A ruthless color flashed in his eyes, dust-free one-handed seal, and the focus of his eyes was on the body of the big toad immortal, the majestic chakra with huge vitality began to spew, and the indifferent voice resounded through the sky.

Over the sky, countless red logs were faintly seen falling from the sky.

"Xianfa Ming Shenmen!"

The pitch-black red dots zoomed in, and in an instant, a cloud-covered circular log could be seen descending. The number was too large to estimate the budget completely. Looking around, it almost covered the entire sky.

"Boom boom boom..."

The ground suddenly splattered with dust, the ground began to tremble, and the cracking sound of "kakaka" spread out, and the hideous cracks swallowed all the surrounding ground.

Many toads were directly smashed into blood.

"Do you still want to struggle? Stupid, you used to be able to restrain even ten tails, do you think that even you clowns can't be restrained?"

Staring at the toads below who were not smashed to death, Wuchen's face was grim, and the sneer on his face was undisguised. It would be too funny to say that these toads could break free from the extremely powerful sealing technique of "Mingshenmen".

"Go to hell!"

The pupils dilated suddenly, and the red round wood seemed to be summoned, and began to vibrate slowly, as if the black hole in the depths of the universe had no bottom, madly swallowing the Chakra in the toad...

In some cases, only the skeleton is left directly sucked!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

At the same time, an angry blow from the suppressed Immortal Toad also erupted, and the thick immortal water column roared, enough to easily crush through dozens of mountains, and the sharp water cannon pressed directly over, wanting to smash it. Dust-free grinding and grinding.

"Stupid... I said before that physical attacks don't work for me, can't I hear it at all..."

Shaking his head, Wuchen said helplessly, the ability of elementalization is so unbelievable, almost ignoring all physical attacks, even from the moment he ate the glittering fruit, the world has not touched it...

The body swept the golden luster again, and the dust-free understatement avoided the ushered water cannon.

At the same time, the mind moved slightly, pressing ~ the red log on the big toad fairy immediately began to absorb the chakra in his body, madly swallowing everything in him, including the vitality...

Just a few breaths of effort, it will be gone, and it will fall completely.

Zilai also stared blankly at the tragic scene in front of him, and stopped thinking in his mind, and Miaomu Mountain, one of the three holy places, was easily destroyed.

Suddenly, there was a tingling pain in his heart, and he turned his head in surprise. It was the indifferent face of Wuchen, and the golden long sword penetrated into his body...


Ask for a reward, ask for flowers, ask for an automatic... At least five shifts a day... Naruto will end soon, brothers who like this book cast a vote, leave a message in the world book review area if there is none, and may write in the future!

Chapter 317 Deidara's Death [Fifth More]

Jiraiya's pupils are dark, his eyes are dull, and he has completely lost the luster that a human being should have. The golden long sword inserted into the xiong's chamber is rapidly absorbing his vitality.

"It's over, Jiraiya... That's the gap between you and me, from the first time we met... Not only has the gap between us not been shortened, but because you're standing still, you're behind me. Too much too much."


The arm exerted force, and the Tiancong Yunjian was taken back, and the dust-free and indifferent said, as for the two toads on his shoulders, only the bones were sucked by the dust-free "Mingshenmen" before, and they were already graceful, as long as a little Touch it and it will be ashes.

Jiraiya's face became even paler, he collapsed helplessly on the ground, and the drizzle slapped his face all over.

Wuchen glanced at him with indifferent eyes, and just as he was about to speak, Jiraiya's voice came first, and the content of what he said made him frown, and looked at Jiraiya without realizing it.

"Naruto will inherit my will and transmit the will of fire..."

The corners of the withered mouth wriggled, and Jirai said out of breath, and even a young man with golden hair and a sunny smile flashed in his pupils.

"Boring, he's just a kid who has learned the magic tricks, his delusions shake the sky and the earth, and he is ignorant."

A few months ago, Bai Jue came to the news that Naruto Uzumaki had suddenly disappeared, and there was no trace of him in the Konoha Ninja Village.

His gaze was taken back from Jiraiya, and Wuchen swept past Jiraiya directly, without stopping in the slightest, and didn't say much about a dying person.

As for Jiraiya's corpse, someone would naturally take care of him. With Bai Jue, a corpse specialist, Jiraiya's corpse would never rot out of thin air.

Jiraiya has fallen, and now it is time to instigate Nagato to attack Konoha, instead of paying attention to Jiraiya and Itachi and Deidara's life-and-death duel.

"Master Wuchen..."

The ground beside his feet suddenly burst open, and Jue's figure emerged from the surface, stunned, looking at the flattened ground, he couldn't help taking a deep breath.

In particular, the broken bones of the elegance surprised him even more.

"Even the blood has been swallowed up... It should be Mu Dun, and only Mu Dun has such a terrifying ability to eat."

The corner of Hei Jue's eyes diffused without a trace, taking the scene in front of him into his eyes. He didn't expect Wuchen to be so terrifying to Mu Dun's attainment.

Originally, Mu Dun could only devour the opponent’s Chakra, but Wuchen’s hand played beautifully, unprecedentedly, and directly used the opponent’s entire body as nourishment…

The means are not cruel.

The corners of the dark mouth swept a subtle smile, and Hei Jue sneered secretly in his heart, the more ruthless Wuchen was, the happier he would be, because such people would not be emotionally controlled and would be more devoted to perfecting the "Eye of the Moon" "plan.


Compared with the cloudy and rainy Yuyin Village, on the other side, the sky is clear and cloudless.

Deidara stared at the figure in front of him with a livid face. If his eyes could kill people, Sasuke was now dead, and was cut into a stick by Deidara's piercing gaze.

"Bastard, could it be that the bastards of the Uchiha family were sent by God to deal with Lao Tzu?!"

Deidara's face was even more ugly. He, who has always cared about his image the most, couldn't even help but utter foul language. His inner anger had been completely ignited, and his dissatisfaction with Sasuke was far more than that of Wuchen and Itachi.

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