"That big-eyed monster really knows how to choose the time, and play this trick when I'm no longer there." Wuchen clenched his fist, and then released it.

There's no need to mind, because all of this will end soon. Feather-clothed fox is about to give birth. After that Nu is born, everything in this world will come to an end.

"Boom boom boom..."

There was a violent explosion from the void in the distance, and the boundless black mist condensed in the sky from all directions, as if the world had entered the end, darkness covered the sky, a scene of doomsday.

At this time, the monsters in the entire Kyoto looked up at the sky, and the rolling darkness spread out like a dark cloud, covering the entire Kyoto, and was spreading endlessly, as if there was no limit.

Looking at the sky, everyone felt a chill and depression, as if the monsters in hell had awakened, and the evil breath made people shudder.

"Have you all felt it?"

Wuchen looked at the dark sky and guessed something. Immediately, he swept his eyes to Xue Nu and the others. He could ignore the uncomfortable chill, but Xue Nu and others could not see clearly. The cold sweat on their temples, and even the hairs all over their bodies stood up.

Even some unsettled monsters fell to their knees and looked at the sky with awe.

At the same time, all the monsters who had heard the legend of Nue raised their arms and cheered, and the overwhelming voice resounded throughout Kyoto.

The prostitute's pretty face was tense, and she was also dripping with sweat. As if facing the enemy, she looked at the churning darkness in the depths of the sky, and murmured palely, "Could it be that the monster called Nue is resurrected?"

"Yeah, not only Nue, but also his mother Yu Yihu... But this kid is really strange to be born in this way."

The dust-free and clear eyes penetrated the endless darkness, until the vast starry sky. At the highest end of the sky, he saw a huge black sphere, and the feather-clothed fox was standing on the sphere.


After a long time, the darkness condensed in the sky all dissipated, and the dazzling gorgeous golden light descended from the depths of the clouds, and the feathered fox bathed in this light seemed extremely sacred.

"Welcome everyone to come from afar, and witness the night of Seimei's birth with me, Yu Yihu."

Feather-clothed fox's soft tone was passed down from the sky and spread to every corner of the capital, perhaps because she had just finished giving birth, her soft tone sounded pleasant and full of motherhood.

"Do you treat us as guests? This female fox is quite good at acting. I hope she can be so calm and calm when the war starts." Wuchen pouted and turned to the snow girl and the prostitute and said: "Go back in advance and prepare."

"what to prepare?"

The snow girl and the prostitute looked at each other, but they couldn't figure out what Wuchen was talking about.

"The reaction is really slow, do you want me to remind me? Of course, it's the party after defeating Yu Yihu and Nue." Wuchen hated the lesson of iron and steel: "It's too tiring to serve servants like you."

Hearing this, both Xue Nu and Mao prostitute gave Wuchen a blank look, but the joy on their faces was hard to hide. Wuchen's confidence was like a shot in the arm, and their restless hearts also stabilized.

Because the evil aura Nue emanated was so terrifying, it was almost suffocating, and the soul trembled. None of them could face it with certainty, and even without Nue, his mother Yu Yihu alone was enough to sweep away all enemies.

So now he can only rely on Wuchen, the calmer he is, the more at ease in the hearts of the prostitutes and others, and they have completely become a belief-like existence.

"Hahahaha... Long live Mr. Yuyihu, long live Mr. Yuyihu..."

An extremely excited voice came from the other side, and Wuchen's eyes swept over, only to see that on the attic a few hundred meters away, Jizo was waving his arms excitedly, and his whole face was red.

"I can hear it clearly from such a distance. How loud is this old man."

Wuchen murmured, then raised his right hand, and a high-density energy ball at the front of his thumb condensed in an instant.

Chapter 64 Defeat Feathered Fox in Seconds [First More]

"You cockroach jumping around, let you live for so long, you can almost die without regrets, right?"

Dust-free fingers aimed in the direction of Shijizo, and the front end of the energy ball flashed.

"Why, Lord Qingming is resurrected, how dare you attack this old man? If you are willing to kneel down and beg for mercy, the old man will forgive you for your previous disrespect!"

Jijizo stared at Wuchen with arrogance, and his tone of voice was high.

"Sorry, I've never been wise."

Wuchen ignored it directly, and the energy ball at the front of his finger was getting bigger and bigger, and the air flowing in the surrounding atmosphere was distorted.

"I, I warn you not to mess around!"

Jizo's voice was full of fear, and he finally persuaded before death, and said tremblingly: "That big monster is not something you can surpass, that is the one that dominated the darkness of Kyoto thousands of years ago..."

"Boom boom boom..."

Before he could finish talking nonsense, the energy ball in Wuchen’s hand bounced out, and the golden halo rushed towards him. A huge deep pit exploded at the place where he was, and the fiery flame rushed to the sky. Even the boundless darkness of the void was evaporated.

"Is he the dust-free one? He came just in time."

With such a big commotion, Yu Yihu naturally noticed it for the first time, and cast his eyes down.

And Wuchen also looked at the sky, the two looked at each other, and the whole world was dead silent.

"I heard that you are the guy who wants to warm my bed, right?" Yu Yihu looked at Wuchen silently, and said first, "Your courage is good."

"No, no, no...you'd be wrong."

Wuchen shook his head and explained: "I want Yamabuki Otome to warm the bed for me. You are so ugly. Warming the bed will cause insomnia and nightmares."


The monster who heard Wuchen's words stopped breathing, everyone felt chills down their backs, and cold sweat poured out from their heads.

Could it be that this guy is a lunatic in the legend, to say that Yu Yihu is ugly, he is simply crazy, and he must not know how to write the word "dead".

"What, what are you looking at?"

Seeing that Yu Yihu had been staring at him condescendingly, Wuchen continued to laugh indifferently: "Come on, I know I need a beating, and I know you can't wait to kill me."

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