"Let Wuchen solve the next thing."

Arturia gracefully walked to Mordred's side. The latter looked absently, staring at the face that was so close at hand. It was so unreal, but all of this was true. Mordred had mixed feelings in his heart. .

In the past, Mordred swung the butcher's knife at Arturia, and both of them eventually fell.

Now in the meeting, Mordred has mixed feelings in his heart.


The corners of his mouth twitched for a while before Mordred spoke in a low voice, "Maybe you were right, I'm not suitable to be a king."

"At the beginning of this Holy Grail War, I met my master, Lion Jiejieli. He is very good and has taught me a lot of truth. I am very grateful to him."

"Nine times out of ten in my life, I am unsatisfactory. I can fly like a bird on the battlefield and follow my father's back closely. I am very satisfied."

"As for being a king... the road is too difficult and lonely, and it's not for me."

Mordred seemed to have come to his senses, bowed his head and said the most real thoughts in his heart.


Mordred looked at Arturia nervously, and asked very nervously: "Father, you must hate me, right?"

It is normal for Mordred to think so. If it weren't for her, Arturia would not have died, and Britain might not have been destroyed.

Everything is because of her.


"What father would hate his own child?"

Arturia responded with a smile, and then made a move that made Mordred in a daze.

She took a step forward, rubbed Mordred's broken golden hair with her little hand, and mumbled while rubbing: "No wonder that guy Wuchen always likes to rub other people's heads, it feels really good."


Mordred was stunned, his eyes widened, is this still the mature, unsmiling King Arthur?

"Could it be the impostor who fooled me without dust?"

Mordred even had such an idea in his heart, but she quickly shook her head and denied it. Even if this body is the body of a heroic spirit, she can still feel the feeling of blood connection.

Artoria in front of her is her father!

Chapter 56 Violently Beats Zig [First Update]

It is no wonder that Mordred would have such an idea. After all, the enemy of life and death appeared, and the first reaction of normal people was to kill it at all costs.

But Artoria forgave Mordred, which made her feel extremely unreal, and the beauty in front of her should only appear in a dream.

"The past is in the past, and there is still time to make up for the mistakes that have been made in the past. Just look to the future."

Arturia smiled and looked very cheerful.

"Father, I..."

Mordred smiled bitterly when she heard the words. She wanted to say that she would spend her whole life filling up the trauma of Arturia's past.

It's just... She's dead now, how can she have the right to talk about this?

No matter how much he said, it was a verbal check, so Mordred didn't know how to answer, so he could only bow his head heavily.


On the other side, the fierce battle between Wuchen and Zig also began. As expected, this kid launched a stern offensive, but in front of Wuchen, it was still not enough to see. What a clever and powerful attack, it was all defeated by Wuchen. An understatement resolved.

After some battle, the boy had wounds on his body.

"Is he really my father?!" Looking at Wuchen, Mordred asked absentmindedly.

"Of course, there is no doubt about that."

Artoria responded, "Let's ask him for help, Wuchen even resurrected an outsider, let alone you are his daughter, as long as you are willing to take a correct attitude, with my understanding of him, I will definitely promise you. requirements.”

Arturia's words were like a beacon, which made Mordred's eyes light up. Yes, the dust-free even resurrected Joan of Arc and Atalanta who were outsiders, not to mention that he was his daughter, What's wrong?

Maybe Mordred didn't realize that when Wuchen asked her to call her father, this little girl was always irritable, but now... she's very excited and lucky!


Wuchen kicked out, impartially, and landed on Zig's abdomen. The armor he was wearing shattered with a click, and it was as fragile as paper.

"Ah woo woo!!"

And Zig also vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, and his distorted face looked very painful.


A violent sense of dizziness flooded into his heart, and Sieg, who was exhausted, fell to the ground unable to do so. He had one hand firmly on the hilt of the sword, and failed to stand up several times.

"Oops...Isn't that enough? It wasn't even entertainment just now. I hope you can please me as much as you like."

Wuchen stopped, stared at the embarrassed Zig, and suggested, "Do you want me to release the water and fight again?"

"Stop talking to yourself there!"

Zig gritted his teeth, and with the support of his strong will, he finally stood up with his legs straight. He gasped heavily, "That's nice, you haven't killed me by now."

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