"Hmph, if I was fascinated, I would have been killed countless years ago!" Wuchen said with a hint of smugness in his tone, and immediately scolded: "Idiot, hand me the antidote!"

"No." Lavra's words caused blue veins to appear on Wuchen's forehead.

This prank is too bad.

"Why do you do such a thing?" Wuchen lowered his voice and asked, "This joke is too much."

"Just kidding, who is joking with you? Wife, since you rejected me, I can only drug you." Lafella put her hands on her hips, pointed at Wuchen and said sternly: "Wuchen, be my bride, Now we are in the bridal chamber, the medicinal properties are very strong, don't hold back!"

"Bride? Wife? What the hell is this!!!" Wuchen asked himself that he had seen countless strange flowers in his life, but it was the first time he had seen something as unusual as Lavra.

A girl actually drugged the man with the intention to use force, and even planned to forcibly marry Wuchen as a bride. This kind of strange flower is simply invincible!

Looking at the dust-free sweat stains on her forehead, Lavra said seriously: "Wife, don't hold on. Seeing how hard you hold on, why don't you just obey me, and Ma Shan can release you! Continue to endure. You might choke to death if you go down."

"Master, it's so hot..."

At this moment, Cecilia's soft voice came over, she hugged Wuchen like a snake, and her head lay on his shoulders.

Even Charlotte exaggeratedly hugged Wuchen's leg and kissed her.

"Mother, this time I really jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash it out."

Seeing this, Wuchen gave a wry smile, and it was finally cleaned up here in Charlotte. This time, paint was splashed all over the body, and it couldn't be washed off even if I wanted to wash it!

"Wife, you are still..."

"Shut up for me, I'll take care of you later!"

Glancing at Lavra viciously, she shattered the only remaining clothes of Charlotte and Cecilia without dust.

Then the childish scene began.

As Lavra said, in order to make Wuchen complete the traditional Chinese medicine, Lavla prepared a dose that could make ten elephants lose themselves, but Wuchen could still hold back, Charlotte and Cecilia No, if you continue to delay, you may suffocate yourself to death.

Therefore, Wuchen can only aggrieved himself and serve the tiger with his own body.

"You...you, you, you are so hateful, I am your husband! You cheated on other women in my face? Did you take me seriously?"

Lavra exploded with anger, showing a distressed expression. She thought she was the first to eat crabs, but now she seems to be cheaper than Charlotte and Cecilia.

"You're forcing me to do my homework!"

Looking at the dust-free lying on the two women, Lafella went crazy, this bastard is really defiant.

Just when Lavra was thinking about how to clean up the dust-free, several light strips swept in from all directions, restraining her in place and unable to move.

………………………………………… ..

Chapter 40 is getting more and more handsome [first more]

"The Six-Stand Light Prison!"

Lavra, who realized that she was being restrained, was stunned at first, and then shook violently. Her little white jade-like hand tore the light belt with force, and even took out her IS equipment, but she couldn't defeat the restraint in front of her.

In desperation, Lavra could only watch helplessly.

This scene lasted for more than an hour before it stopped. Lavra's whole person was in a bad state. During this period, she kept watching Wuchen galloping on the two girls, watching her so-called bride cheating.

"You, you, you, I absolutely can't spare you!" Lafla blushed angrily: "Do you understand, according to the locals, you are wearing a hat for me!"

"Wear a hat?" Wuchen looked strange, shouldn't this girl be talking about a green hat?

"Do you really take me as your ban?" Wuchen rested for a while, and then stood naked in front of Lavra, the child lowered his head shyly.

"You don't even dare to look at me, and you want me to be your bride? Are all brats so funny now?" Wuchen pouted and dismissed.

Looking closely, Lavra's pure and flawless face was flushed, and she lowered her head in shame and anger.

"It should have been taught badly by your subordinates." Looking at the embarrassed girl, Wuchen suddenly realized that it was someone else's bad idea. Lafella was actually quite simple and shy. She must have been the one who gave the drug to her. Encouraged by his subordinates.

"Anyway, you're my wife." Lavra said in a clear voice that could not be violated, and then said angrily, "Wife, quickly untie this thing for me."

She couldn't get rid of the "six sticks of light prison" that restricted her whole body, so she could only ask Wuchen for help.

"I can't let you go in vain. Those who dare to drug me must not be easily bypassed." Wuchen couldn't help narrowing his eyes, and there was a compelling light in his pupils.

"I warn you, I'm your husband, don't mess around!" Lavra pouted, put her hands on her hips, and deliberately made a majestic look.

"You seem to have forgotten that you are still bound by the [Six Rod Light Prison]."

Just listening to Wuchen's "snap" and snapped her fingers, the light belt that bound Lavra immediately seemed to be resurrected, her strength contracted, and Lavla's face immediately showed a color of pain, and her small waist was about to be strangled. broken.

After about [-] to [-] seconds, the light belt on Lavra's waist slowly disappeared. She raised her head and stared at Wuchen. The resentment and dissatisfaction in her beautiful eyes did not hide at all, as if she was quietly telling— Wife, why are you so cruel to me?

"This is just a small punishment." Staring at Lavra, who was full of grievances, Wuchen said slowly: "I hope you don't do this next time..."

Before Wuchen could finish speaking, Lafella suddenly got up and rushed over.

The incident happened suddenly, and Wuchen did not expect that Lavra would forget the lesson just now, and instantly hugged his head, and took the initiative to block Wuchen's lips.

At this moment, there was a brief blank in Wuchen's mind, and his eyes were dull as he looked at the cheeks that were close at hand. Could it be that this is a thousand miles to send?

"I took your first time." After a long time, the lips parted, and Lafella looked down at Wuchen with a proud look, "Wife, I kissed you on the lips, and you will still accept me slowly in the future. Well, it's enough to have a husband and a child at home."

After speaking, Lavra didn't stop there, and left Wuchen with a beautiful back.

After being stunned for about ten seconds, Wuchen came back to his senses, and a person muttered to himself: "You said the opposite, right? Besides, the first time seems to have disappeared more than a thousand years ago..."

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