"Whoosh whoosh..."

When these words fell, the fox in feather clothes turned into a black shadow and fell from the sky, landing on the spaceship of the Nuliang group like a fairy.

"If you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

Feather-clothed fox swept out several tails behind her, her eyes froze, and the tail swooped like a giant python.

Seeing this, Wuchen smiled and didn't change his face, not even hiding.

"Bang bang bang..."

His body was immediately pierced, riddled with holes, his tail was inserted into the dust-free body, and several holes in his abdomen were as big as fists.

"It's more vulnerable than I imagined." Yu Yihu glanced at Wuchen, and his pale face was full of disdain and contempt, "Will the new general of the Nuliang group play tricks?"

"It smells ashamed."

The sound of Wuchen's safe and sound came from the front, Yu Yihu raised his head in astonishment, and his beautiful cheeks suddenly solidified.

The wound on Wuchen's body has recovered, and the recovery is very thorough, and there is not even a trace of scar.

"Should you wash your tail more, it's been a long time, and the smell of foxes is very strong." Wuchen looked at Yuyi Fox with disgust.

Hearing this, Yu Yihu's whole face twitched, this kid's mouth really needs to be slapped.

"You seem very unhappy if you don't get smashed to pieces. In that case, I will fulfill your wish today!"

"Three-tailed sword."

Feather-clothed fox took out a sword from his tail, and then turned into a cloudy wind and swept toward him.


In just a short time, Yuyihu appeared in front of Wuchen, and the sword he was holding slashed at Wuchen's head, but the latter still didn't move, even closed his eyes, and didn't care about Yuyihu at all.


When the knife fell, it was extremely powerful, and Wuchen's whole body became two halves, his body broke from his head, and then burst open with a "bang".

"Should he be dead now?"

Yu Yihu withdrew the sword and murmured, she turned her head to look at the sky again, "Seimei, be born with peace of mind, the enemies are all taken by me..."

"I'm also very helpless if I can't die!" Wuchen's terribly beaten voice echoed in Yu Yihu's ears again.

"What kind of monster are you?!" Yu Yihu turned back in surprise, Wuchen actually recovered again, exactly the same as before, with his entire body intact.

Seeing this, Yuyihu quickly distanced herself from Wuchen, but Wuchen ignored her at all, "Mother fox, step back, you are not qualified to fight with me."

"you wanna die!!!"

Yu Yihu laughed in anger, and pounced again, Wuchen's contemptuous tone was like talking to a bug, completely ignoring her, the master of monsters.

"The guy who doesn't know how to lift up, the only thing that can catch my eye is the son Nu you gave birth to."

Wuchen's eyes flashed, and Chakra turned into repulsion and swept out, "Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

"Bang Bang!!"

Yu Yihu just approached Wuchen, and before he had time to attack, he was easily bounced out by invisible repulsion, without any resistance, his thin body fell directly from the spaceship.

"I'm so sorry, I'm not interested in you, but your son, Nue, can let me enjoy a little."

Glancing at the fox in feather clothing, Wuchen raised his head to look at the sky, the huge black sphere had been broken, and there were many cracks on the surface.

The blond hair has floated out of the black ball, and I can vaguely see a strong man. He is naked, his eyes are cold and emotionless, as cold as a god, and he has a domineering look all over his body.

Chapter 65 The Ruthless Abe Seimei [First Update]

"Is that Nue, so strong, just one look makes people feel hopeless, this guy is really still at the level of a monster?!"

The monsters in the entire Kyoto looked up at the sky, and Nue's face came into view. After all, they were monsters, not ordinary human beings. Even if they were hundreds of meters away, they could still see Nue's cold cheeks.

After he was reborn from the cocoon, there was no emotion on his face, only pure indifference, and his eyes had no waves and no fluctuations, as if nothing in the world could catch his eye.

"You are very good."

Nue suddenly opened his mouth, and his eyes fell on Wuchen. Obviously, that was a "compliment" to Wuchen.

Immediately afterwards, Nue's eyes looked far away, and the huge capital seemed to appear in his eyes. He embraced the sky with both hands, took a deep breath of filthy cold air, and finally a smile appeared on his face.

"Monsters, listen to me, your god - Nue... is awake!!!!"

This simple sentence is full of infinite magic, and it spread to every corner of the capital. Every monster who heard it was as excited as a chicken blood, and excitedly raised his arms and shouted.

"You idiots deserve to be used, a bunch of idiots."

Wuchen sneered when he heard the words, he could hear the noisy laughter from afar, it seemed that every monster was extremely satisfied and happy with Nue's resurrection.

However, is this guy Nue really looking towards youkai?If it was for the sake of the monsters, it would be understandable to celebrate, but this is not the case. After the resurrection of Nue in the original book, he immediately ordered his immediate descendant, the Mimon-in family, to launch a "cleansing" plan for the monsters that occupied the whole of Japan.

What is called purification, that is, to clear and purify, as the name suggests, to kill all the monsters!

"The strength is average. The ability to fool people is quite powerful. If the full score is 50, you can score [-] points. It's barely a pass, so-so." Wuchen whispered to himself, and Nue seemed to have heard these words, and immediately cast an icy gaze.

"Seimei, Seimei, Seimei... You are finally resurrected!"

Feather-clothed fox, who was shot down by Wuchen, actually floated to the sky again. There were clearly visible tears flowing out of the corners of her eyes. She looked extremely excited, and her words were trembling.

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