Chakra surged in the body, Wuchen forced the use of pupil power to extract Zhiban Yixia's memory, maybe he could find the reason.

"This kid!"

A few minutes later, Wuchen's eyes suddenly flashed bright light, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "So that's how it is."

"Have you found the reason?!"

Orimoda Chifuyu and Huang Lingyin exclaimed in surprise, and both of them looked at Wuchen with extremely longing eyes.

"found it."

Wuchen nodded lightly, and glanced at Zhiban Yixia from the corner of his eye, scolding in his heart: "Damn, you are very insidious, you can play tricks and tricks, not bad... Know how to play dead and use bitter tricks to win others' favor. Sympathy, your IQ has risen!"

By observing Zhiban Yixia's memories, Wuchen found that this kid was pretending completely on purpose, hoping to make Zhiban Qiandong change his mind.

"Idiot, do you know that because you deliberately pretended to be dead, I got the Huang Lingyin? I really want to thank you!"

Wuchen's face couldn't help showing a hint of sneer, pretending to be smart, maybe it was someone like Zhiban Yixia.

Chapter 35 Lost the wife and lost the army [Chapter [-]]

"Playing tricks with me? Boy, you're still a hundred and eight thousand miles away! Let's see how your grandfather cleans you up today." Wuchen's eyes were rolling, and his whole body was full of cunning.

It's not that he has been tricking him for a summer. Since this kid has taken the initiative to make a move, Wuchen will naturally return to him, and it's a matter of courtesy.

"Cough, cough... After my preliminary appraisal, unfortunately, this kid is probably abolished!" Wuchen's words sent several people into hell, and both Zhiban Qiandong and Huang Lingyin were pale. .

"Fart, you quack doctor, I'm fine, when will I stop working!?" Zhiban Yixia, who was lying down, scolded inwardly, still seeing a doctor at this level?Total nonsense.

"You must be able to do it, right? I paid such a high price to invite you here, and you must not leave like nothing!" Huang Lingyin came to Wuchen in an instant, her voice was full of tears, and her eyes were also full of tears. Crying red and swollen.

"Of course, of course..." Wuchen nodded lightly, but cursed in his heart: "This damn Zhiban Yixia, why are so many girls looking at him, it's really flowers in cow dung... No, flowers In the shit!"

"According to my estimation, Yi Xia's current state is exactly the same as that of a vegetative person." Wuchen said slowly and deliberately: "It is not impossible to reawaken his consciousness, but the method is very difficult, as difficult as God! You know, a vegetative person In fact, it is not much different from the dead, so we need to use stimulation therapy!"

"What are you going to do?" Oriban Chidong heaved a sigh of relief, seeing Wuchen's calm appearance, there should be a way.

"It's very simple. If you want to awaken the consciousness of a vegetative person, it is best to stimulate him mentally."

Wuchen smiled strangely and said, "You all know that Yi Xia hates me the most, so it is necessary to fight poison with poison, so it's best for me to come forward to solve it..."

Wuchen's eyes fell on Zhiban Qiandong, with a calm smile on his face, he leaned over to her and whispered, "We'll do some interesting things in this house, maybe we'll wake that kid up again."

"Interesting thing?" Oriban Chifuyu looked at Wuchen suspiciously, what was the interesting thing this guy said?

Seeing his wicked smile, Oriban Qiandong suddenly had a bad premonition, and his whole body felt chills.

"Of course it's about the body, you'll be mine in the future, Xiao Qiandong." Wuchen said truthfully, Zhiban Yixia created such a good opportunity for himself, an idiot would let it go!

"You, you're just a nonsense!" Zhiban Qiandong's face became hot when she heard the words, Wuchen was a typical robbery.


At this moment, Zhiban Yixia, who was lying down, suddenly swayed. Looking at his pale cheeks, it was already flushed red at the moment!

"I see, the method I said is effective. We haven't tried it yet, and his face is red with anger. If he really tries, then he will definitely be able to regain consciousness." Wuchen strikes while the iron is hot, flickering hard.

"Really or not?" A hint of suspicion flashed in Zhiban Qiandong's eyes. Seeing Zhiban Yixia, whose face was flushed, but still awake, it seemed that he was really stimulated.

"If it doesn't work, I'm willing to hand over the head to you." Wuchen assuredly assured that this sentence completely broke the last inner line of defense of Orimara Chifuyu.

"Okay, then try it!" As soon as she gritted her teeth, Oriban Chifu finally agreed with a blushing face. Anyway, she and Wuchen had already done certain things in the past, but they hadn't pierced the last layer of window paper.

"Hey, that's good." Wuchen smiled proudly, and then said to Cecilia and Huang Lingyin, "Go out, it's not appropriate for us to do that kind of thing."

"It's not suitable for a fart, you bastard, Wuchen, is taking advantage of the fire, I must kill you today!"

The screams like killing pigs suddenly came, and Zhiban Yixia, who was motionless, suddenly jumped up, as if being bent over by a wolf and a tiger, pointed at Wuchen and cursed: "You quack doctor, I'm fine, you are a vegetative person. , actually want to take advantage of my sister, shameless, scum, scum!"

After spraying the dust-free, Zhiban Yixia showed a smug smile and exposed the dirty plan of this sinister villain. Everyone must be impressed by himself.

" finally woke up, are you pretending to be tired?" Wuchen also let go of Zhimo Qiandong, and looked at Huang Lingyin, "The task is completed, I have to go back to sleep, another day we will Let's go see your parents together, Suzune."

"Meet your parents?" Zhiban Yixia froze for a moment, a little dumb, what does it mean to see your parents?

"In order to ask Mr. Wuchen to help, classmate Lingyin has spent a lot of money. She now belongs to Mr. Wuchen. All of this is thanks to you!"

Cecilia took the opportunity to make up for the knife. This sentence can't be simpler. In order to let Wuchen help, she dedicated herself.

The funny thing is that Zhiban Yixia didn't have any illness at all, and this kid pretended it on purpose.

"Idiot, IQ is a good thing, go home and practice more and play with me."

Glancing at Zhiban Yixia, Wuchen left, and bursts of cheerful laughter lingered throughout the space.

Tonight, the drama written and directed by Kazuya Orizawa is quite exciting!

"Wei, Madara, Yi, Xia... I hate you for the rest of my life!" The tears in the corners of her eyes couldn't hold back anymore, and Huang Lingyin cried and left.

"Sister Qiandong, what's the situation?" Zhiban Yixia looked at Zhiban Qiandong in a dazed way, really inexplicable.

"You idiot!"

With a "pop", there was a slap mark on Zhiban Yixia's face, and Zhiban Qiandong slapped him mercilessly.

Chapter 36 The Bundle of Xiaozhi is Coming [First Update]

This slap stunned Zhiban Yixia so much that he couldn't even feel the burning pain. His mind went blank. It seemed that for the first time in so many years, Zhiban Qiandong was so angry and disappointed in his eyes. Hard to hide.

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