The pretty face showed a decisive look, and Xiao Nan didn't talk nonsense.After tossing and turning, only Wuchen can be trusted at present, even if it is very unreliable.

Besides, Xiaonan also has a good feeling for Wuchen, no matter what, he can't say he hates it.

"But then again."

Suddenly realizing that something was wrong, he frowned inwardly, a hint of doubt inevitably arose in his heart, and Wu Chen calmly asked Xiao Nan, "The people in the organization have been killed recently, and they seem to be looking for new team members. Why do I suddenly think of the Tailed Beast..."

His brows were tightly knit together, and there was a lot of speculation in Wuchen's thoughts. It wasn't that he was suspicious by nature. It was just that there was something strange at this time. A few days ago, Payne made repeated orders to add new members, and Sasuke was one of them. Catching tailed beasts at all costs is really strange, the speed of change is too fast.

Uzumaki Nagato should know his body better than others, and his body will only collapse faster if he kills nine tails. There is no reason to risk his own life for the tailed beast.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!

"This has nothing to do with you, do your part well."

It seems to be talking about the existence of some taboos, Xiao Nan's face suddenly stalemate, cold air surges between his brows, and he shouts coldly towards Wuchen.

Obviously Xiaonan didn't want Wuchen to be involved in this matter.

"What about the heart of tofu in the mouth of the knife, Xiaonan."

There was a warm current in my heart, and Wuchen pretended not to know anything.

At the same time, his thoughts became more active. Collecting tailed beasts was nothing more than to revive the super-existence of ten tails. Therefore, whoever benefited the most was the most suspicious.

"Nagato's plan is to temporarily supplement the power of the strong to improve the 'Xiao' organization... But the current concept is obviously the opposite, so I can't wait to revive the ten tails..."

Tongren squinted, Wuchen's first suspect is naturally Hei Jue, this old boy counts the world, and whoever wants the ten tails to be resurrected the most is undoubtedly Hei Jue.

After all, his mother was Kaguya.

After thinking about it, Wuchen shook his head in denial. Hei Jue is a thoughtful person. He walks a step and sees hundreds of steps away. In the beginning, it will only be full of flaws, revealing that he is the man behind the scenes.

Abandoning Hei never counts, there is only one person who is most eager to revive the ten tails, and this person is also very suspicious of resurrecting the ten tails.

"Damn Uchiha Obito, there is a limit to how far you can go. Do you care about me if you are unscrupulous?!"

In addition to Hei Jue, only Obito hopes to do so, hoping to use the power of the ten tails to release the infinite moon reading to the whole world, so as to reunite with the world in his former first~love~Hinohara Rin illusion...

"Don't think blindly."

Just as Wuchen's brain hole was wide open, the dissatisfied Jiao shouted in his ears, and when he looked up, it was Xiao Nan who was frowning, and when Wuchen came back to his senses, he relaxed.

Wuchen looked at Xiaonan with tears in his eyes, and then shook his head to indicate that he was fine.

"A mere chess piece, the ambition is not small, but you don't seem to know the meaning of the human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant... How can you have a chess piece like ten tails."

There was a sarcastic look in the depths of his eyes, and he sneered with disdain.

Wuchen still clearly remembers that after the resurrection of the ten tails, Madaraji and Obito had an opinion analysis. , I hope to meet Nohara Lin in the world of illusion.

"The ambition is not small, but unfortunately your teeth are too fragile, and you don't have the strength to gnaw the fat meat of the ten tails."

The contemptuous smile was fleeting, and Wuchen regained his calm demeanor.

Madara, Obito, and Wuchen are the weakest of the three, but he is the most ambitious one, and he is the first to be killed by Wuchen and Madara.


Ask for a reward and ask for flowers automatically... At least five times a day... Naruto may speed up the progress in the near future. Friends who like this book will vote for the next world. If not, you can leave a message in the book review area, and may write in the future! ! ! !

Chapter 320 Payne Attacks Konoha ([-]) [Third]

Three days later, Haruno lingered, and all things recovered, showing a thriving image.

For the matter with soil, Wuchen also quickly let go, and did not take it to heart.

All in all, Obito was originally a clown-like existence, but he was one of Madara's pawns to contain him at the beginning, and the person who could be defeated by Mouth Dun has always been the object of Wuchen's contempt.

Even if Obito has the essence of being a hero, Wuchen also holds a sneering attitude towards him. If he is comparable to a peerless powerhouse like Uchiha Madara, Obito is just a grain of sand on the edge of the waves, not worth mentioning.


On the top of the mountain, a black shadow was reflected on the ground. Looking up, I saw three black figures standing there, looking down at the distant void, with different expressions.

"As expected of the most prosperous village in the mainland... Even if there is no inhabited borderland, it is a rare fertile land."

Looking at the beautiful paradise below, Wuchen sighed sincerely, compared to the land of rain, the land in front of him is simply a paradise on earth, a paradise for the gods.

No wonder other Shinobi villages are jealous and envious of Konoha village.

"Once upon a time, the land here did not belong to the country of fire..."

Payne's eyes were indifferent to the void in the distance, his purple pupils always maintained a cold color, and his body was wafting with cold air, giving people a creepy feeling.

The fertile land in the country of fire was only seized by Chishou Hasuma and Uchiha Madara.


Wuchen nodded in agreement after hearing the words. After all, the land at the moment was plundered, and the initiators were Qianshou Hasuma and Uchiha Madara.

The combination of these two is absolutely invincible.

After all, there was no ninja village in the era they lived in. Madara and Hasuma only relied on their powerful strength to draw the land for the village, and the essence was just looting.

"The strong flower that ignites the Konoha is about to wither, and the light of God will... or quickly capture the nine tails."

It seemed that he remembered something, and the words stopped abruptly when he came to his mouth, and Payne realized that Wuchen was also there.Calling God in front of someone stronger than you is not a joke at all.

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