"When will I start? The more you drag, the worse it will be." The red lancer asked.

"The time has been set... It will probably be the night in three days, when we will fight to the death with Wuchen!"

Zig clenched his fists. He couldn't forgive Wuchen. Alstorford gave him the Holy Grail and gave him hope.

But in the end, he was wiped out by Wuchen, and he could not tolerate the murderer still at large!

Chapter 50 Artoria [First Update]

The reason why it was decided to be three days later is because a series of preparations are still needed. In order to ensure victory in the first battle, it is inevitable to implement some more plans.


Compared with the tense Sieg camp, Wuchen was much more relaxed here. He left a shadow clone at the base camp, and then took Fiore, Atalanta, and Jeanne to a nearby place to play.

On the azure sea, Fiore and Atalanta were swimming in the icy waters, while Wuchen lay lazily on the beach.

He's lazy and doesn't really like sports.

"Girls are very concerned about your gaze. It seems inappropriate to sleep here alone. They all want to be praised by their favorite people."

The voice of Joan of Arc came from the ear, and Wuchen opened his eyelids when he heard the words.

Joan of Arc, who came into view, was also wearing a sexy/sexy bikini/ni, and the pure white color added a touch of fire/spicy to her innocent and lovely cheeks.

"What do you mean by this dress, aren't you a saint of the church? Now you are too open." As he said so, Wuchen took a few more glances.

That majestic career line... tsk tsk, if you rub/rub it twice, it feels absolutely beautiful/sweet.

"It was said that it was a previous life. Since you have given me a new life, I will naturally have to change my life."

"You don't want me to give it to the Lord again, do you?" Joan of Arc blinked and asked very playfully.

"That's true. I have always hated magic sticks. If you believe in some kind of master, maybe I will beat you to death."

Wuchen nodded noncommittally, then narrowed his eyes again, "It's alright, you can go and play with Atalante and Fiore, I'll rest for a while."

"Hey hey hey... You're too shameless, aren't you? What do you think of the swimsuit I just picked? Isn't the color a bit monotonous?" Like dancing butterflies.

She also lifted her body on purpose, and the huge ball almost jumped out, making Wuchen feel dizzy.

"It's so simple that I don't see it, I said..."

Wuchen's throat became thirsty, and he asked very seriously: "If you dress like this, you shouldn't be here to tempt me, but remind you that my will has never been very good. If you are provoked by you, you will pay a heavy price."

After finishing speaking, Wuchen and thief glanced at the tall and long legs. Joan's figure really has nothing to say. It should be long, convex, and warped. The figure is called the golden ratio.

"This is something that can't be helped. Who made you so proud, if you don't appreciate it, is there anyone else?" Jeanne asked angrily. Looking around, there was no one in the nearby sea area.

With a wave of Wuchen's big hand, he contracted the nearby sea area...

So there are only four of them.

"Okay, not bad! Satisfied?"

After taking a closer look, Wuchen praised Joan of Arc, but the expression looked more like charity, with a face of reluctance.

"Che, you are really not going to please women at all." Jeanne glared at Wuchen angrily, obviously not very satisfied with this answer.

"Sorry, it's always women who please me. I'm a stupid person, and I can't say what women like." Wuchen spread his hands, and the dead pig looked particularly ill-fated when he wasn't afraid of being scalded by boiling water.

"Old antique, old guy... think about it for yourself!"

Joan of Arc glanced at Wuchen with a very unfortunate look, and then walked away.

Wuchen stared at the back of the girl leaving, looked at it for a moment, closed his eyes again, and didn't know how long it took, "In terms of appearance, is it very similar to you?"

There is no one around, Wuchen seems to be talking to himself?


It didn't take long for a golden light to sway around the dust-free surroundings, which quickly condensed into the outline of a human being tortured.

This is an impeccable girl. She is so in every way. She has a delicate face, elegant temperament, especially her emerald eyes. She looks very dusty and smart. She is wearing a simple white top with light blue. With a short skirt and beautiful blonde hair wrapped around her head, she looks very capable, and the first impression you give is that of a very self-reliant type.


Wuchen opened her eyes and glanced at the girl next to her... Oh, no, after following Wuchen for so many years, she is already a young woman.

But no matter when, even after so many years, she still looks like a girl of seventeen or eighteen.

"In the world, there are always people with similar appearances. Are there still few such examples, Wuchen." Arturia asked, staring at Joan of Arc's back.

"That's true."

Wuchen thought of Mordred in his mind, and when he saw her at first glance, Wuchen thought that Arturia had been summoned to become a heroic spirit again.

"Have you met her?"

Arturia couldn't help but folded her little hands together, and her expression was also touched. Seeing this, Wuchen smiled and said, "You mean Mordred, why... Do you want me to teach that traitor a lesson."

"It's not."

Arturia denied it, glanced at Wuchen, and reminded: "I'm just afraid that you accidentally killed her, that child is not bad, and I didn't blame her... It is inevitable that people will go astray in this life, The key is whether it can repent, and Mordred should be fine."

"Speaking of this... Mordred originally disappeared, but she was forcibly resurrected by the Holy Grail. This time, luck was not good, and she stood on the opposite side of me again."

Wuchen rubbed his head, and sympathized with those heroic spirits in his heart. He was tortured and killed once by himself, and there will be a second time soon.

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