Fubuki's crisis was also lifted.

"Huh... I'm finally saved!"

After the fragments of the mountain flew away, the bright sun shone down and fell on his face warmly. Buffy looked up at the sky and enjoyed the comfortable light. Although it was extremely dazzling, he had never felt so comfortable.

It's good to be alive!

"Let me introduce myself first, my name is Wuchen."

Wuchen walked lazily beside Chuixue, looked at the girl who was rejoicing after the disaster, and whispered, "Since you are mine, then quit the Hero Association."

"Withdraw from the Hero Association?"

Fubuki's cheeks froze, and he said with a little resistance: "I'm a hero, it seems that there is no conflict with you... being your servant, right?"

"Nonsense, there must be a contradiction in asking you to withdraw. Those idiots have already wanted me." Wuchen said with a gloomy face, for fear that Chuixue didn't understand what it meant, ten tails suddenly swept out from behind him.

"This, this, this... Are you really that weirdo Juwei from yesterday?!"

Chuixue's eye sockets shrank violently, and she was stunned to see Wuchen in front of her. The so-called weirdos... aren't they all ugly?

Why is Wuchen so handsome, with a knife-cut face, delicate and well-targeted features, neat and clean short hair that also looks handsome and capable, especially in terms of body, which is more in line with the aesthetics of Bukiyuki. During the battle just now, she used the storm to blow up. With dust-free clothes, Fubuki was deeply impressed by the eight well-proportioned abdominal muscles.

And Wuchen seems to be able to transform at will, switching between humans and weirdos at will.

"Damn weirdo, I'm not a weirdo at all, I'm a ten-tailed man, but those idiots are rare and weird. The uncle made me a weirdo when he first arrived."

Wuchen said very ill-fated, he didn't do much damage, it's really a dog.

As for the metal knight, to put it bluntly, it was Wuchen's passive counterattack. It was the guy who provoked it first, and even used Wuchen as an experimental target for his new weapon.

Chapter 5 Annoying Tornado [First Update]

For the sake of this, Chuixue's delicate face was still filled with a few traces of resistance that could not be concealed, as if she was quite repulsive to Wuchen's proposal.

"Why... are you still not willing?" Wuchen's voice was low.

"No, I didn't mean that!"

Fubuki noticed that the surrounding air was dead silent, he took a deep breath, and said in panic, "I have always aimed at my sister, and I am unwilling to quit the Hero Association before I surpass her!"

"Hehe...is this absurd and unrealizable reason?" Wuchen said with a ruthless and mean attack, when Fubuki heard the words, her beautiful eyes suddenly dimmed, "I know it's impossible...but I always want to work hard. I'm really unwilling to give up like this."

"It's a good thing to be motivated... But if you stay in the Hero Association, you may never be able to surpass her. The shivering Tornado ranks second in the S-rank, and you are only the first in the B-rank. How much difference is there? , I don't need to say it, you should understand, right?" Wuchen said slowly.

When these words fell, Chuixue's beautiful eyes dimmed again, and her head was drooping and listless. She didn't know that this was an unrealizable dream, but she still said that, she was unwilling to give up.

"Follow me, you will become stronger." Wuchen's abrupt sentence seemed to be filled with endless magic, Chuixue raised his head instantly, and asked in surprise and excitement: "Can you make me stronger? Like Like my sister..."

"I don't know if you can surpass the tornado. It depends on your personal efforts. As for whether you can become stronger... This is naturally for sure." Wuchen's voice responded with great certainty.

"I had concerns before, but if you can make me stronger, like my elder sister, it would be meaningless for me to stay in the Hero Association. If that's the case..."

Chuixue's beautiful eyes flashed with light. She has always worked hard to become stronger, and if there is any hope, she is willing to give it a try even if it is slim.

"Okay, I promise you, I will quit the Heroes Association immediately!" After thinking for a moment, finally gritted his teeth, Fubuki resolutely quit the Heroes Association.

At the same time, she also took out a phone and called the headquarters of the Heroes Association. The meaning is very simple, that is, to officially withdraw from the Heroes Association.

If you don't quit... Wuchen can't spare her, right?

"As for the Fubuki group..." Fubuki's face showed a hint of embarrassment, and she still had certain feelings for this group. After all, she also spent a lot of energy when it was formed.

"There are flocks of cattle and sheep, and beasts walk alone. Do you want to be a docile sheep in a group, or do you want to be a arrogant and lonely tiger?" Wuchen made another cut, completely opening Chuixue's psychological defense.

"Okay then... The Fubuki group is also disbanded!"

When she said this, Fuxue wondered if she had been brainwashed. Since Wuchen mentioned that she could make herself stronger, she was completely led by the other party's nose.

"Very good, your choice is wise!"

Wuchen heard the words and showed a satisfied smile, and then the two returned to their residence together.

And Fubuki really fulfilled her duty as a servant. After returning to the dust-free house, she quickly cleaned up. Although she was exhausted, she was very happy about it.

"Ding ding ding... ding ding ding... ding ding ding..."

I don't know how long it took, the mobile phone on the table rang a pleasant ringtone, Fuxue came over to take a look, his face suddenly stiffened, and he stood there motionless.

"Why don't you take it?"

Wuchen, who was lying on the tatami in a daze, glanced at her, and at the same time looked at her mobile phone, and the call reminded her that it was a little loli with green curly hair.

"So that's the case, is it your sister's call?" Wuchen suddenly stunned.

"That's right, I guess she already knew about my withdrawal from the Heroes' Association, so she should have called to ask for the guilt." There was a helpless, wry smile on Fubuki's face, and his expression was also a little fearful.

Having a very protective older sister can sometimes be troublesome.

"Come on, people always have to face reality." Wuchen glanced at Fuxue, who hesitated for a moment before finally nodded.

"Blow Snow, why did it take so long to answer my call, do you know how anxious I am!!!"

Just pressing the answer button, I heard the roaring sound of the tornado, and Wuchen couldn't help digging his ears. Fortunately, this chick is not here. Otherwise, his eardrums will be torn, and the voice is too loud. a little.

"Sorry, sister, I was delayed because of an urgent matter." Fubuki found a reason to prevaricate, and then asked, "Are you okay?"

"Isn't this nonsense, answer me, Fubuki, why did you quit the Hero Association!?" Tornado asked in a low voice, "Did you encounter any trouble."

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