Wuchen and Itachi do not need any attribute restraint, but defeat him with overwhelming strength, while Sasuke in front of him is different, only relying on the ability to defeat him, although the duel of ninjas is neither despicable nor despicable, Di. Dara's heart still couldn't help but burst into flames.

It's really embarrassing to lose, because of Rick's fire, his clay bombs were all broken by Chidori.

"In front of these eyes, any of your techniques are ineffective..."

Sasuke stared at Deidara indifferently, his breath was calm, and he was obviously much calmer than the irritable Deidara. He looked down at Deidara with a victorious attitude, his eyes were sharp, without the slightest emotional fluctuations. He took it as his dying prey.

"It's really arrogant eyes. Compared with Itachi and Wuchen, you are much more arrogant." The anger in his heart subsided, Deidara calmed down in an instant, and said indifferently towards Sasuke, with a calm tone.

The calm tone seemed to be resigned.

Seeing this, Sasuke's brows froze tightly, and he secretly became alert. Now Deidara felt particularly dangerous to him, and there was never-before-seen madness hidden under that calm look.

"Tell me about Itachi and let you go."

With a sigh of relief, Sasuke decided to let Deidara go once. The people in the "Xiao" organization are complete lunatics. He and Deidara in front of him have no grudges and do not want to kill him.

Hearing that, Deidara stared blankly at Sasuke from the corner of his mouth. Chakra's fluctuations subsided, and his murderous aura was stopped. It seemed that he intended to accept Sasuke's condition.

"From now on, I hate this tone very much, just like those two unsightly guys, as expected of the three brothers..."

His eyes fell into a hollow, Deidara began to recall the past Wuchen and Itachi, clenching his fists, his tone was much lower, the murderous aura that had been quiet erupted again, and the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped to freezing point, filled with a chilling atmosphere.

Under Sasuke's astonished gaze, Deidara shredded his coat abruptly, revealing a ferocious mouth on his chest.

"You, Itachi and Wuchen have the same tone of voice, always with a tone of arrogance to others, this ridiculous arrogance, has it been inherited with your blood and the boundary writing wheel eye?! Especially you Those eyes that looked down on my art made me even more unhappy, this technique was originally prepared for Wuchen and Itachi... Now it can only be used on you!"


After saying that, Deidara took the thin line from the gap of the mouth to the mouth, revealing the big mouth, and stuffed a lot of detonating clay into it at the same time...

In just a moment, Deidara's body was eroded by black lines, which spread to the entire body in a blink of an eye, slowly shrinking until it finally turned into a black chakra ball that floated in mid-air.

"That idiot chose to blow himself up?!"

The corner of Jue's mouth, who was watching in the dark, twitched fiercely, and at the same time, he couldn't help but admire Wuchen one point higher, because Wuchen had said in advance that Deidara might end himself directly. intend to do so.

"It seems to be true, it is indeed the ultimate art in Deidara's mouth."

Hei Jue secretly said in a deep voice, remembering the terrifying scope of self-destruction, and exclaimed in shock: "Didara, that heartbroken madman, seems to want to kill A Fei together, let's retreat quickly, or we will be affected by that self-destruction!"

Hei Jue's half of his face, which was already as black as splashing ink, was even more black, and he was horrified for a while. The terrifying explosion range reached a terrifying ten kilometers, and no one could ignore his existence!

"But that kid Sasuke is definitely going to be finished. To be honest, I really don't like him very much. How can I look at that arrogant expression?"

Bai Jue laughed without conscience, with a tone of schadenfreude.

"Hmph, the people of the Uchiha family are not that vulnerable... I don't know if others will kill them. If we don't leave, we will be buried with this land!"

With a groan, Hei Jue said with dissatisfaction, Sasuke is also the reincarnation of Indra, not so fragile, although he is also very curious about whether Sasuke will be killed, but compared with his own life, he is the King of Heaven. Not worth mentioning.

Hei Jue cherishes his life more than anyone else, and he still has a carefully planned plan - the Moon Eye Plan, how can he die in peace if it has not been successfully implemented.

"Missed a good show..."

With a faint sigh, Bai Jue also fell into the ground to avoid the explosion, just as Hei Jue said, compared with his own life, nothing is worth changing.

After half a sound, the small black sphere obviously reached the limit that it could bear, and the surface layer swept white dazzling light. After the small sphere was replaced by the white light, it began to tremble and expand without limit...

"Boom boom boom..."

A harsh roar resounded through the sky, and the entire earth trembled violently, as if a tenth magnitude earthquake had occurred, and the surface was easily torn apart like paper.

Looking up, I saw a silvery white light covering the sky and covering the sun, covering the entire area of ​​tens of kilometers in an instant. It was no different from the end of the world. Any matter that came into contact with the white impact was swallowed and annihilated in the blink of an eye.

Looking down from the sky, a huge deep pit suddenly appeared on the intact surface...

"That kid is really smart, he exchanged the life of Wan Snake for his own life..."

Wuchen, who was quietly watching the situation, muttered words at the corner of his mouth, nodded slightly, and while Qianjun was in a hurry, Sasuke controlled Orochimaru's psychic beast Wanshen with his writing wheel, and used reverse psychics to ensure that he survived.

"Master Wuchen's next plan is..." Jue's body appeared beside Wuchen and asked carefully, Deidara had blown up and died, and the next target is undoubtedly one of Wuchen and Itachi.

"The two brats are just fighting. Let Sasuke and Itachi kill each other. After Itachi dies, I will tell the truth about Itachi to that kid Sasuke... There is no need to join forces."


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Chapter 318 Payne Attacks Konoha [First More]

It is impossible for Itachi to kill Sasuke, but Sasuke has a deep hatred for Itachi and can't wait to get rid of it, so the duel between Itachi and Sasuke is doomed from the beginning.

All in all, one is willing to be beaten by the other, and both of them are willing to fight each other. Besides, one less is killed, and Wuchen thinks that there is nothing wrong.

Compared to the scheming Itachi, this kid Sasuke is much better at fooling around!

Along the way, Wuchen hummed a little song and returned to his home in Yuyin Village, jumping and jumping halfway.

It seems that he has seen the hard-working appearance of Sasuke in the future after knowing the truth, and the corner of Wuchen's mouth raised a comfortable smile. The so-called brotherly relationship Wuchen has no market here.

After all, Sasuke was chasing and killing him a while ago.

Youzai walked home leisurely, and when Wuchen was about to comfort Yuluo, the uninvited guest immediately blocked the door, staring at the smiling Wuchen, angry.

"If I'm not mistaken, Itachi and his younger brother Sasuke, who are also your two younger brothers, are about to start a life-and-death duel, and you still have the heart to smile."

The stunningly beautiful lady came into view, her beautiful pupils were blinking, her frown and her smile were all very charming~ Rao, her watery eyes were like gems, and the person who spoke was Xiao Nan.

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