"If that happens, you won't be able to move."

Wuchen looked at Mordred with a smile, his body was restricted by the six light prisons, his arms were also penetrated, and he could not hold weapons for the time being.

"Don't thank me for being a father!"

Wuchen winked at Mordred, but the child was no longer looking at her, and the space door beside Wuchen had disappeared at this moment.

A blond girl who looked exactly like Mordred appeared——Artoria.

"The spirit is better than I imagined, Mordred." Arturia raised her hand at Mordred and smiled gently.

"Father, father, father... father?! Is it really you?!"

Mordred's eyes were wet, and she, who has always had a strong personality, tears falling down at this moment, her throat choked with excitement, "It's great to see you, I have a lot of things I want to say to you. !"

"I can understand, because I am the same." Arturia said while stroking her chest, she seemed to feel the same way, and she also wanted to make up for her past regrets.

"No dust, let Mordred go temporarily." Arturia said softly.

"This is not right now. Mordred is still under the control of Zig. Once the restrictions are lifted, this kid will immediately order Mordred to attack us."

"Wait a minute, let me get rid of this guy who gets in the way first." The light danced in Wuchen's hands, and the glittering fruits quickly condensed into Tiancong Yunjian, and the edge pointed to the only remaining red square rider and Zig.

"This, this, this.... Why is it that the two of us are left to fight alone all of a sudden."

Zig's face was black, and it was difficult to accept this. This ending changed too quickly. Before they were strong and strong, how did it take two or three minutes to pass, and only themselves and the red rider were left? !

"The death of the dead, the betrayal of the betrayal, the conspiracy, and the confession... How many people do you think there are?"

The red side rider wanted to cry but had no tears. He looked at Wuchen sadly, knowing that he was going to be beheaded by this guy again, and it was bloody mildew.


Chapter 55 Is this the bare commander? 【First Update】

"What are we going to do?!" The Red Rider looked at Zig and asked, "We're the only two left now."

Zig's eyes were red, thinking of the black party rider who died tragically, his eyes turned towards Wuchen again, and his eyes became extremely xenophobic, bloodshot, "What else can I do, of course, you died and I died, this guy killed me the most. Good friend, I can't forgive him!"

"You mean... Alstorford, right?" Wuchen also understood the contradiction between the two.

"Although that guy was indeed killed by Atalanta, I still think it is necessary to clarify certain things."


Wuchen cleared his throat and explained: "Alstorford was dissatisfied with Black's lancer's order and bored with it, and he had no nostalgia for this Holy Grail War, so he deliberately died at the hands of Atalanta. "


Zig's eyes flickered when he heard the words, and his expression was a little surprised.

Kill yourself? !

He didn't know that.


"In any case, you killed him. This is a fact. Don't try to argue." Zig said through gritted teeth.

"I didn't plan to quibble. If you want revenge, you can come, but I have to remind you that you can't do anything by yourself, a clone who survives and survives only after being favored, let alone your level. , even if you have ten lives, you still want to turn the world upside down?"

Wuchen struck with a mean blow, and at the same time stared at the red square rider with dimly lit eyes.

"You stop looking down on people there!!!"

Zig's handsome cheeks suddenly distorted, and he refuted it, but he couldn't open his mouth. After all, Wuchen was indeed too strong.

"I'm alone...? Are you blind, I still have Rid..."


A bright red head rolled in front of Zig, his pupils dilated instantly, this bloody head was a rider!

At the moment of death, his eyes were still open, full of unwillingness.

After all, he is also a hero with a high level of divinity, but...how did he hang up without knowing it, and he didn't even have the time to react.

Was instantly killed by Wuchen in a single face-to-face? !

"Now it's okay to say that it is a person." Wuchen asked with a smile, the Tiancong Yunjian in his hand still has blood that has not dried up.

One of his eyes has turned into an eye of reincarnation. Just now, it was through the power of the heavens that he appeared behind the red rider and killed him.

"A mere clone of a person, can laugh and say that in the end you should thank yourself for your luck... Of course, it's all because of that damn protagonist's halo."

"However, you are not satisfied with this, and you even want to challenge me, so you can grow melons and sow beans, and you need to bear the karma that you buried yourself."

Wuchen walked out slowly with Tiancong Yunjian in his hand. Every time he took one more step, Ziger would be extremely nervous and could not help but go backwards.

"I won't be afraid of you!!"

Zig roared loudly, and at the same time, a burst of red light erupted from his body, and amazing magic power erupted from his body.

"And such magic?"

Mordred was slightly startled, very surprised. It was unprecedented for a clone to possess the magic power of a heroic spirit.

When the magic power dissipated, Sieg had undergone earth-shaking changes, and he had become the original black saber - Siegfried!

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