The meaning is self-evident - I hope Wuchen will teach the terrorists the design of the fourth generation IS and the fifth generation IS.

"It seems that the IS competition I prepared outside is not a big fish." Wuchen sighed in a loss, and said indifferently: "It's not impossible to hand over the design drawings, I'm useless anyway... But there is one thing You may not know."

Wuchen's knuckles tapped the table rhythmically, "In Zhibanyuan's brain, there are a lot of nanomachines, as long as the child has the slightest idea of ​​betraying the [National Machinery Industry], the nerves in the brain will be instantly destroyed."

"Bang, ka ka ka..."

Hearing this, Oriban Qiandong angrily smashed the table, the anger in her heart could no longer be suppressed, and she cursed: "Shameless."

"It's a little shameless, but it is precisely because of this cruelty that they can last for decades without being destroyed."

Wuchen drank a cup of tea. These terrorists did have some means. It was originally a plan to invite Jun into the urn, but this time they were counter-threat. With Zhiban Qiandong hooked, with Zhibanyuan's body details, Zhiban Qiandong can be [-]% sure that she is Zhiban Yixia's clone, and she can be regarded as her sister.

The terrorists of the subjugated machine industry are very smart, and they are quite intelligent, and they have successfully seized the weakness of Oriban Chifu's family, even if Oriban Yuan is a clone.

Rubbing his head, Wuchen comforted in a soft voice: "You don't have to worry, just do as the terrorists ask, redeem the child first, and then leave the nanomachine in her head to Shu. "

A warm current swept through Chiban’s heart, and thanked Wuchen gratefully, “Thank you…”

"But, that group of terrorists that are so cheap?" Oriban Chifuyu bit her lower lip unwillingly, blood oozing out, and her face was even a little distorted.

She has never been as angry as she is today, never in her entire life!

"Of course I won't bypass them. My things are so easy to take." Wuchen was also cold and said solemnly: "When the transaction is over, I will destroy them with my own hands."

"That doesn't seem right, doesn't it?" Chifu Oriban frowned and said seriously, "What if those terrorists hurt Yuan? Didn't you say she has nanomachines in her head?"


Hearing this affectionate title, Wuchen glared and looked at Chitou Oriban in an extremely speechless manner. Is this guy too narcissistic? Others have not said that they recognize her as an older sister.

"Don't worry about such trivial matters."

Wuchen closed her eyes and was too lazy to explain. She had too many secrets, and even if she told Oriban Chifuyu, she might not understand.

Time passed in a hurry, and after about five or six hours, the IS competition outside came to an end.

Chapter 56 Secret Tracking [First Update]

Among them, it is estimated that Cecilia has the best chance of winning. She even has the ability of dust-free glittering fruit, and is worthy of the name of the uncrowned king. Whether it is the four-generation machine, or the strongest student council president. It was impossible to cause substantial threat and harm to her.

Who let there be dust-free hanging.

This competition lasted until nightfall. There were too many people participating in this competition, and it probably didn't end until about 10 o'clock in the evening.

The result of the game was as expected.

"Winner Cecilia!"

When the referee's voice resounded throughout the simulation field, the thunderous applause spread out immediately.





The enthusiasm of the audience was completely ignited. Even if the dust-free office was a distance away, the sound insulation effect was very good. At this moment, his head was still roaring, and there was no joy on his face.

"Aren't you supposed to be happy, that's your maid after all." Orizara Chifuyu said in a low voice.

"If there is no such thing as Weaving Banyan, I might be happy." Wuchen responded with his head crossed, his feet crossed on the table, "Haven't those terrorists contacted you yet."

Orimara Chifuyu shook her head, with a hint of anxiety in her expression, "No, I contacted you once before, and then I didn't..."

"Ding ding..."

Before Oriban Chifuyu could finish her words, the phone in her arms rang, and when she took it out, it was an unfamiliar phone number.

"Finally I'm calling." Oriban Chifu's heavy face was filled with surprise, she took a deep breath, and after she stabilized her emotions, she began to answer.

As for Wuchen, the old god was there with his eyes closed.

The call was very short, only about fifty or sixty seconds. After the other party said the location and other details, he hung up the phone.

"Let's go have a look."

Wuchen opened his eyes, and his dark eyes were filled with a dim light that devoured people.

"Didn't you hear that, the other party won't let you go!" Orimara Chifuyu shrugged her shoulders, also with a helpless look, "I'll just go by myself."

"Come on, a group of scumbags still have so many conditions." Wuchen pouted, and then took out some design drawings from the table drawer to teach Orimara Chifuyu, "This is the fourth-generation IS design and the fifth-generation IS part. The blueprint, take it."

Wuchen waved his hand, then closed his eyes and took a nap.

"It's strange, when did this guy become so obedient?" Orimara Chifuyu picked up the IS design and couldn't help but glance at Wuchen.

The Wuchen in the impression has always been the type who is not afraid of the sky and the earth. He typically eats soft and hard, and the more he doesn't let him go, the more he can't stop him.

This time, she was so obedient, and Orimara Chifuyu couldn't help but ran to the window and looked at it. The sun didn't come out from the west.

"Remember to be careful, especially the people you come into contact with. The terrorists are all crazy, and there are countless extremists who have planted bombs in their bodies." Wuchen opened his eyes again and reminded that Zhiban Qiandong was just a The naked eye is mortal, and it will surely die if it is hit by a bomb.

"Understood, don't underestimate me."

Orimoda Chifuyu tidied up the corners of her clothes a little, and immediately left Wuchen a graceful shadow.

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