Chapter 53 Sneak Attack! 【First Update】

"What did that guy assassin do?"

It has been a while since Assassin left, and Zig also realized the problem. It was all right. Assassin disappeared inexplicably, which made everyone deeply puzzled.

"The woman kept saying I was going to defect, and now the problem is on her own."

In a dense virgin jungle, surrounded by enchantments, Zig and others temporarily stationed here.

It was Mordred who spoke.

"Probably have something to deal with."

Zig doesn't have much suspicion. As a clone, his heart is still simple, and there is no complicated intrigue like a human being.

And... Sieg is now the master of the red assassin. If he has the heart of rebellion, he can directly order him to commit suicide.

So he has nothing to worry about.

"Hmph, my concubine just went to Wuchen to check the situation. It's been a long time since you left, and you all began to feel that I betrayed, and everyone is not of one mind. When that guy Wuchen called, how could we possibly be? Team up against him..."

A round of purple magic circles emerged, the voice of the red assassin came from it, and then a dazzling light emerged, and she walked out of it.


Zig scrutinized her with a burning gaze, and after a slight scrutiny, he asked: "There is still a lot of time before the war with Wuchen, and there is no need to act for the time being."

"When the guy relaxes his vigilance, when he wants to, let's take the opportunity to attack, and the results will be rich." Zig said confidently.

"I understand, Master."

Red Fang assassin nodded wisely, and then said solemnly: "When I left just now, I went to Wuchen to investigate some news. He has three subordinates, namely Fiore, Atalanta and Joan of Arc. , the three of them are not as powerful as Wuchen, I think we can start targeting them three, especially Fiore, who is basically no different from ordinary humans, as long as we catch her, we will have one more Contain the dust-free trump card."

"You mean kidnapping those three women?" Mordred glared at the red-side assassin angrily when he heard the words, and said with great disdain: "You you have any glory as a heroic spirit, or an empress? It's shameful to even come up with such despicable schemes."

The red party lancer and the red party rider also showed hesitation, and there were a few traces of displeasure on their faces. They are all heroes with a strong sense of honor. What is the difference between the red party's assassin's proposal and the kidnapper?

To put it more nasty, it is the behavior of the little gangsters. As heroic spirits, they are all household names in history, and they absolutely cannot accept that kind of shameful thing.


On the other hand, Zig thought about it for a while, and then arbitrarily agreed, and said solemnly: "I know that everyone cares about their own glory, but don't forget that this is a life-and-death Holy Grail War, morality doesn't matter, I only care. victory or defeat."

"You are the master, you can do what you say, do as you please."

The red rider shrugged helplessly.


At this moment, an unusual explosion sounded suddenly, and all the heroic spirits under Ziger were stunned, and they swept out of the base by coincidence.

The purple barrier that came into view was blasted out into a huge hole.

"Who set up the barrier, it's too weak, it's really rough, and it's too embarrassing to take out such a rubbish thing?"

Outside the hole, Wuchen walked in carelessly, and Zig and the others just saw Wuchen striding forward.


Several people exclaimed, their eyes widened, especially Zig, who was the most horrified. They just thought of a plan to deal with Wuchen, and this guy came to the door?

Is it such a coincidence? !


After seeing Zig, there was a smile on Wuchen's face, "You all want to take revenge on me, I'm not here now, come here."

After finishing speaking, Wuchen waved his hand and looked at him very provocatively.

"There is no way to be found..." Zig sighed and shouted in a low voice: "Everyone, come on, give this guy to..."


Before he could do it, an accident happened. Zig turned his head to look, and the back of the red lancer was actually penetrated. His golden armor was torn apart by a ferocious dragon.

The dragon's body was flowing with purple liquid, and half of it had penetrated into Lancer's body. The venom was extremely corrosive. If you touched it a little, Lancer's pure golden armor would be stained with rust.

The sturdy armor ends like this. You can imagine how miserable it will be once it touches the skin.

As for the man who made the move...

"Assassin, you bastard, what is the accident, explain it to me!!!"

The red lancer yelled, his handsome face was distorted, his mouth was bloody, and his face was full of anger.

Assassin was by his side just now. Because of the invasion of Wuchen, he paid all his attention to Wuchen, and was not wary of Assassin at all.

But who knew such a thing would happen... was successfully attacked by this guy.

The red lancer can detect the deadly venom flowing in the body, but within a few seconds, the internal organs are almost completely destroyed, and all the corroded ones are corroded. A large piece.

"Do you still need to explain that this kind of thing happened, you can't see it at this point?"

On the contrary, Wuchen stared at a few people like an idiot, his thumb ticked lightly on Assassin, and the latter smiled sinisterly, and suddenly flashed to Wuchen's side.

"You betrayed us!!!?"

Zig, the red lancer, and the rider all glared at him. No matter where they were or what world they were in, traitors were extremely shameful.

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