"I'm sorry, my concubine is not interested in hitting the stone with eggs like you. It's enough to kill him once, and forget it the second time."

Red Assassin looked at the eyes of several people and said without guilt.

"You think you don't have to die if you follow Wuchen? Childish!"

On the contrary, Sieg took a step forward and said with a cold air in his mouth: "Don't forget that I am your master, and now I order you to apologize immediately!"


Chapter 54 I'm Really Your Father [Second More]

Although the Holy Grail has resurrected some heroic spirits, they must obey Sieg's orders, even if they commit suicide.

"Zig, that's what you are capable of, please feel free."

Assassin of the red side was not panic at all, and even wanted to laugh a little.

Just relying on this ability, I still want to defeat Wuchen and daydream.

"Wait a minute, please." Red Fang Assassin's beautiful eyes looked at Wuchen, but he wasn't worried about him putting pigeons.

"I hope you get lucky and don't die too miserably."

Glancing at Qi Ge sympathetically, Assassin of the red side closed her eyes magnanimously, blood flowed from the corners of her mouth, and her body began to disperse, and a lot of light flew out, like thousands of fireflies flying, the whole person It looked like it was going to disappear.

"You brought it on yourself."

Zig looked back at the remaining Mordred and the red rider, and the Lancer who was attacked had disappeared.

Before the red side assassin died!

"Assassin that damn guy!"

Zig cursed angrily. He was originally a five-man lineup, but this time he lost two of them.

"What are you going to do with me next?" Wuchen touched his chin with a smile, "Even if you have three heads and six arms, you can't beat me."

"With my words, the three of us still have a chance of winning." Zig forced himself to calm down. Mordred's job was a saber, and his strength was unquestionable, and the strength of the red side rider was also very good.

And Sieg also has the power of Siegfried, and such a lineup is also very luxurious.


"No no no..."

Wuchen shook his finger, raised a finger, and corrected: "There are six heroic spirits who were resurrected by the Holy Grail. Later, the black lancer and the black archer died, and now the red assassin and the red lancer have disappeared. Now, there is only one Mordred and the red rider left... Next, one of these two will betray you."

After finishing speaking, Wuchen looked at Mordred with an amiable smile on his face, and clapped his palms at her, "My dear daughter, come over and give me a hug for my father, our father and daughter will wait a moment. Hammer them all together."

Zig: "........."

Red side rider: "........."

Mordred: "........."

After the scene was stalemate for about ten seconds, the magic power of Mordred's body was released uncontrollably, like a hurricane of dozens of levels.

"You bastard... If you dare to talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I will tear your head apart?!" Mordred's face turned green, and he almost vomited blood.

Good daughter hug... She can't figure it out, why can Wuchen say such stupid things calmly? !

"I'm really your father!"

Wuchen straightened up and preached very seriously, holding his breath all of a sudden, this unquestionable appearance, the bluffing Zig and the red rider were stunned for a moment.

Mordred's hand holding the Noble Phantasm was trembling, "When you talk nonsense, don't pretend to be true, there is only one father - King Arthur!"

"Since you don't believe me, I can only call her out to make it clear."

Wuchen snapped his fingers, and the space beside him began to rippling, and a small black hole gradually enlarged until it finally condensed into a door.

"Ta Ta Ta Ta..."

The sound of walking came from the space door, and Mordred raised his heart. Before Wuchen said that he knew King Arthur, he could even let her meet Mordred.

"That is not true, is it?!"

Mordred's heart was tense in his throat, and the reunion spanned thousands of years. This kind of thing can no longer be described as a miracle.

Can dust-free really do it? !

"Don't worry, let me do it now!"

Zig couldn't wait any longer, and screamed in a panic. At this time, if Wuchen really called out Mordred's mother, then what? !

It is estimated that in the end, like the red side assassin, it is also the rhythm of betrayal.

"Zig, you bastard!"

Mordred, who was ordered to do so, immediately refused to obey, and raised the Noble Phantasm with both hands, and a dazzling brilliance condensed on it.

"The Sixty-One Sixty-One Light Prisons of Bound Dao!"

Several golden bands of light suddenly appeared beside Mordred, swept towards her quickly, bound her waist tightly, and the momentum was cut in half at once.


Wuchen shot another beam of light, piercing Mordred's arms, and the little girl roared in pain, unable to hold the treasure in her hand, and fell directly to the ground.

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