Wuchen's eyes flickered, if it's just to see another world, it's no big deal, it's okay to take it away, there are people who have encountered this type before.

After all, no matter what, as long as it is an intelligent creature, it is full of curiosity about the unknown.

This is not to mention Semiramis, even if it is dust-free.

"It doesn't matter what you said."

Semiramis glanced at Mordred disdainfully, with a proud expression.

"you wanna die!!!"

Mordred's pretty face was flushed, and the right hand holding the Noble Phantasm was shaking violently.

"It's not unreasonable what Mordred said. Resurrecting you is within our conditions. This is understandable, but taking you away is another matter."

"What's in it for me?" Wuchen asked extremely powerfully.

"Want to use it?"

Semiramis tilted his head slightly, then smiled and approached Wuchen and said, "I understand what you mean."


Wuchen was stunned, not sure what the woman was thinking.

"If you agree to my terms..."

At this moment, Semiramis swiped his slender fingers towards Mordred, and said very seriously: "If you promise to take me in the future, I will be this child's stepmother."

Wuchen: "???????"

Mordred: "............"

Both of them were confused by Semiramis, especially Mordred, his stepmother, in other words, his father's woman.

That is to say...

"How dare you to rob a man from my mother [Artoria]?!"

After regaining his senses, Mordred was furious. This bastard is too presumptuous. It's okay to fight against Arturia. The worst thing is, he still wants to be his own mother.

It just doesn't make sense!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Mordred's body was full of manic magic fluctuations, sweeping the world, Wuchen watched silently, and he had no intention of intervening.

"This nonsense woman really needs a good training."

Wuchen didn't stop it, he turned his head and left, leaving two people on the battlefield.

Well, it's fine if you don't die, the rest doesn't matter...


When the rest of the people heard Semiramis' conditions, the girls were also quite angry. Atalanta and Fiore, including Joan of Arc, were extremely dissatisfied with Semiramis.

Because this poisonous woman is so impressive, they have serious grudges.

"Actually, I guess that guy also wants to use this trip to downplay or even forget Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, who made her throbbing for a moment."

In the majestic castle, dust-free lay lazily on the window, holding a goblet in his hand, shaking it gently, and the fragrant red wine swaying in the glass.

"Isn't it, that Semiramis is so arrogant that he is tempted by a man who is thousands of years younger than her?"

Atalanta looked suspicious.

"You don't seem qualified to speak to others, do you?"

Fiore rolled her eyes at Atalante, isn't Atalante also attracted to Wuchen, and even broke through the boundary between the two and did that kind of thing.

"Is a mere Amakusa Shiro Tokisada really that charming?"

Jeanne also had a very surprised look.

"Ghost knows, that woman's mind is unpredictable."

Wuchen shrugged, remembering that Semiramis' previous declaration was also drunk - to be Mordred's stepmother, in fact, she simply said to be a dustless woman, Mordred's reaction may be different smaller.

The words "stepmother" deeply stimulated Mordred, and Semiramis did it on purpose.

Chapter 60 End of Volume [First Update]

Half a day later, the decisive battle between Semiramis and Mordred finally came to an end. In the end, there was no specific outcome. Mordred finally stopped reconciled. She knew that there would be no result if she continued to fight. .

She was of the offensive type throughout the whole process, while Semiramis was in charge of defense, and all kinds of sharp tricks were easily solved by her.

In fact, it can be understood in another way. Semiramis is not serious at all, because she has never attacked, and the whole process is all tricks and tricks. Otherwise, Mordred will not retreat at all, no dust. He also knew that it was Semiramis who was courting him.

In the evening, Wuchen, who was resting in the castle, opened his eyes.

It wasn't that he didn't sleep soundly, it was just that an uninvited guest came, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that a delicate/beautiful body fell on the window.

"Where did you sing in the middle of the night?" Wuchen sighed, the person who came was Semiramis.

It's just that her dress at the moment is a little different. Before this lady emperor was wearing a thick robe, she was still a conservative type.

But now it's different, the robe with the extremely dark tone has disappeared, replaced by a cool black veil.

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