"I hope you understand and help me solve it!" Atalanta demanded seriously.

"I rely on... How do you let me solve this?"

Wuchen is also drunk, women are really strange creatures, and they are jealous, so do you need Wuchen to help solve it?

Isn't it hard for the strong man?

Chapter 49 The final battle is about to start [First Update]


Seemingly thinking of something, Wuchen laughed suddenly, his eyes narrowed into a line, and he asked with interest: "I have already thought of the way to compensate you, but first I have to confirm, are you serious? Maybe you will hate it in that way, if I am disliked, I will lose a lot."

"Of course not, I agree with everything that Mr. Wuchen has done for me!"

Atalanta put her hands on her hips and her cheeks were slightly bulging. She was very cute, and occasionally a cute woman was often the most likable.

She said in a very serious tone: "Please also ask Lord Wuchen to execute it immediately."

"I really can't do anything about you."

In desperation, Wuchen picked up Atalanta's head, under the surprised gaze of the latter, regardless of her next reaction.

The dust-free mouth directly blocked Atalanta's soft/tender fragrance/lip.

Next... It's a self-evident thing of course, especially for men, it's an intense sport that almost every man likes.


In the early morning of the next day, when it was about three poles in the sun, Atalanta was still snuggling in the dust-free embrace with a lazy expression on her face.

Her eyes were still sleepy.

"It's been absurd for a night, and it's time to get rid of your anger, Atalanta." After scratching the bridge of the girl's white nose, Wuchen gave a thumbs up and praised: "You were great last night, I am very enjoy."


Hearing the words, the girl in her arms changed to a more comfortable position, and arched like a cat.

"How can it be fake."

Wuchen closed his eyes like an endless aftertaste, showing infatuation/love on his face, and the experience was really good.

"It is my duty to let Lord Wuchen enjoy life. If you still have needs in the future, please try to ask me to implement it!" Atalanta said with a blushing face.

As a woman, being able to say such words shows the importance of Wuchen in my heart.


At the same time, Sieg gathered all the resurrected Heroic Spirits.

"The original black Lancer and Archer have been eliminated."

In Zig's temporary stronghold, there were several Heroic Spirits standing beside him, all of whom had participated in the Holy Grail War before.

At this moment, everyone is staring at a map. The coordinates are Wuchen's base camp. Several people are discussing how to attack Wuchen.

These resurrected heroic spirits are the red side saber Mordred, the red side Assassin the Assyrian empress, and the red side lancer, and the rider.

It can be said that in addition to Berserker, Caster and Archer, the heroic spirits of the original red square have all been resurrected. As for the original Archer, Atalanta has taken refuge in Wuchen. There are currently four heroic spirits, plus The black lacner and archer who were killed before, nearly six heroic spirits, as well as top heroic spirits such as the red lacner and the red assassin, such a luxurious lineup can almost sweep the world.

And they all obey one man's orders - Zig!

"I didn't expect that the Holy Grail War is over, and we still have to participate in the dispute between you and that guy. Really... they were all killed by that guy once, and he may have to kill him a second time now."

The red side rider leaned against the wall and sighed, but he knew that dust-free was terrifying, and he would not be able to refuse to perform such a demanding task.

Since the moment of their resurrection, they have been like robots that have been programmed - assisting Zig to kill the dust at all costs.

This kind of instruction made several people very tired, and there was no way to resist it.

"There's no need to be so desperate. We win because we have more people. Although we lost two, there are still four Heroic Spirits... plus me, we have five people."

Sieg is more optimistic. Because of Siegfried, he can transform into a heroic spirit and fight bravely.

"I lost once before, and now I don't want to lose a second time."

The red side lacner looked at the map carefully and pondered: "This time we have the right time, place and three major advantages. I really can't think of any reason to lose to him."

"Hmph... I died too fast before, I also have something to ask that guy to ask clearly!" Mordred's eyes flashed with a chilling light.

"Ah Lie Lie... It's really a surging will to fight, saber." Red Fang Assassin, the Assyrian Empress, suddenly flashed, and looked at Mordred and teased: "It seems that the dust-free is you. Father, you won't defect when the war starts, right? It's not that there are such examples."

After speaking, the red side assassin also looked at Zig with a meaning.

It is because of Alstorford's betrayal of the Black faction that this kid got the Holy Grail.

"Stop pouring dirty water in there, you disgusting stinky viper!"

Mordred's eyes flashed with raging red light, and he said solemnly: "We are all ordered by the Holy Grail... Tell me such boring words, are you looking for trouble?"

"If you want to be provocative, be careful I will tear your head!"

As if it were real, Mordred was full of magic power.

"The war hasn't started yet, and we have civil unrest here ahead of time. If you don't want to die, everyone should stay calm."

The red side rider stood up to round the field, and it was not good for anyone to be in a mess at this time.

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