The monster with its ten tails swayed and spoke, which was different from ordinary monsters. Looking at the fleeing humans, the ten tails did not attack, but just watched silently.

If it was a real weirdo, they would have already started killing people.

In fact, this person is a dust-free person who has crossed the universe. In the past, he used the system to cross, but now he uses his own power to cross the universe.

In the universe, there are many crises, and Wuchen also took out the strongest ten-tailed state, and there was no accident in the middle.

"Don't worry, everyone, look for a safe shelter for the time being. The Hero Association has issued an order, and there will be heroes here for reinforcements. Don't worry, this guy will be killed soon."

Many broadcasts in the city sounded at the same time soothing voices, and the people in the commotion stopped panicking.

"Heroes Association? And... heroes?"

Wuchen's huge slap touched his chin and muttered, "Did you come to the world of One Punch Man? My luck seems to be pretty good. There seem to be a lot of powerful characters in this world."

"Whoosh whoosh!!!"

At this moment, the sky behind Wuchen suddenly heard a dense sound of breaking the air, and the ten-tailed Wuchen couldn't help but look back, and it was a series of dense missiles.

"Attacking me, but...what use does this kind of thing do to me?"

After looking at it for a while, Wuchen's head immediately turned around and ignored it.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

After half a sound, the missile really exploded on Wuchen's body. The power was stronger than expected, and his whole body was covered by flames.

"Monster with ten tails? It's rare to see a monster like this. Fortunately, with your target, my new weapon can also come in handy."

In the distance, a robot with flames erupting from its feet flew over quickly.

"Look, our savior is here!"

The nearby humans raised their arms and shouted, everyone stopped running for their lives, and instead cheered for the hero who suddenly appeared.

"That is the sixth-ranked metal knight of the S-rank. Even among all the S-rank heroes, the ranking is quite high. This ten-tailed weirdo is going to die, haha..."

Staring at the robots roaming in the sky, the hope in people's hearts is rekindled.

"Heh... a bunch of ignorant guys, I'm not here to rescue you, don't be selfish, I just want to find a weirdo to try the power of the newly researched weapons."

The metal knight's glowing red eyes flickered, but he didn't appreciate it at all, his attitude was very indifferent, even disdainful.

"Having said that, the power seems to be pretty good. If it is loaded on the metal knight, the destructive power will undoubtedly be stronger."

Dr. Bofoy, who was controlling the metal knight behind the scenes, nodded with satisfaction when he saw the explosion covering Juwei's body through the special image transmitted from the metal knight.

"You mean the power is not bad?"

In the burning sea of ​​fire, there was a voice of Wuchen indifferent to everything, "A stinky cockroach scratched me, and I felt that I was quite powerful. This is also the most ignorant joke in the world."

When the sound of Wuchen sounded, the flames burning all over his body were also blown away, and the back that was attacked by the missile was safe and sound, and there was no trace of scars.

"It's all right?!"

The tone of the metal knight was a little stunned, and then the pair of red eyes stared at Wuchen, as if collecting his data, and the body continued to squeak.

"You weirdo has something interesting, and it's different from the normal minions, especially in terms of defense, Jie Jie... This is really great."

"The creature-shaped armor, I have no clue. After killing you, I hope there is data that will interest me, Jie hahaha..."

The Metal Knight smiled gloomily, and his hands aimed at Wuchen again.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Another series of missiles shot out, both in terms of size and power, it looked more powerful than the missile just now.


"You always use this kind of flower fist and embroidered legs to deal with me, it seems... I am also underestimated."

Wuchen sighed helplessly and looked at the flying missile. He was too lazy to move. The missile was aimed at his face.

Seeing that he was about to hit him, Ten Tai's mouth full of fangs opened and swallowed it.


The missile just got close to the dust-free face, and before it could explode, it was shattered alive by his mouthful of fangs.

That's right, the cannonball shot by the Metal Knight was directly bitten into scrap metal by the dust-free and rough!

"What a joke!!!"

Seeing such a scene, the metal knight exclaimed in disbelief. Even though he was a machine, his body was twitching humanly at the moment, looking extremely horrified.

It's the first time his missiles have been destroyed like this.

Damn, it was actually bitten, is the mouth so good!It was a missile, it was made of special metal. Needless to say, it was sturdy. It also contained extremely high-density explosives, but after being crushed by Wuchen, it was chewed a few times like chewing gum.

"Bah, it tastes really bad."

Wuchen finally spit out the missile in his mouth, and it has been broken into hundreds of parts, and all of them have been petrified.

Chapter 2 Kill the Metal Knight, Fubuki of Hell! 【First Update】

"Sure enough, it is an incompletely evolved scum, no different from a beast!"

Seeing this scene, the metal knight was shocked and angry, until finally he sneered in a hoarse voice: "Do you think that the weapon researched by a super genius like me is something you can eat if you want? Stupid!"

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