If Xiao Zhizhi was here at this moment, she would be able to see her extremely surprised pretty face. She used a calculator in the past, and after synthesizing all the data she obtained, she roughly calculated Wuchen's strength.

But no matter how many calculations, Xiao Zhizhi never thought that Wuchen would be so evil.

She couldn't help but look up and scrutinize Wuchen carefully. The man in front of her is always a fool. It looks extremely unreliable, but it's actually terrifying to the extreme...

Can't help but think of some of the words Wuchen taught them before. The eagle who can catch snakes doesn't often show his claws, that's because it's not necessary, just relying on a mouth is enough.

"You seem to be shocked." Seemingly seeing the consternation of the bundle of Xiaozhi, Wuchen couldn't help but ask strangely: "Do you think I was serious when I went to war with you and Qiandong before? ?"

"Isn't it?!" Shinobu asked rhetorically.


Wuchen watched the silver gospel for a while, and after a while, he said dumbly, "I'm really despised."

"In that case, let's be a little more serious today."

The cold light in Wuchen's eyes stirred, and the huge gas field raged, straight to the sky, and there was a loud "click" in the blue sky, which seemed to be torn apart by some powerful force.

Looking up at the sky, a long and narrow dark abyss spread into the distance, boundless and almost without end.

"This guy..."

The bundle of Xiao Zhi looked at the sky with the help of the silver gospel, his head was dazed, it was hard to imagine that such an unprecedented disaster was actually caused by one person's aura.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Huge energy fluctuations came from the front, and the bundle of Xiaozhi immediately noticed that it was locked by something, and looked away, and there was a fist-sized energy ball in Wuchen's hand.

"Farewell." Wuchen was too lazy to talk nonsense, his arm trembled slightly, and a high-density energy ball at the front swept out, "Wang Xu's flash!!!"

"Whoosh whoosh..."

A golden beam of light pierced through it, and it was fleeting like a shooting star.

"Boom boom boom!"

The shock of destroying the sky and the earth spread out, with the silver gospel as the center, the void was hollow, and a huge black hole was blasted out, and the energy tide spread wildly, flattening everything.

"Now that kid will understand the gap between each other. With this lesson, it is estimated that he will harass me less in the future."

Wuchen murmured in a low voice, then turned around and took a step, and the figure quickly dissipated.

When he reappeared, he was already in the IS Academy, and even without the ability of Glitter Fruit, Wuchen's own speed was extremely fast.

"It's an excellent job done." Wuchen's eyes spread around, although there are abandoned IS burning everywhere, but without exception, they are not from the IS Academy, they obviously belong to those terrorists.

"Master Wuchen."

After Cecilia and others saw Wuchen's return, they all showed surprises. The huge energy fluctuations released by the virtual flash just swept the entire city. They didn't know that it was a masterpiece of Wuchen, so they were quite worried.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Wuchen smiled and patted his chest, looking like I was healthy.

"Hmph, I knew you wouldn't die." The tone sounded extremely harsh as if he had eaten gunpowder.

"It is you."

His eyes were fixed on the girl who was driving IS, and Wuchen teased: "Suzune, don't you want to be a widow when I die?"

Perhaps because she was used to being hit by Wuchen, Huang Lingyin not only was not angry, but counterattacked yin and yang strangely: "Isn't it good that you are dead, I will put a cuckold on you!"

Wuchen opened her mouth when she heard the words, and looked at Huang Lingyin dumbly, obviously not expecting such a sharp answer.

But then Wuchen just smiled and said extremely calmly: "It's a pity, it's a pity that you will never have this chance."

A simple sentence contains great confidence, at least Wuchen thinks that he will not fall into trouble in this world.

At the same time, Lavra and Charlotte came one after another, and the two were sweating profusely. They were probably exhausted from the previous battle, and they were not injured at all.

"But then again, why didn't you see Classmate Hao?"

Wuchen looked around, but there was no figure of Xiao Zhizhi in his sight.

"That's because there was a big problem. I guess I went somewhere to feel sad. Instructor Zhiban is probably too." Cecilia said cautiously, looking around, not forgetting to check if there was anyone around.

"Looking at your suspicious appearance, could it be that something major happened?" Wuchen asked suspiciously, a little curious in his heart.

It is understandable that Shino-no-no is lost, but Chifu Orizara in her impression is an iron-man-like existence, and she will never show her weak side in front of anyone.

"That's because..." Cecilia said something in Wuchen's ear.

After a while, Wuchen revealed a surprised look, "Really?!"

After hearing Cecilia's explanation, Wuchen's tone suddenly increased by several levels.

"No wonder... No wonder Qiandong and Hao are both disappointed. If this kind of thing is my turn, I will definitely feel sad."

Wuchen nodded again and again, sighing with emotion.

Of course, with an undisguised look of joy.

"Ziban Yixia, Zhiban Yixia, there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no door to hell, you break in by yourself. Next time you meet, don't blame me for being ruthless."

The dust-free face set off a cold arc.

Chapter 45 The hornet's nest [First Update]

"That idiot, I really don't know how I should thank him. He actually joined the terrorists and dared to sabotage the IS Academy. I don't think I need to go there. Qiandong won't bypass you this time." With contempt, he secretly guessed: "It is estimated that you want to use the power of terrorists to clean up me, naive, childish!"

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