either. The downside is that Mio and Maria don't have to worry about being hunted down."

Hearing this, Mio and Maria nodded. This is a fact. In the past, they were often chased and killed by other demons. Now they have become the servants of Wuchen. No matter what, their lives are at least safe.

Immediately afterwards, a mocking smile appeared on Wuchen's face and explained: "And Hasegawa is a noble woman, what's the point of putting a collar on her directly? It's the most comfortable way to torture her slowly and let her beg for mercy... The one thing that annoys me the most, that guy still has that kid Tojo Basara in his heart, and my servant thinks about other men, which is really annoying, when I kill Tojo Basara, I'm forcing that guy to sign a contract, she He will definitely hate me very much, the effect of the curse will always haunt Hasegawa, that guy can't bear it, he will come to beg me... Don't you think it's very interesting?"

When these words fell, the faces of several women were unnatural. Suddenly, I felt that this handsome and outrageous man was a living devil, even more terrifying and evil. At least the devil's brain is not so big, he will not come up with such a sinister 's strategy.

Signing a master-servant contract for an enemy who hates himself is definitely the most cruel way, because once the other party is unfavorable to Wuchen and wants to murder him, the effect of the curse will be activated. At that time, Hasegawa, who can't bear it, will Will seek clean help.

Putting down your dignity and asking for help from your mortal enemy, what else could be more humiliating?

"I'm not a pervert."

He found that several women looked at him warily, and took the initiative to distance himself from him. Wuchen couldn't help crying and laughing, saying that he was innocent. If he wanted to complain, he could only blame Dongcheng Xun for being his enemy, and kill this old boy, his son Dongcheng. Basara wouldn't let Wuchen go, since he was an enemy, he could only be wiped out.

As for the revenge of the brave family, it will definitely follow. No matter what, Dongcheng Xun is the god of war of the brave family, and he will definitely ask for an explanation if he is killed by Wuchen.

Although they signed a master-servant contract with Yuxi, Mio and others, Wuchen did not restrict them too much. They could do what they should do before. After thinking about it, Wuchen finally let them go to school. .

Chapter 19 You are not afraid of exposure, but I am still afraid [Second]

In the early morning of the next day, it was early in the morning, and Wuchen was also woken up early in the morning. Looking out the window, there were a large number of monsters with different appearances gathered around. A face full of murderous intent.

"Are you attracted by Mio's magic power again?"

Wuchen rubbed his head, feeling quite a headache. Every day there are monsters looking for trouble, and if one batch is killed, another batch will come again, which is very annoying.

"Bang bang bang!"

It didn't take long for the magical beasts circling outside the courtyard to be blown up one after another.

And Hu Tao also came out to help, and with a knife in his hand, he could take away the lives of a group of demon beasts.

"Finally it's time to rest."

After a few minutes, all the monsters were killed, and Hu Tao and Maria were also paralyzed from exhaustion, lying directly on the ground gasping for breath.

Wuchen didn't disturb the two of them either. He sat leisurely by the window, made himself a cup of hot tea, and tasted the tea without heart, feeling at ease.

Maria and Hu Tao are both young, and they still have a long way to go. They still need to exercise.

About five minutes later, when Hu Tao and Maria were about to go back to their room to rest, the infiltrating voice of "Ow Oo Oo" came from behind again.

Looking back, a group of demon beasts appeared again, eyeing Maria and Walnut.

"It's really strange... It seems that something is wrong." Seeing this, Wu Chen couldn't help narrowing his eyes, and even put the tea aside.

The number of times the monsters attacked today was the total number in the past, and it was even a lot more. It was like killing one wave after another, as if it couldn't be killed.

When things go wrong, there must be demons. When you think about it carefully, Wuchen smells a bit of conspiracy.

The magical beasts who came to commit crimes in the past were all attracted by Mio's magic power. Although they came to trouble every day, the number was not as exaggerated as it is now, and they were almost inexhaustible.

To a certain extent, this time today is more like a large-scale attack. The last batch is killed and the next batch will come.

"Eight-handed Qionggouyu!"

Wuchen suddenly appeared in mid-air, looking down at the boundary within a few hundred meters, watching the monsters on the ground like locusts, and waving tens of thousands of frightening flashes.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

There were countless beasts entrenched on the ground, but the flashes of light falling from the sky were even more intense.

Within a few seconds, the monsters entrenched around were killed.

"You two don't mind."

Wuchen walked with a lazy pace, and he would definitely see that blood seeped out from the clothes of Walnut and Maria, and there were clear scratches.


Without further ado, Wuchen ripped the pants on Walnut's calf, revealing her snow-white skin.

"Tear my clothes, what do you want?!"

Hu Tao was stunned for a moment, then screamed, and quickly covered her fair calf, staring at Wuchen with a look of alertness, her airy appearance was quite cute.

Seemingly seeing Hu Tao's concern, Wuchen smiled and explained seriously: "Don't worry, if I want to rape you, I can't be here, in broad daylight, if you are not afraid of exposure, I am afraid."

Hearing this, Hu Tao's pretty face turned red, and she was quite embarrassed. She glared at Wuchen, and the hands covering her calf slowly moved away, and the rubbing wound also appeared in her eyes.

Without saying a word, Wuchen threw a medical ninjutsu in the past, and the scratches recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What a miraculous ability." Hu Tao gave Wuchen a horrified look. He didn't expect this guy to have this kind of healing ability. He could fight and heal his teammates. He could be called almighty.


Wuchen ripped apart Maria's clothes again. The scratches were obvious. He also lost a medical ninjutsu in the past.

"It's amazing." Maria looked at Wuchen admiringly, her eyes filled with respect.

Not only Maria, but even Walnut, his heart was a little touched, and there was a little warm current.

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