"Kill you and Mordred will disappear."

Wuchen pointed to Mordred and Arturia. The two were chatting happily, with happy smiles on their faces from time to time. This scene was very warm, and Wuchen, who was watching from a distance, was not disturbed.

"It seems that the two of them have settled their previous suspicions. Sure enough, only Arturia can subdue Mordred, the iron-headed child."

Wuchen sighed again and again, but these words made Ziger's eyes twinkle.

"I'm sorry, I plan to let her disappear now!"

Zig Senran said, Wuchen suddenly turned his head when he heard the words, stared at the boy for a moment, and then slowly said: "Let you take a few more breaths, you should thank me for my kindness, and don't dig your own grave."

"Hmph, I want you to understand now what it's like to lose someone you love!"

Zig's face was hideous, and the last remaining Command Spell on his arm also disappeared, and he coldly ordered to Mordred: "Disappear, Mordred!"

On the other side, Mordred's body immediately radiated a lot of light, and within a few seconds, his body had lost its texture.

"I don't know what to do!"

Wuchen's eyes froze when he saw this, and he came to Zige in a flash, and there was no water on his brutal cheeks.


The arm that grabbed Sieg's shoulder was lightly exerted, and his bones shattered immediately, and it was still a very thorough one.


Zig screamed, a lot of sweat poured out of his head, and Wuchen's anger did not diminish, and he punched the boy again.


Zig immediately spit out blood, and the abdomen that was attacked by Wuchen also dented for the first time. The skin of the attacked place was purple-black and completely necrotic.

"How does it feel? Stupid stuff, you have nothing to blame for yourself, are you bound now?"

Grabbing Zig's hair, his dust-free face was like the shadow of a sword and a sword, and the guy who stabbed his whole body was as uncomfortable as being cut by a knife.

"Leave this guy alone for now and resurrect Mordred."

Arturia pouted and said, Wuchen nodded when she heard the words, and threw Sieg out like throwing garbage.

"Outer Dao Reincarnation Innate Technique!!!"

Chapter 57 Calling Papa [First]

Bringing the dead back to life, giving a second life to a dead person...

This is a very heavy and unrealizable topic. Why is it said that it is unrealizable, because in history, no one can do this kind of thing, even the legendary gods can't have this ability.

Otherwise, the gods will not usher in the twilight, and they can continue to rule the world unscrupulously...

"I am..."

After the reincarnation was born, the collapsed Mordred condensed again. She was originally a body of soul, and she gradually stared, and the hazy light on the outside slowly dissipated.

After a while, when the light of the soul was completely extinguished, the flesh and blood Mordred appeared, still the familiar face, only the aura on her body had changed, and she could feel that her eyes had become bright, just like the stars of the stars. as shiny.

The temperament of the body is also completely different, there is still a big difference between a living person and the body of a heroic spirit.

"This, this, this... this is cheating!"

Sieg stared blankly at this scene, staring at Mordred who had just died and resurrected, only to feel a burst of anger explode in his chest.


The throat surged, and the crimson blood spurted out again unsatisfactorily. Zig's already pale cheeks became even whiter, not much different from a dead person.

"Ahhh...I'm not reconciled!"

Zig roared with blood in his mouth, his whole body spasmed violently, and his face was hideous. His upper and lower teeth also contained brown blood, and the corners of his mouth were covered with blood stains, like a vampire who had just finished eating, which made people shudder. .

Zig's best friend, Alstorford, died at the hands of Wuchen, and he also wanted Wuchen to experience the pain of losing his daughter.

But... Mordred was forcibly resurrected again.

Why is God so unfair?

"Am I really resurrected?"

Mordred was also struck by lightning, and his heart made waves. Although he knew that Wuchen had the wonderful ability to resurrect the dead, when he was resurrected, this feeling...

Excitement, excitement, joy... these are not enough to describe, the feeling of coming back from the dead cannot be expressed in any words and words.

This is an experience like never before!

"Of course, this can still be fake, but this dress is a bit ugly, hurry up and change to a suitable one." Wuchen said while rubbing his chin.

No wonder he complained, Mordred was still wearing a rotten knight's suit, and the armor was still full of broken gaps. It was estimated that it was the suit before he died.


Mordred raised his head and stared at Wuchen. At this time, he didn't know how to speak, and Artoria immediately cast an encouraging look.

"Father, father, father, father... Father father!"

With the courage of his whole body, Mordred said to Wuchen.

After speaking, she quickly lowered her head, her whole face was flushed red, she nervously tugged at the corner of her clothes, her heart was beating thumping, and even sweat stains appeared on her temples.

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