Tongling-sized eyes gleamed with the color of the Arabian Nights, Jiuwei scolded secretly, and the strength of the whole body turned to the limit, calmly escaping the turbulent land under his feet.

"Want to run away? The earth is Mu Dun's home. On this piece of land, there is no place for your nine tails to step on."

The eyes were slightly cold, and seeing the signs of Jiuwei running away, Wuchen just sneered, the chakra all over his body climbed again, and the green wood surging in the depths of the ground became more ferocious.

"Wood Escape Wood Throat Technique!"


Ask for a reward, ask for flowers automatically...

Chapter 330 Unlimited Chakra [Third]

The ground within a radius of [-] zhang trembled violently. At first, it was only a slight tremor. With the continuous release of dust-free chakra, the amplitude of the vibration became larger and wider.


The ground shattered, the green wood twisted into twists condensed together, and whistled towards the running nine tails. The green wood at the forefront suddenly turned into a ferocious dragon head and swept towards the nine tails.

It is easy to entangle the nine tails, making it impossible to move.


The high-density chakra erupted, and the nine tails formed by the condensed chakra became even brighter. The body was covered with dazzling golden light like the sun, and its power was infinite.

After all, the nine tails are the strongest and supreme among the tailed beasts. Now they are in trouble with Naruto Uzumaki, and after integrating into Naruto's immortal art, their strength has been greatly improved.

"Ow ooh..."

An earth-shattering roar emanated from Jiuwei's mouth, and the spreading power turned into an invisible impact, and in an instant, a large number of green woods were crushed and crushed.

"Not bad."

Seeing this, Wuchen frowned. The strength of the Nine Tails integrated into the immortal method can be described as earth-shaking, and the essence of the word "destroy" is vividly interpreted.

"So far..."

With a relieved smile, the chaotic wooden scorpions on the ground bloomed again, and new shoots grew on the dense rhizomes, which contained majestic vitality. Because Wuchen continued to provide chakra, just a moment of effort turned into a hundred meters. long wood.

The growth rate is astounding, which is one of the factors that Mu Dun is difficult to contend with. Not only can it absorb the opponent's chakra, but as long as it has chakra, it can grow unrestrictedly.

"Guru... so strong..."

After swallowing hard, Naruto Uzumaki had to admit that even if he hated Wuchen, Wuchen's strength was beyond his imagination, and it was difficult to compete with him with his own strength.

Once entangled by these boundless trees, even if the nine-tailed real chakra exists infinitely, it will be completely sucked by this endless wood.

"There is a limit to others, but that flashy bastard doesn't even have a limit."

His eyes widened, and he saw that the surrounding area for several kilometers turned into a forest sea in an instant.

These wooden dungeons are all spawned by dust-free chakra, which also shows the chakra content in the dust-free body.

"This guy has more chakra than me... jerk!"

Rao Yi Jiuwei, an old guy who has lived for thousands of years, is also angry, and he is angry and swears. Chakra content can't be squandered like Wuchen.

Infinite chakra is okay to deceive others, but the nine-tailed heart is like a mirror, there is no absolute existence, everything has its own boundaries, and his tailed beast also has its own boundaries.

The current dust-free gives the nine tails a feeling of infinite chakra. The majestic chakra seems to be the source of chakra, and it is inexhaustible.

With such a large-scale wooden tunnel, Wuchen didn't even breathe, let alone the appearance of chakra depletion!

"These wood escapes..."

With the slow passage of time, the growth momentum of the trees has not decreased, but has continued to expand, covering a large number of land boundaries divided into their own fields.

"Kill them in one blow, Kurama!"

Seeing the situation, Naruto's pupils shot out awe-inspiring light, his anger was high, and he said with hatred, letting Mu Dun continue to grow endlessly is finally asking for trouble.

The nine-tailed chakra condensed nodded and nodded in agreement. He was deeply aware of the danger of Mu Dun. When he and Uchiha Madara joined forces, he still hated the front of Senju Hashirama.

No nonsense, carefully opened his mouth and began to gather Chakra.

"I still have confidence..."

Seeing that the nine-tailed big mouth opened and began to gather the tailed beast jade with all his strength, there was a sneer in Wuchen's eyes, and the five fingers suddenly closed, and the boundless Lin Hai changed again.

Several giant green trees with a length of more than [-] meters rose from the ground!

There are pink-colored flower buds growing on the top, filled with a strong fragrance, quite pungent, and the head is dizzy at the slightest sniff, and the whole person's body begins to feel dizzy.

It's not hard to imagine how terrifying all these buds would be.

"Open it for me!"

After half a sound, with Wuchen's awe-inspiring shout, the buds that were about to bloom fully bloomed, and an unknown yellow-colored smoke wafted out.

A gust of wind blew, and smoke of unknown ability spread to any corner of the sky.


Jiuwei, who was concentrating on gathering the tailed beast jade, suddenly fell to the ground, an unprecedented sense of powerlessness spread throughout his body, and the condensed tailed beast jade also burst.

"The smell of this flower... it has such power."

Shaking his head, Nine Tails, who was trying to wake himself up, secretly said in shock that as long as he smelled this strange floral fragrance, he would feel powerless all over his body, and his nerves would be paralyzed everywhere.

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