"Naruto, although I don't want to admit it, but we can only retreat now. It's unrealistic to fight him alone. It takes more strength to deal with him."

Unleashing a majestic murderous intent, the surrounding temperature dropped to freezing point, and Nine Tails calmed down, trying to keep his sanity as much as possible.

The dust-free in the distance was calm and peaceful, and he didn't even move his footsteps from beginning to end. His calm appearance made Jiuwei have to accept this cruel reality.

They are completely different from each other!

"Damn flash bastard!"

The scarlet cross eyes were even deeper and clearer, Naruto said unwillingly, and he could only suppress his unpleasantness, just as the Kurama said, the difference between the two is too far.


The hesitant hesitation on his face was replaced by determination, Naruto shouted, leaving Qingshan to take care of him after gathering a large number of companions without worrying about no firewood.

"Bang bang bang..."

Looking up, I saw that the figure of the nine tails became more and more blurred, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Chapter 331 The same eyes [fourth more]

Looking at the dissipated golden body indifferently, Wuchen didn't stop him. He didn't understand what Naruto Uzumaki meant by now. This kind of thing should be left to the masked man to give him a headache.

In addition, Wuchen also believes that the resurrection of the ten tails is a good thing.

His eyes suddenly turned and fell into the pothole in the distance. The dust-free body began to float in the air and flew straight past.

The scene where the eyes came into view was quite miserable. The ground was full of torn pieces of clothes, falling on the ground like snow, and the broken arm of the stump could be clearly seen.

The scene is like purgatory on earth.

"Ah ah ah... That rough boy is really scary, will he treat me like this in the future."

Looking at the stump and the broken arm with lingering fear, Wuchen's eyes are unnatural, and he can't help but feel a chill. He was the one who killed Kakashi, Jiraiya, and Minato, but this kid treated Pei so cruelly. Well, it can be seen that this kid hates Wuchen and hates "Xiao".

"Death can't fall into Naruto's hands."

The majestic perception ability spread out, and Wuchen sensed the range of Nagato's body. Although he said he was worried about others, it was not difficult to hear from the frivolous tone that he did not put Naruto in his eyes at all, and completely put Naruto in his eyes. He treated it as a joke.

"Let's put your bodies back together again."

His eyes widened, and he put the bodies of several people in his eyes. Wuchen sighed, saying that Payne and the others were also implicated, and helping them repair the bodies was considered a benevolence and righteousness.


In the dark cave, or in the cave made of branches, you can see a red-haired man with a stooped body. Even if he can't see his specific figure, he can vaguely see that his figure is extremely thin. As if sucked dry, only a scary layer of skin and bones remains.

The eye sockets were deeply sunken, and the purple bottomed eyes spread out in circles, bleak and dull.


Xiao Nan looked at the whirlpool Nagato in a complicated way, with sparkling tears in the corners of her eyes. She could feel that Nagato's vitality was rapidly fading away. The former Faxiao had to leave her now, and what was she going to do...

At stake, half of the body has already stepped into the gate of hell.

"People are inherently dead, don't be sad, don't be sad, Xiao Nan."

Seeing that Xiao Nan was so sad, a gentle smile swept across the pale snow-white face of Vortex Nagato, no longer the gloomy color of the past, and said softly: "In life, grass grows and autumn grows, and your days are still very long. Xiaonan, look to the future."

Uzumaki Nagato breathed a sigh of relief. When Yahiko fell, Xiao Nan was the only friend left beside him.

It seems that at the end of his life, Nagato's face is radiant, and there is a ruddy color, and his spirit is also full ~ full, and the whole person has a feeling of being reborn.

"Although I don't know how, but I can see how you feel about Wuchen..."

With a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, Nagato sighed and said, "I wanted you to monitor that guy with unknown motives, but I didn't expect that kid to deceive your heart. I really don't know what kind of virtue he has... But That's fine, if you're by that guy's side, your safety will be guaranteed."

When Xiao Nan heard the words, she just kept silent. She didn't like Wuchen. It was just that the two of them had formed a team for many years. It was inevitable that she had a subtle feeling for Wuchen.

"For me, death is also a kind of relief. These years have been like years, always living in the nightmare of Yahiko's color..."

Nagato breathed a sigh of relief, Nagato's face was full of relief, the rock that was pressing on his heart disappeared, his breathing was exceptionally smooth, his eyes were staring at Xiao Nan, and he said solemnly: "This is your private matter... Remember that the person who claims to be It's Madara Uchiha's masked man, he's definitely not a good thing..."

"He has declared war on the five major countries, and soon the whole world will start to run wild..."

The big tree made of paper trees was suddenly forcibly broken open, and a ray of dazzling sunlight shone in, and then saw Wuchen get in.

There are five corpses floating behind them, but they have been perfectly restored by dust-free.

"Unfortunately, no ninjutsu can revive you, and your soul has collapsed."

After staring at Nagato for a while, Wuchen sighed intricately and said, once a person's soul collapses and annihilates, even the sky-defying resurrection ninjutsu like "Reincarnation Born" will not work.

"Since you know the art of 'reincarnation'?"

Hearing this, Vortex Nagato's eyes widened, and he looked at Wuchen in surprise. He didn't mention this resurrection ninjutsu to outsiders. Wuchen actually knew the most forbidden art of Samsara Eye. How could he not? surprise.

"It's easy because I..."

Staring at the whirlpool Nagato, there was no need for Wuchen to hide it, the left eye changed sharply, the deep black eyes suddenly changed, there were black lines in circles, and the purple bottomed eyes were exposed in front of Nagato and Xiaonan.

"I have the same eyes as you!"

The only difference is that there are nine black gouyu hanging on the black lines!

A sonorous and powerful voice spit out from Wuchen's mouth, and at the same time deliberately cooperated with Wuchen, the black gouyu with no waves in the eyes of the ancient well also swayed, and the violent pupil power was terrifying.

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