Such a strong and powerful boss like Wuchen, who also cherishes his subordinates, is rare these days. The so-called servants, for some demons, just use up and throw them away, saving them like Wuchen is completely. The so-called servants are already being used, and they can be discarded at any time if they are broken.

"Doesn't matter? Get up and walk around and give it a try." Wuchen asked softly, the two women nodded subconsciously when they heard the words, and then stood up and walked around. Touching their skin, it was like inexhaustible magic, full of energy.

"Master, this monster attack seems to be different from before." Maria said suspiciously, "It seems to be regular."

Hearing this, Hu Tao also nodded, frowning and said: "It's really strange, Naruse Mio has already gone to school, these monsters can't feel her magic at all, why are they still attacking us?"

"Because it was controlled by someone behind the scenes." Wuchen smiled slightly, his eyes were shining, his hands were in his pockets, and he analyzed wisely: "Some people want to kill us...especially you, Maria."

Looking at the dazed Maria, Wuchen explained with great certainty: "That guy just wants to kill you. As long as you die, anger will drive Mio to awaken the power of the Demon King."

As a traveler, Wuchen also guessed who the murderer was—Takikawa Yahiro, that is, Lass.

Chapter 20 Meeting Hasegawa Again [Chapter Three]

For this character, Wuchen had no malicious intentions, everyone had never met, and there was no grievance, they were all strangers, but this guy dared to cheat himself, and Wuchen would definitely not bypass Lars.

As the saying goes, revenge is not overnight, and Wuchen is this kind of person. If he is beaten in the face, he will return it hundreds of times as soon as possible.

About half an hour later, Wuchen, Maria, and Walnut arrived at Mio's school.

This school has a large population, and it is not easy to find Lass among the hundreds of thousands of people. Maria, Walnut and the Dust-Free Soldiers are divided into three groups, searching for Lass's traces from different directions.

For the safety of the two women, Wuchen also left the Flying Thunder God Warlock on the two of them. Once there is danger, they will immediately appear beside the two women.

Dust-free searches for Russ in the school building.

Walnut is in charge of the playground.

Maria, who has a unique taste, is in charge of the bedroom.

"Mother's leg, don't let me find that kid, or I will never spare him."

In the crowded teaching building, Wuchen searched and searched, but couldn't find any trace of Lass. After searching for half an hour, his legs were sore.

"Just find a place to rest." Wuchen found a teacher at random, and there was a health room hanging there. Without thinking about it, he broke into the door directly.


The locked door was suddenly opened, followed by an extremely angry cry.

"The current students are getting more and more presumptuous." There was obviously someone in the infirmary, and she said with great dissatisfaction, "Which class are you from...why are you here?"

When this woman saw Wuchen, her beautiful eyes instantly magnified countless times, revealing strong hostility and disgust.

"Yo... isn't this Hasegawa-sensei?"

Wuchen was also quite surprised, and then suddenly remembered that Hasegawa was the teacher in the health room of this school, and then a gentle smile appeared on his face.

"What's your expression like? I'm not a broom star." Hasegawa looked disgusted, unlucky, and embarrassed, and was completely treated as a nuisance.

"Are you here to make trouble?" Hasegawa coldly looked at Wuchen and asked, his words full of hostility.

"To be honest, I'm here to find Lass... That kid is called Takigawa Yahiro in this school, have you heard of it? Go and help me find him." Wuchen casually found an empty space One person's bed, he lay down comfortably, "You should know, right? Call me that kid, maybe I will forgive you."

"You forgive me?"

Hearing this, Hasegawa's cheeks turned purple with anger. Listening to this tone, it was as if he had done something sorry for Wuchen. It was shameless!

"Joke, I am the ten gods of the dignified heaven, why should I listen to your orders? Don't look down on yourself too much." Hasegawa said extremely annoyed. !"

"Oh... is it?"

Wuchen looked at Hasegawa jokingly when he heard the words, and said meaningfully: "You said I was a pervert before, right? In fact, you are really right, I am a pervert! I am bored, and I like big boys. Do some things that men and women love during the day, do you want to try it? It happens that I have recently studied a lot of new poses, or... let's try it? "

After speaking, Wuchen gave a wretched smile and looked at Hasegawa's carcass recklessly.


Seeing this, Hasegawa felt aversion to the cold all over his body, and saw Wuchen's obscene light, staring at his perfect body and swept away, his aggressive gaze seemed to be able to pierce through clothes, Hasegawa was inexplicable. of fear.

"I do what I say." Immediately afterwards, Wuchen began to undress, very slippery, and the shirt was taken off, revealing strong muscles.

"No, I'll go right now." Hasegawa was taken aback and hurriedly left the infirmary.

"This guy is still a god. It's too useless. If you deliberately frighten her, she will be cowardly."

Seeing Hasegawa fleeing in a hurry, Wuchen put on his clothes and couldn't help but smile, the so-called god is too fragile, he deliberately frightened her, and immediately persuaded.

"Still too young."

With a sigh of relief, Wuchen closed his eyes and rested with a very lazy expression. As for whether Hasegawa would run away, he was not worried about it. If he could, the monk could not run away from the temple. This school belongs to Hasegawa. base camp.

"Tada ta... ta ta ta..."

It didn't take long, probably only fifteen minutes. In the quiet corridor, there was the sound of high heels twisting, and Wuchen also opened his eyes. Hearing the sound, it should be two people, one of them was wearing high heels and fell to the ground. The voice was extremely loud and easy to distinguish. It was estimated that this person was Hasegawa, and the other person must be Lars.

"Stinky boy, there was no grievance in the past and no enmity in the past, but since you dare to provoke me, today you must be beaten to the point of doubting your life!" The cold light in Wuchen's eyes almost materialized.

This kid is so wicked that he wants to kill Maria or others, using such an extreme method to stimulate Mio's Demon King power is really despicable and shameless.

"Teacher Hasegawa, what is the matter with you looking for me?"

Lass looked at Hasegawa blankly. In his impression, he and this beautiful teacher did not know each other at all, and they had nothing to do with it. It was just an ordinary teacher-student relationship. What is the purpose of this woman looking for him now?

"I hope your fate will not be too tragic."

In front of the health room, Hasegawa suddenly turned his head, glanced at Lass sympathetically, and said something intriguing. Lass frowned when he heard the words, not sure what this guy meant.

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