This is understandable, after all, for this wish, Yu Yihu has been waiting for hundreds of years, until today he finally got his wish.


When Yuyihu flew to Nue's side and was about to approach him, the kid who was eating and crawling swept towards Yuyihu with a knife.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The icy cold light hit her head on, frightening Yu Yihu, that biting murderous aura was definitely not a joke, she retreated out of instinct.

"Seimei, what do you mean?" Yu Yihu couldn't help being shocked, she looked at Nue's extremely cold eyes, and a flash of inspiration flashed in her eyes, "By the way, you must not know me, right? This is not me. As it was, I'm coming out of her body now."

The voice fell, and a black gas wafted from the body of the fox in the feather clothes. The mist quickly condensed into the appearance of a woman. She was dressed in ancient costumes, her appearance was close to that of a fox, and she had a pair of furry ears. Nue's mother Feathered Fox.

And the fox whose body was abandoned... No, it can't be said to be a fox now, but after Yamabuki Otome was abandoned, her body fell from the sky.

"I really like women who make trouble."

Wuchen stepped out and caught the Yamabuki Otome who fell from the sky. This woman has not really died.

In the past, she was indeed dead, but in order to achieve her goal, Nue used the Resurrection Technique to resurrect her, but now she just fainted, her heartbeat and consciousness were still there.

"Great mother..."

Nue looked at Yu Yihu, who was still approaching, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, "For me to be able to move on, you still..."

"go to hell!"

Nue's eyes glared, and a golden pattern similar to a magic circle fell on Yu Yihu's body.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom..."

Before Yu Yihu could react, the golden magic circle burst open, her weak body was blown apart, and the corpse remnants then burned on their own.

"This guy is crazy to the extreme."

Wuchen took a deep look at Nu, although he said that he had seen too many creepy things, but like Nu, he destroyed the corpse of his mother who gave him a second life, and killed her with cruel means. Really rare.

It has to be said that the blood flowing in the monster's body is cold and selfish.

"You... who are you? Where is this place."

At the same time, Yamabuki Otome, who was held in Wuchen's arms, opened her eyes, her expression filled with confusion.

"It doesn't matter who I am, you just need to know that compared to other places in Kyoto, my place is heaven."

Looking at Yamabuki Otome's pale cheeks, she gave a gentle smile. This woman is not bad in nature, but after being reincarnated by Yu Yihu, her temperament gradually became bad, but this has nothing to do with Yamabuki Otome, she is just pure been used.

Chapter 66 Who Is Abusing Who? 【Second Update】

"It seems that you have recovered your memory... Step back, you are not in the fight between me and this guy."

Wuchen let go of the Yamabuki Otome that she was holding, and this woman was also sensible, and left Wuchen decisively. She did restore her memory and knew how terrible Nue was, and staying here would only drag Wuchen down.

At the same time, Wuchen also flew into the sky.

"I didn't expect that there are monsters of your level in this world." Wuchen looked at Nue, quite surprised, "The strength is not bad."

Because the strength of this guy has surpassed the level of monsters, it is no wonder that some monsters who are loyal to him are called god-like existences.

"No one in this world is qualified to fight with me." Nue's body flew to a higher sky, standing at a higher place looking down at Wuchen, "It's not so much a fight... it's a unilateral annihilation! "


Hearing this, Wuchen laughed dumbly, unilaterally crushed, was he crushed by Nue?This kid is really clueless.

"let's start."

Nue's eyes glared, and the golden magic circle landed on Wuchen, and the wave of destruction came out from the magic circle.

"Boom!" Nue sneered, and then shouted loudly.

"Boom boom boom!"

The magic circle close to the dust-free exploded, with huge power, and the energy released was extremely terrifying.

"It's boring."

Looking at the burning sea of ​​flames, Nu turned his head in all kinds of boredom. It was difficult for any creature to survive in the golden flames, and Wuchen was no exception. He had great confidence in his own strength.

"Master Wuchen..."

Both the snow girl and the prostitute were worried, looking at the burning flame in the void, burning everything up.

If Wuchen dies here, the next is the end of the Nuliang group, and there is only one fate waiting for them-to be wiped out.

"Are you getting too carried away?"

The sound of Wuchen Gujing Wubo came from the fire, and Nu, who was about to leave, stopped abruptly. He turned back for the first time, and a figure appeared in the flames.

"The technique of escaping the waterfall by water."

A majestic water source suddenly burst out from the fire, dousing all the burning fire in the void.

Intact and dust-free also came into view.

"It turned out to be a monster of the water system, no wonder it was still intact after being burned." Nue suddenly realized that Wuchen sneered.

The water monster, he didn't move at all?That kind of vulnerable attack is not qualified to hurt yourself at all.

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