"Blizzard Team?"

After hearing this title, Wuchen suddenly thought of Fubuki from hell. As for the people in front of him, they were just a bunch of scumbags.

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested in talking nonsense with trash fish."

Wuchen, who was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, was impatient, spread his hands, and a repulsive force suddenly erupted between the two palms, "Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

The people around were immediately thrown away, and Wuchen's strength was maintained, but he lost consciousness and did not claim their lives.

"You dare to attack my people, you have a lot of courage, hold your name!"

I thought that all the minions were cleaned up, but who knows that there are still fish that slip through the net.

Looking at the source of the sound, a woman with a graceful figure came into view.

She has short black hair, delicate features, tall stature, and very fair skin. She is a very beautiful girl, only those bright eyes make people feel uncomfortable, too cold, as scary as a beast .

"Blizzard from hell?"

Wuchen waited and watched for a while, and said the woman's name.

"Heh...I didn't expect you to know me."

There was a hint of playfulness on Chuixue's face, "Since you know me, you should also understand that I am a hero. How dare you stand in front of me like this, kid...Aren't you afraid of getting beaten up?"


Chapter 3 vs Fubuki [First Update]

"Being beaten?!"

Wuchen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and he didn't know how long it had been since no one talked to him like that.

"Come here, let me see how much you have." With a clean face as pale as the breeze, he said expectantly: "Anyway, she is also the sister of the second-ranked [Trembling Tornado] in S-rank, even if It's not as good as Tornado, as her sister, there must be something different."

"Find a fight!"

Chuixue's pretty face flashed a thick anger when she heard the words, and there was a raging red light in her eyes. She has always lived in the shadow of the tornado. She has a powerful sister, Chuixue has been under pressure But get angry.

Since she is far less talented than her sister, she is the opposite of her sister's loner style. She gathers and attracts B-level heroes to form a "Flizzard Group", and strikes those who refuse to join. At the same time, in order to win in name Sister Guo deliberately did not get promoted to A-level, but kept guarding the first position of B-level because it was the first number one in her life.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The surrounding buildings suddenly ripped apart, dozens of meters high buildings dashed in an instant, and even the ground began to crumble, and a large number of cracks gradually cracked.

"This is……?"

Seeing this, Wuchen couldn't help but look around. The damaged buildings around completely ignored the existence of gravity, all flew to the sky, and finally condensed to the top of his head, causing the sky to be a large area of ​​blackness, and the ruins of the piece do not know when. will fall.

"I guess you can't understand it."

Seeing Wuchen's expression a little confused, Chuixue's face raised a proud smile, she put her hands on her hips, and announced imposingly: "This is actually the superpower I have... Now you have two options, one is It is to join my Fubuki group and become a member of my team in the future."

"What about the second rule?" Wuchen was not interested at all.

He looked up at the ruins above his head, and the contempt in his eyes flashed away.

Dare to call it superpower at this level?

"It's very simple, give me an immediate crippling here!" Fuxue's face was chilled, and her sexy/sexy face was covered with frost, "Don't think I've done too much, you beat my subordinates first, don't give them to them To get back a little face, how can I continue to do this as a boss?"


Wuchen stared straight at Chuixue, staring at her forward/backward/upturned means, and suddenly smiled, his eyes lighted slightly, "I still lack a servant to serve my daily life, how about you? "

"court death!"

Chuixue's face froze when he heard the words, and then he waved his hand, and the ruins of the sky were smashed down. This bastard doesn't know whether to live or die. He is dying, and he still wants to be a servant himself? !

"Boom boom... boom boom... boom boom..."

Pieces of ruins all fell on Wuchen's body, and he was buried alive in an instant, and the ruins were piled up to a height of one or twenty meters.

Under such an attack, let alone an ordinary human being, even a weirdo would be smashed to death.

"Oops... is it too heavy?" Chuixue frowned. In her eyes, Wuchen was just a mortal with a little strength, not even a hero.

Because among the heroes, there is no such person as Wuchen.

"No, it's not heavy at all, I don't even feel it."


Under the lifeless ruins, a powerful hurricane suddenly erupted, and all the ruins were blown into the distance, or were directly smashed by the storm.

And the dust-free also appeared intact in the eyes of Chuixue, and the white face was clean.

"Didn't attack you?!"

Staring at Wuchen, who was dressed brightly and had a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, Chuixuehong/lips were slightly open, extremely unexpected.

Just now she was still worried that her hand was too heavy, and now...

"But this is the best!"

Immediately afterwards, Chuixue Meimei shot out a bright light and smiled happily, "A powerful subordinate like you is exactly what I need."

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