"Yes, Lord Wuchen is the king, with powers that are incomprehensible to ordinary people."

After thinking about it, the two were relieved, but Wuchen smiled, it was not the ability of a king, but the ability of Samsara.

"Have you found Chi Shen Ya?" Both of them looked at Wu Chen expectantly.

"Yes, yes, but... the process of things is a bit complicated."

Wuchen let out a long sigh, and said one by one: "That guy has become a king, and he has the same ability as me!"

When the two heard the words, they immediately showed a strong shock, and they were obviously caught off guard. Isn't the rest of the Void Genome in the hands of Yingman Chunxia? !

"I don't know either." Wuchen shrugged. At first, he was very embarrassed when he learned that Sangshenya became the king. Although he still became king in the original book, it was taken from Ying Manji. The power of the king to walk.

The situation is very different now. The source of the Void Genome of Chishen Ya is newly created by Shuichiro Kemichi!

It is worth noting that the brat of Chi Shen Ya was extremely cunning, but he did not obey Shuichiro Komichi, and after he became king, he left quietly.

Chapter 23 Cleverness is mistaken by cleverness [First More]

It is only natural that Tsukigami won't choose to help him, and it's even possible to kill Shuichiro Komichi, aside from the brutal abuse that Tsugami suffered when he was used as an experimental subject, there is one more important point.

Shidou Shuichiro is a disrespectful old man, and even wants to marry Yu Qi!

Yu Qi is a clone of Sakura's real name, and Chigginya has an almost insane possessiveness towards Yu Qi, how could it be possible to watch Shidou Shuichiro marry her! ?This is absolutely impossible.

"That, that, disturbing!" A slight voice came from outside the room.

Hearing some cowardly voices coming from outside, Wuchen immediately recognized that it was the voice of Yingman Spring and Summer.

"come in."

Wuchen responded, and then only heard a "squeak", and a graceful figure invaded his eyes.

Yingman Chunxia was wearing a black dress, and her bumpy figure held up her clothes, especially the pair of high career lines.

"I want to talk to you." Yingman Chunxia went straight and said directly, "It's all personal issues."

The meaning of this is self-evident, it is clear that Shinomiya Ayase and Thrush should avoid it a little.

"I want to talk to you too."

Wuchen looked at the two of them, but the two women didn't ask any further questions, and simply left.

"When are you going to give me the rest of the Void Genome? Although I'm not interested in that thing, but after all, I made a promise to my two little followers." With an envious look on his face, he sighed: "It is also a blessing for them to have a boss like you."

"Yes, yes, but I hope you promise me one thing." Ying Manchatsu looked at Wuchen seriously, but the latter sneered, "The conditions for you to give me my void genome have been completed, Now come to open the conditions again? I am not a shantang, little girl, don't think of me too kindly, in fact, you are cooperating with the devil!"

The implication of Wuchen is to refuse, how can there be so much time to accompany Yingman Spring and Summer to fool around.


Hearing this, the corners of Yingman's mouth twitched in spring and summer. She also knew that there was no pie falling in vain from the sky. Who would help others without pay?And the stakes are high.

"I heard everything you talked about just now."

Yingman Chunxia said with a bitter smile: "I didn't expect such a thing to happen, my brother was able to create a new Void genome in such a short period of time, and even gave it to Chishenya... He did Very talented, unfortunately used in the wrong place."

"I fully agree with this point. Stepping out is not heaven, but walking into the abyss." Wuchen also nodded, although the theory was stolen from Yingmanxuanzhou, but it can create a void genome This kind of cross-age thing, it is undeniable that Shuichiro Kemichi is indeed a gifted scientist.

But it is a pity that he was clever in the wrong place. Without those complicated thoughts, Shuichiro Komido would have become a world-famous scientist by now.

"With my ability, I definitely can't take revenge. That guy became the king, and even if I add up to a hundred, I'm not his opponent." Now, Ying Manchatsu seems to finally recognize the reality.

In the past, Zang Shen Ya had not yet become a king, but was a well-trained and powerful character. Now that he has become a king, his strength has undergone dimensional changes.

But despite this, this does not mean that Yingmanchun can let go of hatred.

"Even so, I won't forgive him!"

Yingman Spring and Summer's beautiful eyes once again burst into hatred, and it seems that after Yingmanji was killed, the blow to her was really not small.

"Looking at you like this, I understand."

Wuchen stared at Yingman Spring and Summer for a moment, and then said indifferently: "You want me to help you kill Zangshenya?"

If that's the only case, Wuchen can still promise Ying Man Chun Xia, which is considered a favor. Anyway, even if there is no Ying Man Chun Xia's request, he will not easily bypass that brat.

"Can you do it?"

Seeing that Wuchen was silent, Yingman Spring and Summer looked at him nervously.

Jigshenya is the king, and Wuchen is also the king. Only the king can deal with the king. The trouble for normal human beings to find the troublesome God is a dead end.

"I thought it was something." Wuchen smiled and said generously: "Don't worry, if it's just this..."

"I am willing to pay all the price for this!"

She seemed to think that Wuchen would reject herself, Yingman Chunxia gritted her teeth and interrupted Wuchen, her whole face was looking like she was going out, she suddenly pulled the clothes chain behind her back, and all her black long skirts fell off. .

A body as white as snow suddenly appeared in the dust-free eyes, wearing only a pink chubby.

Wuchen was sluggish for a few seconds, never expecting this ending.

"This is all I can give you."

Yingman Chunxia moved her lotus steps lightly, and then lay sideways on Wuchen's body, her white lotus arms wrapped around Wuchen's waist, and her eyes were adorned with prayers.

"Is that child worth your sacrifice?"

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