Immediately afterwards, Wuchen took a look in the mirror, nodding in satisfaction as if she was alone, "As expected, she is getting more and more handsome, I can't stop her."

"Wuchen, you bastard come out to me, I want to fight with you!"

A voice containing thousands of resentments came from outside the window, and Wuchen walked over to take a look, and it was the child Xiaozhizhihuo.

She has already deployed the IS equipment. The light of the red toon is extremely dazzling, and there are a lot of unknown equipment on the body, which is completely opposite to the red toon in the original book.

Wuchen first cleared his throat, and then seriously reminded: "Deploying IS equipment without permission is to..."

"It doesn't matter what it is, even if I get fired, I will recognize it."

Xiao Zhizhi's anger could not be suppressed, and he pointed at Wuchen and said angrily, "I heard that Yixia dropped out of school."

"So you're going to beat me to relieve my anger? What's the logic? If he dies, should I be buried with me?" Wuchen immediately gave Xiaozhizhi a look at you that was hopeless, and immediately dismissed it. The window was closed politely, and the curtains were drawn.

"If you want to go crazy and find Qiandong, she agrees."

Wuchen shook his head slowly, then he turned on the TV and found some snacks from the refrigerator.

When he was bored, watching TV to pass the time, he had developed a habit, as for Shino no Kyo, who was jumping up and down in anger, he ignored it as air.

"Let you be the first to be the dead soul of the red toon!"

Shinonokyo took out a sniper rifle and aimed it at the villa, and immediately pulled the trigger decisively.


A bullet the size of a fist flew out, and if it hit the head, it was estimated that the entire skull would explode into a brain.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

It is worth mentioning that the special bullet burst and opened before hitting the target.

"This is...who?"

Xiao Zhizhi's beautiful eyes froze, looking at the transparent halo that protected the dust-free dormitory, this is a layer of blue enchantment, like a dream, very beautiful.

"Isn't it, there are still people helping me? A miracle among miracles, don't those students call me male Yasha?"

Wuchen naturally heard the movement outside, and opened the curtain to a corner. When he was just looking at it, his beautiful face was suddenly blocked in front of him, like an elf walking out of a painting, looking at himself with a smile from the window.

"It turned out to be you, no wonder you took the initiative to help me, and what trouble did you want me to deal with?"

Looking at this person, the confusion in Wuchen's expression was relieved.

Chapter 41 Knowing more about Zhenwu [First Update]

The girl was wearing the uniform of the IS Academy, and she didn't know whether the uniform was too small or she was too developed. The uniform was tightly set off, and the graceful curves were revealed.

"Long time no see, Zhenwu." Wuchen smiled, and the person in front of him was the student council president of IS Academy, and the one who was known as the strongest - more aware of Zhenwu.

"You seem to have caused a lot of trouble." Shi Zhenwu looked at the angry Xiao Zhizhi, and joked: "Did you peek at other girls taking a bath?"

"Do I need a peek? As soon as I say hello, countless beauties will come to the door." Wuchen snorted disdainfully, and at the same time he opened the window and said to Xiaozhizhi: "Defeat her first and then come to me, This is also my half apprentice."

After speaking, Wuchen closed the window again, and the curtains were drawn again.

"You guy, I'm here to ask you for help." Geng Zhizhen stomped his feet angrily.

"You, like Sister Qiandong, are that guy's apprentice?"

Xiao Zhizhi's beautiful eyes showed a dim light, and he said seriously and seriously: "That's just right, defeating you is crusade against that guy."

"Kill that guy?" Zhizhen Wurao looked at Xiao Zhizhi with interest, and asked, "The guy in your mouth is the old pervert of Wuchen, right?"

"It's a pity, although I also want to defeat him, but the gap is too big." More knowledgeable eyes were hesitant, as if remembering the unbearable past, and his face was full of deep resentment.

In the past, she was also beaten by Wuchen. The so-called strongest student council president actually grew up under abuse, so she developed a good strength.

"Bang bang bang..."

Xiaozhizhihuo didn't care what Zhenwu was thinking, he pulled the trigger decisively, and several bullets roared out.

"You still want to defeat him with such crude tricks? You are afraid that you are living in a dream." Gengzhi Zhenwu shook his head gently, and the disdain flashed away.

Red toon is considered to be a cross-generation IS equipment, but the strength of the Shinobi is not very good.

The pure white hand waved lightly, and a curtain of light visible to the naked eye condensed again.

"Boom boom boom!"

The bullet hit the light curtain and burst open, burning like an incendiary bomb, and black smoke scattered.

Looking closely, the more aware person behind the light curtain is safe and sound.

"A disobedient student like you needs to practice slowly." More Zhizhen Wumei's eyes narrowed into a slit, and she looked at Xiao Zhizhi's death without doubting her good intentions.

Although the performance of Xiaozhizhi's IS body is superior to that of the more knowledgeable, but in the final analysis, it is a novice who is on the road and is vulnerable.


This one-sided battle lasted about a few minutes before it was over.

In the dust-free dormitory, he lay on his side on the soft sofa, watching TV and eating snacks to pass the time.

As for the more knowledgeable Wu Ze standing next to him, what is the purpose of this child to find him, Wu Chen is really curious, in the impression she is very self-reliant, has a very strong hands-on ability, she does everything on her own, and seldom goes to find her. help others.

"I knocked out your little lover's sister, you won't take revenge on me, right?" Geng Zhizhenwu's body shrunk into a ball, and the white and tender face that can be broken is full of fear, even in the eyes Crystal teardrops are spinning.

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