Wuchen stared deeply at Sakura Manchatsu, and felt a little jealous of Sakura Manji in his heart.

In the original book, that kid seems to have always had good luck with peach blossoms. There is one who is thinking about him, not to mention that even Shinomiya Ayase has a good impression of him.

Right now, even Sakura Manchatsu paid a heavy price for this, and even chose to sacrifice himself.

"I'm Ji's mother, of course it's worth it for the child." Ying Manchatsu was still full of hatred, and then saw Wuchen being silent, thinking that she cared that she already had a child, and said in a weak mosquito's voice: "Don't look at it. I'm already Ji's mother, and it's actually my first time!"

When she said this, Ying Manchia's face was flushed, she gritted her teeth and explained, "Xuan Zhou and I are married for the second time, although we are husband and wife, but unfortunately he has been indulging in scientific careers and doesn't want children at all. Now, I'm just Ji's stepmother..."

Wuchen listened silently, staring at the enchanting carcass, the light in his eyes flashed away.

This woman is actually smart, but she is mistaken by smarts. Even if she doesn't dedicate herself, Wuchen will kill Yashenya.

However, since this woman has devoted herself, she is a bastard without taking advantage of it!

"It is estimated that you will be very sad if you refuse. I have always been kind, so I agreed to your conditions."

Without further ado, Wuchen ripped apart the fat times of Yingman Spring and Summer. Originally, he was able to keep his heart and desires few, but after Yingman Spring and Summer's provocation, flames arose in his heart.

Chapter 24 You must be stupid in the future! 【Second Update】

It is self-evident that something unsuitable for children will happen next...

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, an hour or two has passed, and Shinomiya Ayase and Thrush, who were kicked out by Wuchen, were naturally confused.

"What are you talking about? It took so long?" Looking at the quiet door from a distance, it didn't seem to mean to open it, and the thrush was extremely confused.

It's too exaggerated to talk about something important for an hour or two and it's not over yet, isn't it?

"Who knows, it is probably something that Mr. Wuchen is very interested in." Shinomiya Ayase is also very puzzled.

"You're still called Mr. Wuchen when there's no one there?" Thrush looked at Ayase Shinomiya playfully, and suddenly came close to her ear, looking like a thief to see if there was anyone around, and then smiled strangely: "Shouldn't it be? Will you be fascinated by that guy?!"

Hearing this, Shinomiya Ayase was stunned for a moment, then blushed, and hurriedly denied: "You are talking nonsense!"

"What nonsense are you blushing?" Looking at the embarrassed appearance of Shinomiya Ayase, the thrush felt more and more problematic, "How do you say that sentence, don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, look at how excited you are , isn't it side proof?!"

"Be careful when you're talking nonsense, I'll tear your mouth apart!"

Shinomiya Ayase gave the thrush a fierce glance, but the latter was not afraid of her at all, just made a face.

About an hour or two later, Yingmanchun did not come out of the dust-free room until she walked out of the dust-free room, but her walking posture was very strange, crooked, and she couldn't even walk well, so she stopped for a while.

In the end, it was necessary to support the wall to forcefully leave. Sakuramanchatsu didn't listen to the perverted voice in his mouth. Hearing it, the thrush and Shinomiya Ayase were puzzled.

When the two of them went to the dust-free room together, he stood on the balcony with a leisurely face, refreshed.

The windows all around were open, but even so, there was still a burst of heart-pounding smell in the air.

"Strange, why does this room smell so weird? It wasn't there just now."

Shinomiya Ayase couldn't help but touched her cheek. For some reason, the temperature of her whole body increased uncontrollably, and within a few seconds, her face was flushed red.

The same is true for the thrush, the simple two people do not know what kind of battle just happened here.

"It is estimated that this villa has been unoccupied for too long. You all know that over time, no matter what is easy to get moldy!" Wuchen looked at the two of them without blushing and panting, and said nonsense in a serious manner: "The worship house That old man Weng, I will look for trouble with him later, and he dares to perfunctory me in such a rude place, which is unreasonable!!!"

"It's also possible."

The pure-hearted two nodded, but they didn't think much about it.

However, something unexpected happens at any time!

"Mold? How could that happen in my house?"

The strange voice of yin and yang suddenly came, and the eyes of the three people looked over, and a slim figure was standing at the door.

Who else is there besides Arisa, the temple of worship?

The child looked at Wuchen angrily, her eyes full of endless resentment, obviously she knew what happened, after all, she was a child of a big family, so she naturally knew more things, and she could almost recognize the radiance in the air at a glance. What kind of taste is it - the gas of prostitution!

"Cough cough cough..."

Seeing this, Wuchen coughed twice in embarrassment, deliberately changed the subject, and said, "The sun is good today, let's go out for a walk later."

However, Arisa in the enshrinement institute is not stupid. She has received a good education since she was a child and instantly understands Wuchen's intention, but she doesn't want to eat this set. The way up was swaying, what did you talk about just now, was it too intense?!"

"This little girl's film is really a jar of vinegar." Hearing this, Wuchen couldn't help rolling his eyes, and casually made an excuse to prevaricate: "I guess it's too tired, after all, after talking for several hours, my brain is short-circuited. It's all possible!"

"That's true."

Thrush and Shinomiya Ayase both agreed. After all, after several hours of high-density negotiations, everyone would be tired.

"Hmph, how can it be that simple!"

The sharp-eyed shrine Arisa walked in suddenly, pointed to the bright red blood stains on the bedding, gritted her teeth and asked, "What's the matter with this pool of blood? I'm so tired that I'm bleeding, this is too exaggerated!!!"

"Mother, I forgot to clean the scene." Wuchen cursed inwardly, then smiled: "He is too tired, I helped her to rest on my bed for a while, as for the blood..."

Wuchen couldn't help but feel a little pain in the eggs. This question is really difficult to answer. You can't directly say that it is the blood after the cherry blossoms are full of spring and summer, right?

"It's probably the one who came." Seeing Wuchen's embarrassed look, Shinomiya Ayase replied embarrassedly and solved the problem for him.


Wuchen was also stunned when he heard the words, and he couldn't help thinking for a while. The one he said... shouldn't it be the aunt? !

"That's right, that's right, that's the one here!" Wuchen also nodded, closing his mouth hard, he was really afraid that he couldn't help laughing.

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