This black veil is very thin, how thin is it?Not to mention the dust-free who has all kinds of powerful pupil techniques, even a normal human can see the snow-white skin of Semiramis.

All parts of the body are unobstructed, and they are all covered with light veils. Even if the career line is exposed, only the fat times cover it up.

"I say...."

In the middle of the night, it is easy to have that kind of impulse. Night is a dream night for men. Actually, Wuchen also vented on Atalanta just now.


"Can't you have a lower limit? In order to leave with me, you even took out this means of delivering to your door." Wuchen said very speechlessly.

It was like that on his mouth, but those eyes that were dripping dripping dripping dripped and dripping dripped in his eyes deeply betrayed him.

"Oh, men are really like this. The concubine knows my beauty, and no one can ignore it." Semiramis saw Wuchen's eyes and couldn't move, and stood up straight. The waist, the two heavy balls, slumped down at once, and this figure instantly became more plump/full.


Wuchen's throat choked, and the anger in his heart was suddenly aroused again.

"You're playing with fire."

Wuchen opened and warned: "I'm not a decent gentleman. Once you can't restrain yourself, you will doubt your life every minute, even if you cry out of regret, it's useless."

"Isn't it a bit ridiculous to say such a thing at this time?" Semiramis said with a calm face, "I had this kind of consciousness long before I came here, let's go, Wuchen!"


Wuchen squinted his eyes. He really didn't understand, what was Semiramis trying to do, and he had to leave this world with him?

I don't even mind paying my own body.

"No movement for a long time, or say..."

Semiramis smiled half-smile, deliberately staring at a place without dust, and said with a disdainful smirk: "Or is there something wrong with it, and there is no ability that a normal man should have?"

"You are so special!"

Wuchen yelled at the words, and the remaining eyes of reason were swallowed up by the flames at once, "Semiramis, if this is a provocative method, congratulations on your success, and successfully aroused the anger of this uncle!"

"Next, it's useless even if you kneel down and beg for mercy!"

After finishing speaking, Wuchen grabbed it with a big hand, and the gravitational force in his palm was released, and Semiramis, who was caught off guard, screamed and fell directly into Wuchen's hand.

Next... Naturally, it is something that is not suitable for children.


The battle between Wuchen and Semiramis continued until the afternoon of the next day, and then barely stopped. He is a ten-tailed body, and his physical strength is infinite. He can do it as long as he wants.

At the same time, everyone understood that Semiramis was currently living in the castle.

During dinner, except Semiramis who didn't come, everyone else came. As for the specific reason, she didn't say, anyway, this guy staggered when he walked, and he had to lean against the wall to walk every step.

For what, no one knows.

"When did that guy become so vulnerable?" Mordred looked strange, but she knew that Semiramis was strong, "Who is so powerful, who made her look like that, and it's hard to walk."


Wuchen laughed at this time, but the smile was cheap, "Mordred, you have to thank me well. I have already avenged your previous revenge for your father."

"By the way... I've decided to take Semiramis with me when I leave." Wuchen added, without explaining the reason.

"Since it's my father's decision... then there's nothing I can do. If that woman dares to mess around in the future, I'll have to break her teeth!"

Mordred clenched his fist fiercely, and his eyes glowed dimly.

"Haha... I believe she won't. Smart women often know how to say it without saying it."

Hearing that Mordred let go, Wuchen was relieved. For himself, this child seems to be used to resignation?In terms of Mordred's character, this is not surprising.

"Let's take a night off tonight, let's pick a good time tomorrow and leave together!"

End of this volume!

& #160;

One-Punch Man

Chapter 1 One Punch Man, S-Class Hero Metal Knight [First Update]

In a mysterious world, people are scrambling to evacuate.

"Run, the weirdo is here!"

"What level of monster is that, ten tails, one big eye, what kind of creature is this?!"

"I saw it with my own eyes just now that it came from the sky!"


While people retreated in panic, they turned their heads to look at the monster with a body comparable to a mountain, and everyone's pupils were filled with fear.

The size is too exaggerated, such a monster, maybe just blowing lightly and stomping, can sweep away the nearby humans.

This is indeed the case. When this behemoth fell from the outer sky, the entire city shook, and the center was smashed out of a deep pit, as if it was hit by a meteorite.

"Ah Lie Lie... It hurts my head, how did it get like this, I seem to be treating me as a monster."

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