Oriban Chifuyu choked up in her throat, her expression more serious than ever before, her hands were so powerful that she almost crushed her dust-free arms.

"you sure?"

Xiao Zhizhi also cast a suspicious look. She did not react as violently as Orimoda Chifuyu, she was extremely calm, and even had undisguised concerns.

It's a big disaster for Oriban Kazuka to be alive, he's completely blackened!

"It's all this time, do I have to lie to you?" Wuchen pushed Orimara Chifuyu's hands away and took out a photo from his arms.

Shino-no-ko and Orimara Chifuyu immediately cast their gazes.

"Sister Qiandong?!"

Looking at the girl in the photo, Shino no Kyo exclaimed, the girl in the photo is almost exactly the same as Chifuyu Orimara when she was a child.

It's like it was carved out of a mold, the same hairstyle, the same eye color, and even the contours of the cheeks are exactly the same.

"This is not Qiandong." Wuchen shook his head and explained: "This child is called Zhibanyuan, so she is your sister."

"It's absolutely impossible."

Oriban Qiandong immediately shook her head when she heard the words, "It's not like you don't know about my situation. When I was adopted by you, it was just me and Yixia! Apart from that, there are no other relatives."

Having said that, Oriban Chifu looked at the photos a few more times, and her face was filled with deep confusion and doubt, because this child was too similar to herself, and at first she thought it was herself.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished my words yet." Wuchen drank a cup of tea to clear his throat and continued, "Do you still remember the kidnapping of the terrorists of [National Machinery Industry] one summer ago?"

"I'll never forget this!"

When mentioning the subjugated machinery industry, Orimoda Chifuyu had a look of hatred at first, and then the blush on her pale face disappeared in a flash.

In order to ask Wuchen for help, she paid a very heavy price, and even sold her body.

"It's good to have an impression." Wuchen nodded and changed the conversation, saying: "This child is actually a member of the subjugated machine industry. According to the news from Shu, she is likely to be a clone of Zhiban Yixia. !"

Orimara Chifuyu and Shinonokyo both clenched their fists in surprise, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"Are you sure?!" The corners of Oriban Chifu's mouth trembled, and her empty and hopeless heart suddenly revived with new vitality.

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Shu, the relationship between the two of you is very good." Wuchen shrugged. In fact, he was shocked when he heard Xiaozhi's guess, and he was full of doubts. After all, clones It requires quite high-end science and technology, can a terrorist organization really be created?

But then Xiaozhizhi came up with a series of evidence, and Wuchen was convinced.

"Shu once compared the data from the physical examination a summer ago, and the DNA of this Zhibanyuan is almost identical." Wuchen said with great certainty, Zhiban Qiandong is not stupid, and the DNA is exactly the same, which proves everything.

"I have to save this child, no, I have to save my sister!" Zhiban Qiandong looked at Wuchen with icy light in his eyes, and asked: "You got the news about my sister from Shu. ?"

"You're changing your mouth too fast."

Wuchen rolled his eyes and couldn't help rubbing his head. This guy is really adaptable. Suddenly, a younger sister came out without any resistance, and he accepted it very frankly.

Chapter 54: No Mattering

In any case, after the incident of Oriban-en, Oriban Chifuyu seemed to regain his strength, and even showed a not very obvious smile on his face.

Wuchen asked Shinonokyo to cook some dishes for Orimara Chifuyu, and she began to gobble up because she had no appetite because of the blow.

The complexion is also improving rapidly...

In the quiet corridor of the hospital, Wuchen and Xiaozhizhi walked together, and she took the initiative to follow.

"What you said just now is true?" Xiao Zhizhi held endless curiosity and confusion about Ori Banyuan's existence, "Is she really a clone of Yixia's genes?"

"That's what your sister said, and frankly speaking, I'm also very surprised that terrorists have this kind of technology." Wuchen's tone was also amazed, and then he waved his hand, "You don't need to worry about these things, go back, remember to be careful. Some."

"Be careful?"

Xiao Zhihuo was slightly stunned when he heard the words, and asked without hesitation: "What do I need to be careful about, the terrorist's target is not me."

"It wasn't you before, but things are different now."

With a rare seriousness, Wuchen explained: "Those terrorists of [National Machine Industry] target all kinds of machines with extremely high scientific level. Your red toon is currently the only four-generation machine, and even a white-style machine. These are not as good as your red toon."

Some technologies of the white type are still in the period of the third generation IS, as for the Hongchun, it is a serious fourth generation machine.

In the past, Xiao Zhizhi had no IS body, so naturally it would not be the target of others, but now that there is a red toon, it may become the target of others.

"Just don't go out casually. In IS Academy, they don't dare to mess around casually." Looking at the slightly disturbed Xiao Zhizhi, Wuchen comforted her softly.

Then, no matter what Xiao Zhizhi's thoughts were, Wuchen left.

"That's weird."

Looking at Wuchen, who left straight away, Xiaozhizhi's spirit was a little dazed. Is this still the Wuchen who always likes to bully people?Nowadays, things are almost leak-proof, and many unknown dangers can be prevented before they occur, and even everything is done.

If it wasn't for the dust-free reminder, Xiao Zhizhi would never have imagined that he would become the target of terrorists.

"Are you surprised?"

The soft voice came from behind, and it was Orimara Chifuyu. She had a smile on her face, which made people feel more friendly.

Xiao Zhizhi's spirit was in a trance for a moment, and the person Orimoda Chifu said should be dust-free.

"Sister Qiandong seems to know Wuchen very well." Xiao Zhizhi said slowly, his tone fluctuated, "What kind of person is he?"

"It's up to you to figure it out for yourself." Chitou Orimara showed a smile in the sunshine, and the ice and snow melted.

It is not difficult to see that she is in a better mood.

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