Wuchen was also drunk when he heard the words, did this woman have water in her head, and haven't seen her level clearly?

"Really... haven't you figured out the difference between them."

"I was the one who killed the S-class hero metal knight before, and you are just a B-class."

"So...you're too far away."

Wuchen said, but Fubuki sneered, "You think I'm a three-year-old child, do you still want to lie to me? The one who defeated the Metal Knight was a weirdo. I heard that the Hero Association named it Ten Tails, a disaster level. dragon!"

"It's all said, if you don't believe it, forget it."

"And a little more..."

Wuchen's eyes narrowed, the chakra in his body rioted, and one hand slammed into the distant sky, "The superpower you just mentioned... I seem to have it, and I am more skilled than you. "

"Heh... Still want to lie to me? Don't you want to take advantage of my carelessness and find a chance to escape? I didn't hit you just now, it was just an accident. Now you won't have such good luck." Dotted with cold light, I have made up my mind, and then I will use all my strength to defeat Wuchen with overwhelming strength and force this guy to surrender.


Fuxue burst out with a unique light of power. With her at the center, a strong storm spread from her body. The power and rotation speed of the wind and waves were quite large, and the surrounding stones and all kinds of stones were involved. Come in.

"Boy, give me a taste of the pain!"

Fubuki's confidence surged, as if he had already defeated him. He said in a loud voice, "Try my nirvana, even if I defeat you..."

The words on Chuixue's mouth suddenly stopped, and Wuchen's right arm was gently raised, pointing to the sky, Chuixue also subconsciously raised his head to look.

It's okay not to watch it, after watching it... a nightmare that will never be forgotten in a lifetime is staged.


Chapter 4 Taming Fubuki [Second]

It's not just that the top of Fuxue's head is pitch black, the sky within a few kilometers in a radius is all black, as if it was the end of the world, the sun shining down from the sky was completely blocked.

"It's all mountains and mountains?!"

Chuixue was stunned, staring at the mountains floating in the sky, being controlled by Wuchen at will, shouting and drinking, that simple and relaxed appearance, like eating and drinking as smoothly as it was playing,

Fubuki was completely frightened, and stood there motionless, like a sculpture.

Before she floated the building in the air, she thought she was very powerful, but this guy, Wuchen, used the power of Tenseikan to move the mountains in the nearby city in a blink of an eye.

This before-and-after comparison... is a world of difference.

"What about you, there are two ways to go now." Wuchen said leisurely, "You gave me two choices just now, and now I also give you two choices."

"First, from now on, submit to me and be my servant."

"Second, as you said just now, let me be a little harsher and let you disappear from this planet."

Wuchen's words were like a cold storm. After blowing on Chuixue, the little girl was shaking all over.

"No, I'm a hero of the Hero Association, how could I submit to a nobody like you." Chuixue gritted his teeth, looking unwilling and reluctant, and continued to struggle: "And... kill me, to you There's no benefit, my sister is the [Trembling Tornado], the second-ranked S-rank hero, kill me, she will definitely hunt you down all over the world!"

This is no nonsense, Tornado does have a morbid desire to protect Fubuki.

"Hahaha...it's so funny."

Who knows that Wuchen didn't take it to heart at all, looked at Fuxue with great irony, and laughed: "I remember...for your sister, deep down in your heart, you actually hate it, after all, she is pressing you everywhere. , now you want to live by her prestige?"

"It's ridiculous, woman." Wuchen sneered.


Fubuki shouldn't fight back, it's the truth, with a sister like Tornado, the pressure on Fukiyue is too great, even in the face of Tornado, she has all kinds of inferiority and can't lift her head up.

She is determined to surpass the tornado. Since she can't do it alone, she will find more people, so she established the Fubuki group, but...isn't she going to live with the tornado now?

"I'm so sorry, your threats are of no use to me."

"go to hell."

After he finished speaking, Wuchen withdrew his gravitational force extremely coldly, and the fragments of the mountain in the sky were out of his control, and immediately poured down, hitting the ground.

"You lunatic!"

Seeing this, Chuixue couldn't help but exclaimed, isn't this bastard afraid of being torn apart alive by a tornado?

Staring at all kinds of mountain fragments falling from the sky, Fuxue suddenly remembered the past. Because her sister is too good, there are always people who like to compare them. Without comparison, there is no harm, so... Over the years, she has Came from the shadows.

"I haven't surpassed my sister, I can't die yet, I... promise you!!!"

"Be your servant!!!"

The last sentence, Fubuki almost roared out with tears in her eyes, because at this moment, her dignity and self-confidence were completely crushed by Wuchen.

"It's fortunate that you spoke fluently, otherwise if you delay for a while... that's another ending."

Wuchen's voice sounded again, and the tense atmosphere disappeared. Fuxue subconsciously looked up and saw that the huge mountain fragment was already suspended above his head, and even the nearest place could be touched by a little stretch.


Fuxue couldn't help choking her throat, just like Wuchen said, fortunately, she spoke quickly and quickly, if she played for a while, she would probably become meat sauce.


Immediately afterwards, Wuchen snapped his fingers, and a large number of mountain fragments drifted into the distance.

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