"Leave that nine-tailed brat to me."

Thinking of Nagato's dying body and Xiaonan's entrustment, Wuchen said sternly.Naruto is also a blessing in disguise, because the "Xiao" organization unscrupulously captures the tailed beast, and the nine tails can be considered for their own sake.

The current Uzumaki Nagato could not be his opponent.

"Nine tails are up to me."

There was a ripple in Samsara's eyes, Payne said lightly, his voice was very soft, but it was unquestionable.

Wuchen frowned, a look of displeasure flashed across his eyes.Shibei looked at him with admiration for three days, Naruto Uzumaki was not the old brat who didn't know the world, his strength was increasing day by day, but Nagato was still the same Nagato, and he was also infected with a dark disease, the outcome was obvious.

"That civet cat kid has—"

Just as Nagato was about to persuade Nagato to give up the idea of ​​facing the Nine Tails alone, his palms suddenly felt cold, and he was grabbed by the soft little hands. It was Xiao Nan who turned his head and caught sight of him, with a strange look in his eyes. , indicating that there is no dust to say more.

Seeing this, Wuchen's frowning brows loosened, and he no longer discouraged Nagato, the language of the organization disappeared, and he silently stood on the top of the mountain, looking down at the peaceful village in the distance.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Several black shadows swept out one after another, jumped off the cliff and fell into the dense jungle, galloping straight towards the village in front, all black windbreakers embroidered with red clouds.

It is the other five of Payne's six.

After staring at Xiao Nan with purple pupils for a moment, Payne's eyes flashed with complexity, and after looking at Wu Chen, he took a deep breath and said solemnly, "Wu Chen, take care of Xiao Nan."

"call out!"

After saying that, before Wuchen and Xiaonan could react, Payne's body roared like a cannonball, and it was fleeting. He realized that he had disappeared when he left, and he could only vaguely see the disappearing black. smaller.

Wuchen raised his brows slightly, and he was full of doubts. Just now, in a trance, he saw Payne's expression as if he was dying.

"Could it be that this guy deliberately went to die?!"

With round eyes, looking directly at the black dot that has no trace, Wuchen said in a deep voice, and from Payne's tone, Wuchen heard the unprecedented ease...

"Is it an illusion... Or is it that he really intends to die by himself... It shouldn't be possible. His dream of peace has not been completed, and there is no reason to choose to embark on a road of no return."

Wuchen whispered in a low voice, Nagato is the kind of person who insists on his beliefs very much. The great cause of peace has not yet been completed, and it is impossible to suddenly see through the world and send him to death.


Silently watching Payne's passing back, Xiao Nan's beautiful and clear eyes lost their color and were abnormally dim, and there was a little water light in the eye sockets.

The atmosphere suddenly became sad.

"Nagato may be planning to make a break with Naruto Uzumaki..." Complicated sighed, no dust and no color, he said lightly, his tone was neither sad nor happy.

I just hope Nagato won't be turned against by Naruto, and I don't expect him to catch Kyuubi.

"That kid Uchiha Obito is still calculating. He clearly has a nine-tailed yin chakra in his hand, and he also provoked Nagato to attack Konoha. The purpose should be the outsider golem and tailed beast in his hand..."

Thinking back on what happened, Wuchen sneered to himself, Obito was a very loud abacus, and deliberately pitted Vortex Nagato so that he could capture the tailed beast. If Nagato died, the outsider golem in his hand and Tailed beasts naturally become a dish with soil.

Controlling an outsider golem plus six tailed beasts is definitely an invincible existence.

The dry lips suddenly swept the arc of ridicule, and the dust-free expression was unusually cold, and people were not as good as the sky, and it was himself who finally became a cocoon.


Ask for a reward and ask for a full order automatically... At least five shifts a day... Naruto ends recently. Friends who like this book vote to go to the next world. If not, leave a message in the book review area, and I may write in the future! ! !

Chapter 321 Sweeping Konoha Ninja Village [fourth more]

In the peaceful and peaceful village, people are bustling and endless. As the village with the largest number of people in the five countries, Konoha is a bustling scene no matter what time it is.

The bright afterglow of the setting sun sets off Konoha, and the whole village is bathed in the golden torrent, glittering and dazzling.

"Sure enough, it's a rotten village... Even God thinks you have no cure."

Payne, who easily got into Konoha, stared lightly at the village in the golden coat, and a cold mist blew from the corner of his mouth. In his eyes, this scene was mourning the disappearance of Konoha.

God is mourning the last sunset of Konoha Village!

The reincarnation eye swayed with ripples, and the irresistible repulsion burst out, Tiandao Payne was calm, and Chakra began to roll and run wild.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

The strong repulsive force is like a giant rock that fell into the sea, splashing monstrous ripples, and the scattered force destroys the dead and pulls the whole leaf into the vortex, a piece of erosion, and a huge deep pit appears on the ground.

Although the scale is not as powerful as "Super Shen Luo Tianzheng", the large amount of chakra that has been condensed by Tiandao Payne for a long time is also powerful, and it will cause unforgettable trauma to the surface at the moment.

The scope of such a large movement naturally attracts the Konoha Ninja's idea, and a large number of black shadows are like ants smelling the syrup, rushing towards the place where the chakra erupted.

"I wanted to help him attract the attention of Konoha Ninja, but it seems that I am superfluous..."

Staring at Payne above Konoha in a tangled state, he couldn't laugh or cry. He originally wanted to attract the attention of Konoha ninjas and relieve Payne's burden. Who would have expected Nagato to be so high-profile.

With a sigh, when Wuchen was about to leave, the uninvited guest came immediately.

"Tanzo, after all these years, you're still not old at all, you're very young."

Looking back leisurely, what caught my eye was the old acquaintance of Wuchen, the leader of the "root" department - Shimura Danzo.

It is worth mentioning that Shimura Danzo has not changed from many years ago, and he still looks full of energy. He is obviously an old antique of the same period as the three generations, but his mental and physical strength is much stronger than that of the three generations of Hokage.

"Sure enough, it's 'Xiao' again, a bunch of damn things, and you..."

The half-naked one-eyed stared at Wuchen, his piercing gaze was enough to put someone to death, a look of resentment flashed in his eyes, and he said bitterly: "That old fool of Sarutobi really isn't a Hokage material, if it were me, you guys would Such an evil family will never see the sun the next day!"

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