It seems that Oriban Ixia has been carried away by anger. He has been kidnapped by terrorists before, and now he has come together with the terrorist group "National Machine Industry".

In the past, if I didn't look at the monk's face and looked at the Buddha's face, but in the face of Zhimo Qiandong, Wuchen would not be too difficult to weave a summer. If this guy is willing to leave IS Academy obediently, it will be fine. Hello, everyone. , but who would have thought that he went with the terrorists, really playing with fire and setting himself on fire.

"Cecilia, you go and call the student council president, more knowledgeable, to me." Wuchen ordered meticulously.

Cecilia, who accepted any orders from Wuchen, nodded lightly.

About five or six minutes later, more knowledgeable Zhenwu was called over, but the child had a dark face and a cold temperament, as if someone owed her money and hadn't paid it back.

"Just tell me if you have something!" Gengzhi Zhenwu roared in a low voice.

"Is this child insane, why do you act like I offended her?" Wuchen was secretly depressed, but he was also shot while lying down.

After organizing his tone for a bit, Wuchen said slowly: "First send the injured students to the medical room, and then issue a wanted order to the whole school... no, to the world, whoever can bring Zhiban Yixia to justice will be rewarded. It's research material on fourth generation IS."

"I don't agree!"

Usually abide by the school rules, the more knowledgeable Zhengwu seems to be suffering from a demon, with red eyes, and there are even residual tears on both sides of his eyes, "That kind of guy deserves to be killed, it's too cheap to just arrest him."

There is no doubt that the person who knew more about what Zhenwu said was Kazuka Orizama.

What made Wuchen puzzled was that when he mentioned that kid, he was even more aware that Zhenwu gritted his teeth, and his snow-white show fists were sweating.

"Looking at her angry look, I feel that the two sides seem to have a deep blood feud." Wuchen was secretly surprised, Zhiban Yixia had not been in school for a long time, and more Zhizhenwu seemed to have left school a while ago, and the two sides couldn't fight. .

"It's such a dust-free adult."

Cecilia moved lightly, leaned over to Wuchen and said a few words.

"Ziban Yixia took the terrorists and wounded the more knowledge hairpin?"

After understanding what happened, Wuchen suddenly realized, and couldn't help sweating for Zhiban Yixia. No wonder Zhenwu was as angry as eating gunpowder. It turned out that it was the fool who specially picked the hornet's nest.

"Even if he is the younger brother of Instructor Zhiban, I will kill him!"

Wuchen Wuchen's blood-red eyes flashed with a strange light, Wuchen knew the girl in front of him very well, and her younger sister Zhizheng was the inverse scale.

Once Zhiban Yixia is caught by Zhizhenwu, it is estimated that he will really pay his debts with blood.

"Fate is impermanent."

Looking at the hatred of the more knowledgeable, Wuchen sighed and murmured: "You should be a couple."

In the original work, even more aware of Zhenwu, he fell under the aura of the protagonist of Oriban Kazuya. He was obsessed with it. He was simply a nympho, but now he has become an inexhaustible enemy, which is really emotional.

"Speaking of which, your sister is seriously injured? Take me to have a look." Wuchen volunteered and said confidently, "Don't look at me like this, but I'm actually quite talented in medicine."


More Zhizhen Wu's expression of hatred has subsided, Meimei's eyes are half closed, and she carefully examines Wuchen, thinking of this guy's absurd things in the past, he always feels a little overwhelmed.

There is no doubt that Wuchen can treat healthy people into mentally ill people. As for saving sounds like a fantasy.

"Forget it if you don't believe it." Wuchen decisively turned to leave, he didn't want to meddle in his own business.

Judging from the worried look of Jishenzhen, she knew that the hairpin was seriously injured, otherwise she wouldn't hate Zhiban to the point where she wanted to tear Zhiban into pieces in one summer.


In the dust-free dormitory, many people gathered at this moment.

Cecilia, Charlotte, and Huang Lingyin and Lavra, Cecilia's ability to be dust-free is good, as for Charlotte, Huang Lingyin and Lavra, it's miserable, they face each other. When it comes to terrorists, it is dangerous, and they will not lose their lives, but all three suffered some minor injuries.

The medical center of IS Academy is now full, and there are too many injured students, so we can only let Wuchen help them treat them.

At this moment, the three of them were all lying quietly on a big bed, with emerald light covering their entire bodies, and their injuries were recovering at an astonishing speed.

It is the medical ninjutsu used by Wuchen, which is extremely effective and convenient. The scratches on the three girls have slowly recovered, the wounds healed automatically, and the skin did not even leave scars.

After about a few minutes, Lavra, who was the first to recover, gave Wuchen a thumbs up and praised: "My wife is really amazing, what kind of healing power is this, teach me quickly."

"Go and cool off."

Wuchen responded casually, and then he sat on the sofa and let Cecilia show the previous surveillance video, and the scene of Kazuya Oriban and the terrorist organization's invasion of the IS Academy resurfaced.

"What's so good about this?"

Lavra and Cecilia looked at Wuchen at the same time, with inquiries.

Wuchen did not agree to the two at all, and kept watching the video in silence.

This invasion is too unusual. There is a barrier around the IS Academy. It is impossible for an outside enemy to invade, because the barrier was set up by Wuchen when he founded the IS Academy, unless there are undercover agents.

This barrier is very strong, let alone IS, even a nuclear explosion can be resisted, but the previous riot was easily broken through, and there are too many questions in Wuchen's heart that have not been explained.

Chapter 46 Demolition [First Update]

Time passed in a hurry, and it took nearly three or four hours for Wuchen in just ten minutes of video, like an old monk in meditation, staring at the screen motionless.

During this period, several women recovered one after another, and everyone glanced at each other, all of them being a little weird.

In my impression, Wuchen has always been the type of condescending child. He rarely takes it so seriously. Everyone knows that he is an impatient person. It is really surprising to watch a video over and over a dozen times.

"Almost all right."

Another half an hour later, Wuchen finally stood up from the sofa. He stretched and found that everyone was staring at him in a daze, and he couldn't help but touched his cheek, "My face... is there something dirty? ?"

"No." Cecilia smiled gracefully and explained slowly: "It's just that Lord Wuchen is so serious, everyone is a little surprised."

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