In my impression, it was the first time that Orioka Chifuyu was so popular.

No wonder she was so angry, Zhiban Qiandong had already guessed that, in order to save Zhiban Yixia, Huang Lingyin handed herself over to Wuchen, but the result was ridiculous, this guy turned out to be a fake!

The pretence is still so similar that many top doctors have not detected it, and Huang Lingyin's heart has been completely broken because of this.

When Wuchen returned, an uninvited guest had already arrived at the house, the glass was shattered, and even the sleeping Charlotte was knocked unconscious by her, and it seemed that she forced her in.

This man was lying on the sofa comfortably and looking at a large amount of information, because he was too engaged, even if Wuchen came in, he didn't find it.

Looking closely, this is a girl with a good figure, with dark purple hair hanging down at will, and many strands of hair falling to the ground, but the girl doesn't care at all, and the information is fascinated.

The girl was wearing a dress, her long, slender legs were gently placed on the sofa, like a piece of fine art. After a while, she seemed to feel that this posture was not comfortable. The girl lazily crossed her legs and carved jade. Zhuo's little feet were dangling, and there was something special about watching it quietly.

"It's getting more and more presumptuous. It caused me so much trouble before, and now you dare to appear in front of me carelessly. Are you ready to be punished, huh."

Wuchen spoke softly, and the girl who was looking at the information immediately cast her eyes.

"It's so heartless, Wuchen, I came to see you from thousands of miles away. You didn't ask me if I was tired or not, and you even taught me a lesson. I'm going to cry sadly! Woohoo..." The girl who was called Bunch immediately raised her mouth, her voice was filled with infinite grievances, and there were really tears in her eyes.

"Don't give me this set, come to see me not far away thousands of miles? Are you from the moon? You still like bullshitting as before." Wuchen rolled his eyes, how big is the earth?

The most speechless thing is that this guy is really an actor-level figure, and tears will fall as soon as he says it.

This uninvited girl is Shino no Ko's sister - Shino no no bundle.

"Also, it's never been a good thing for you to find me. Every time you find me, you either use me to experiment with new research products, or..." Having said this, Wuchen's face was a little embarrassed.

The whole world knows that Shinobu is a mad scientist, and the greatest joy in life is to study those bizarre things.

In addition, Shu also has a special hobby - researching Wuchen. He wants to use Wuchen as a mouse research experiment. Shu has invited him to be a test product again and again, and only a fool will agree. Wuchen is naturally Unceremoniously refused.

But this woman is really crazy to the extreme. In order to get the data of Wuchen's body, she even betrayed herself like Huang Lingyin. The two had a relationship many years ago. At that time, Shu didn't seem to be an adult.

"Do you want to use me as an experiment again this time?" Wuchen sat beside the sofa and scolded unceremoniously: "I have my ability in the white style, so that's your masterpiece."

"Hehe...Are you surprised, are you surprised?" Xiaozhizhi's eyes narrowed into crescents, and she smiled happily, looking at Wuchen's half-faced face, her body rushed over like a snake, and she came from behind. He hugged Wuchen's neck, put his whole body on Wuchen's back, and said with a smile: "I made the fourth generation IS for that kid, how about you cooperate with me."

"Give it to Huo?" The repulsion in Wuchen's eyes has subsided a lot.

He would definitely refuse to use it for Kazuka Oriza, but it would still be okay to replace it with Shino-no-no.

"Going to see that beam jumping clown performance just now made me laugh to death, now I'm tired, you can do it yourself!"

After finishing Wuchen, he closed his eyes, Xiaozhizhi's face blushed slightly when he heard the words, and then he untied Wuchen's clothes and sat on him.

What happens next is self-evident.


In the early morning of the next day, when Wuchen opened her eyes, it was already three poles in the sun, and Xiao Zhishu was already dressed. She held a plastic bottle in her hand, which contained a transparent mysterious liquid, and sometimes smirked. on.

"A mountain is taller than a mountain, what kind of monsters are these, I thought I was bad enough, and it seems that compared to this girl, it seems not enough to look at." Wuchen looked strange, that was the essence of last night, unexpectedly Collected by Shino no Bundle.

In fact, Wuchen doesn't know what this guy wants to do. In the past, the bundle of Xiaozhi only needed cells, but in recent years, her taste has gradually become too heavy, and Wuchen has to resign.

"Shouldn't it be eating like Cecilia did?"

Wuchen couldn't help guessing in his mind, because Xiaozhizhi's eyes were too strange to look at that thing, unprecedented affection, as exaggerated as when he looked at treasure, Wuchen got goosebumps and felt hairy in his heart.

"Why are you collecting this stuff?" Wuchen couldn't help but asked curiously, his head suddenly flashed, "Could it be to cultivate my clones?"

He knows that Shinobu is very eager to beat himself, very eager to make world-shattering works, and it is really not a problem to make clones with Shinobu's ability.


Xiao Zhizhi smiled disdainfully, pouted his lips, and said contemptuously: "What's the use of that kind of thing, in the end it's just a copy of you, I don't think that kind of thing will beat you, so I won't talk nonsense with you, I haven't seen Huo for a long time. Now, I'll go see her."

After that, the bundle of Xiao Zhi left Wu Chen with a beautiful shadow, and jumped and jumped away, looking very happy. & #160;

Chapter 37 Tigress [Second More]

"What is this woman's plan? Is it just to defeat me? In fact, she knows it herself, this goal is out of reach and impossible to achieve... And one more thing, I don't even let go of my sperm... "Wuchen sat alone on the sofa in a daze, and his eyes suddenly became deep and long.

What if this kid did some perverted experiments with his own stuff?Now that technology is advanced, the bundle of Xiaozhi is a monster-level genius. What if he cultivates a group of descendants artificially with his own essence?

Just thinking about Wuchen a little bit makes my back feel cold, just in case, when Shino no Bundle leaves, let's follow it up in secret.

"Ah, why are you naked, bastard!!!"

The scream like killing a pig suddenly came, and Wuchen turned his head to see that Charlotte, who was stunned by the Shinobi Bundle last night, finally woke up.

"Also, what's the matter with the strange smell in this room, a little sniff makes people think..."

Charlotte's face was extremely embarrassed, her white cheeks turned red involuntarily,

Last night, Wuchen and Shinobu had been crazy all night, the windows were closed, and the smell hadn't dissipated yet.

Suddenly aware that something was wrong with his body, he looked at the bed with his head, and a more penetrating scream came out.

"Why am I naked, where are my clothes?!" Charlotte's tone increased several times again, and even Wuchen covered her ears.

"First of all, let me state that this is definitely not what I did." Wuchen quickly put on his clothes, and had already guessed who the culprit was - the bundle of Xiaozhi!

"That dead girl's film must have deliberately framed Lao Tzu. Sure enough, every time she finds me, there is nothing good! Either there is a need, or I use Lao Tzu as IS's sparring partner, wait for me, this matter is not over!" Wuchen Gritting his teeth secretly in his heart, looking at the aggrieved Charlotte, this Nima is really a disaster, he really didn't do anything.

Although he occasionally took advantage of Charlotte, Wuchen didn't really take advantage of it.

"Do you think I would believe it?" Charlotte's eyes were filled with mist, and the child probably thought that Wuchen had done something to her.

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