
After Wuchen returned to the dormitory, a large group of people immediately gathered around.

Lavra, Cecilia, Charlotte, Huang Lingyin... all surrounded Wuchen as if they were looking at treasures.

"When did I become so popular."

Wuchen sat on the sofa, and the girls served him like an emperor. Lafella was in charge of pinching her legs, Cecilia was in charge of rubbing her shoulders, Charlotte and Huang Lingyin were both in charge of serving tea and water, as well as various cakes and cakes. dried fruit.

"Isn't it poisonous to change it?" Wuchen looked at a few people and asked as if jokingly and seriously.

"Or... If there is nothing to be courteous, either a traitor or a thief, you all have other goals?"

To a certain extent, they all represent a country, or a large organization behind them.

For example, Lavra, she is from the military of country D, for example, Charlotte, she is from France, and her family is still a large-scale IS manufacturing company.

"I understand..." Wuchen suddenly realized, chuckled: "You want those rich rewards, right?"

The reward of this IS competition is related to the fourth generation of the body, and even the design of the fifth generation.

"Cough cough cough..."

Lavra coughed a few times, her little hands were soft and boneless, and she gently pinched Wuchen's legs, "Can that Wuchen... No, it's Mr. Wuchen!"

Lavra immediately changed her tune and tried her best to remain calm, and said, "Can you give us some of the design drawings of the fifth-generation IS?"

When these words fell, the others also looked at Wuchen nervously, obviously very keen on the design drawing of the fifth-generation IS mentioned by Lavra.

"It really is." Wuchen was not surprised, and explained softly: "You are thinking too simply, there are indeed some designs for the fifth-generation IS, but those are high-tech products that cannot be researched at the current level of human beings. ."

After these words fell, several goddesses froze, and their beautiful eyes were dim. Indeed, some countries have only started the third generation, and the fourth generation is long and indefinite, not to mention the fifth generation IS.

"But..." Wuchen changed the conversation and said softly: "About the fourth-generation IS, I can say hello to Shu and let her tailor it for you."


Several people were overjoyed, staring at Wuchen excitedly.

"Of course it is."

Wuchen nodded lightly and said indifferently: "It's not too much to ask her to repay me a little because she owes me so much."

In the past, because the news of IS was announced to the world by Xiaozhizhi, many countries in the world have asked her for trouble, and some countries even chose to use force to solve it... If it wasn't for Wuchen's help, maybe she would have been arrested long ago gone.

These are all kindnesses from a long time ago. Let’s just say that recently, in the previous disasters, if Wuchen hadn’t rescued Xiaozhizhi, it is estimated that she would end up like Zhiban Yixia, who was burned alive into a scorched corpse by the flames. .

Chapter 55 Anti-Threat [First Update]

"As expected of dust-free."

Huang Lingyin gave Wuchen a thumbs-up and praised her with praise: "You are the only one who can use Dr. Xiaozhishu. That doctor doesn't even give her face to the governments of some countries."

The few women nodded in agreement. Some developed countries in the world have almost all threw olive branches to the bundle of Xiaozhi, but without exception, they were all rejected by her.

Even some countries have looked for trouble with her, but only one result - annihilation.

"Bun is really talented."

Wuchen didn't deny this either, and then the conversation changed, looking at Huang Lingyin yin and yang strangely, "Speaking of which, you seemed to hate me before, but now the speed of change is too fast, it seems that the fourth generation IS is so attractive, you even forget your own position."

"Is there?" Huang Lingyin blinked Shui Ling's eyes and cocked her mouth, looking very innocent.

"You are so shameless."

Wuchen raised his middle finger to Huang Lingyin.


Time passed quickly, and it was seven days later. On the eighth day, the IS competition of IS Academy finally kicked off.

This game has attracted attention all over the world. After all, the final reward is too tempting, and not many people can resist the temptation.

The fourth-generation IS built by Shino no Bundle, as well as some designs of the fifth-generation IS, are enough to cause the world to go crazy.

The simulation field of IS school, the competition is in full swing at this moment, and there are a large number of helicopters in the sky for live broadcast, which can be watched all over the world.

In this highly anticipated moment, only Wuchen and Zhiban Qiandong are missing.

"Humans are not as good as gods. I look down on those guys a little bit. I didn't expect them to take the initiative to ask for trouble."

Sitting at the desk without dust, an envelope on the table is clearly visible.

Incredible to say, in fact, this letter originated from the subjugated machinery industry.

I thought it was a little tricky, and this group of terrorists would go into the trap. Unexpectedly, the group of demented people also had some brains.

The content of the letter is actually quite simple, let Wuchen send the fifth-generation IS design drawings and the fourth-generation IS design drawings to the National Machinery Industry.

If you don't abide by the agreement, you will tear up the ticket and weave the circle.

In addition, there is a physical examination report on Zhibanyuan, and the blood type and DNA are almost exactly the same as Zhiban Yixia.

In other words, Zhibanyuan is [-]% a clone of Zhiban Yixia.

"What shall we do?"

Oriban Qiandong nervously looked at Wuchen, who was usually cold and glamorous at the moment like a little girl with no strength to tie a chicken, her eyes begging to look at Wuchen.

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