Because of her own influence, Cecilia also hates Kazuka Oriban very much, and the relationship between the two is incompatible.

"Ziban Yixia dropped out of school!" Cecilia said amazingly, circling around Wuchen like a butterfly, and said with great joy, "I saw it with my own eyes!"

"Isn't Qiandong blocking it?" With a smile on Wuchen's face, he felt quite comfortable when the broom star got out.

"Instructor Zhiban didn't stop her. I heard that she was the one who approved Zhiban Yixia to drop out of school." Cecilia's lips trembled a few times, seemingly a little shocked.

Because she was the one who tried her best to get Kazuka Oriban to join the IS Academy.

"It's really weird, but it's good that the broom star is gone, let's celebrate." Wuchen took Cecilia's soft and boneless hand and left.

In fact, Zhiban Yixia really didn't need to stay, because he pretended to be sick, which made many people feel chills, especially Huang Lingyin was the most affected.

After Wuchen returned to the dormitory, Charlotte hadn't left yet. She thought that the child would still pester her, but she would take the initiative to apologize.

"I'm so sorry, I wronged you before!"

Charlotte bowed to Wuchen and apologized, her face almost touching the ground.

"It doesn't matter to me...but how did you verify it?" Wuchen raised Charlotte's shoulders and asked, and smiled relieved. It was a misunderstanding, and at that time, Charlotte thought It's human nature to be crooked.

"I went to the school's infirmary to check, and they said I was, or I..." Charlotte lowered her head, clutching at the corner of her clothes, the last word was really hard to say.

"Does this kind of thing still need to be checked?" Wuchen looked at Charlotte like an idiot, and the child was hopeless.

"Dong dong dong..."

The knock on the door came suddenly, Cecilia immediately ran to open the door, and when she came back, she was holding a lot of food in her hand, Oriban Ichika got out, of course, she had to eat Haihe to celebrate.


After opening the box containing the food, the aroma of the food rushed to the face, Charlotte's eyes were straight, and her stomach was screaming in disappointment.

After being stunned by Shino's Bundle, she hasn't eaten until now.

"Let's go together."

Wuchen said to Charlotte, anyway, there are enough dishes from the cafeteria, and it is a waste to eat them all.

"The battle plan appears to be successful."

Outside the dust-free dormitory, the girl hiding in the grass was holding a binoculars, and her mouth was sometimes laughing with a successful conspiracy.

Because of the fact that she was crawling, the girl's silver hair was drooping on the ground, but she didn't care at all, she focused on observing the enemy's situation with the binoculars, wearing a camouflage green military uniform, she was completely integrated with the surrounding environment.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 39 Bad Joke [First More]

This girl is Lavra, and there is a pile of changed clothes next to her. If Cecilia comes to see it, she will be surprised to find that Lavra is the staff who delivered the fast food just now!

On the other side, Wuchen and a few people swept away these dishes at a very fast speed. Cecilia and Charlotte both ate very comfortably, their mouths full of oil.

The two of them lay motionless on the sofa, and neither had the strength to move.

After a while, a strange scene happened, and Charlotte and Cecilia both blushed.

"Blushing when you're tired from eating, you won't be starving ghosts in your last life, right?"

Wuchen rolled his eyes and continued to teach a lesson: "You two are helpless, it's so shameful... I rely on it!"

Wuchen's conversation suddenly turned, and he suddenly felt his body warm, his fair face turned red unnaturally, and he felt a flame burning in his belly.

"It's so hot, this dish is really amazing, I won't feel cold after eating this in winter."

Charlotte opened her collar, and Cecilia was even more exaggerated. She took off her maid uniform and wore a simple ladies vest with ice muscles.

"It doesn't seem right."

Wuchen lowered his head, his eyes kept changing, and he glanced at Charlotte and Cecilia. The skin of the two was white and red, and their eyes were blurred. They tore their clothes unconsciously.

What kind of food has such a powerful effect?Wuchen realized that he was being pitted almost immediately, and was secretly depressed. In addition to fire prevention and theft these days, he must also beware of food delivery!

"How do you feel that someone has been drugged, and it's still that kind of...medicine?" Wuchen's expression sank, and he dared to pit himself.

Not to mention Cecilia and Charlotte, even Wuchen was affected, and only felt a large group of flames condensed in his heart, trying to burn all his sanity to the ground.

However, Wuchen has experienced too much, which is not something these two children can compare, so they can hold back for the time being.


A slight voice came, and Wuchen's eyes narrowed suddenly. He could clearly feel that someone had invaded, and it was probably the murderer.

"Why are you okay?!"


Wuchen and the mysterious characters who invaded spoke at the same time, both of them were stunned, especially Wuchen was the most surprised.

Damn, shouldn't this little girl do it?

"What did you do?!" Wuchen took a deep breath, and his head became clearer, "Idiot, do you know what stupid thing you did?!"

"My subordinates told me that even ten elephants would be fascinated, but you..." Lavra looked at Cecilia and Charlotte, who had completely lost themselves, strange Hug together and let out a heart-pounding cry.

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