
The Vaccine Man opened his voice and roared, and a strong shock broke out. This blistering storm was as powerful as a shock wave, and it swept away all the substances blocked in front of him.


The crumbling building in the distance collapsed directly, and Fuxue felt that under the attack of this wind and waves, she was like a lonely boat in the sea, which could capsize at any time.

If Wuchen hadn't held her tightly, she would have been blown away long ago.

"Okay, so strong!!"

After the wind and waves stopped, Chuixue looked at the vaccine man in shock, swallowed his saliva, and exclaimed: "This kind of eccentric person... must have reached the dragon level, right?!"

Let the dragon-level weirdo be your opponent... Haha, there was a wry smile on Chuixue's face, Wuchen's heart is really big, aren't you afraid of being torn to pieces by the opponent?

"Cut, no wonder you are so arrogant, it seems that you still have two brushes."

Seeing that Wuchen was safe and sound, the vaccine man sneered after being stunned for a moment: "However, if you have a little strength and act recklessly on this uncle, you will die miserably, human!"

"Wait a minute you're like this..."

While talking, the vaccine man suddenly raised his right foot, and then landed heavily.


This foot fell, and the ground under the vaccine man's feet cracked open, forming a pit of tens of meters. Clear vibrations could be felt in a radius of [-] meters, and the soil layer cracked.

"The strength does seem to be a bit strong." Wuchen couldn't help but re-examine the vaccine man and thought: "I underestimate this trash fish, this cockroach is a bit strong, making him your opponent is a bit reluctant to you, Chuixue ."

"Yes, Lord Wuchen!"

Fubuki shook his head vigorously, feeling extremely fortunate that you finally found out that the other party is much stronger than me!

"Human, how dare you call me a cockroach?!"

The Vaccine Man's breathing suddenly became heavier, the blood-red eyes turned into an extremely pure murderous intent at this moment, and the Vaccine Man disappeared with a swoosh.

"I'll break all your bones and kill you again, so you can see who's the waste, human!"

"So fast!"

Seeing the Vaccine Man who disappeared in an instant, Chuixue couldn't help panicking. He swept his eyes around, but found no trace of the Vaccine Man, and his heart suddenly stunned.

The enemy hidden in the dark is the most terrifying.

"in the sky."

Wuchen pointed to the sky, Chuixue looked up immediately, and saw a black afterimage falling at an extremely fast speed. Because of the speed, it was impossible to see what it was, and only a vague shadow could be seen.

"Let's start with your left and right shoulders, Jie Jie!"

The vaccine man who fell from the sky smiled strangely. His arms were straight, his palms were clenched into fists, and he aimed at the dust-free shoulders.

"Blowing snow... You have to be optimistic. When your physical fitness reaches the limit and you break through the limiter, you can probably be like me."

Wuchen didn't care about the vaccine person, but directly picked him up and made a negative teaching material.


In the end, the fists of the vaccine man all slammed onto Wuchen's shoulders, and a shocking explosion was also heard. The power of the explosion was quite huge, and the ground under Wuchen's feet was smashed.

But... he himself stood there motionless, and there was no wavering on his clean and handsome face.

"Why is it okay?!"

After seeing Wuchen safe and sound, the smug face of the vaccine man suddenly solidified, and his eyes were full of dementia and disbelief.

"As expected of Mr. Wuchen."

Chuixue's eyes were full of little stars. The power of the punch just now made her jump and hit her. It was estimated that she would become meat sauce, but Wuchen didn't respond at all.

"Does Mr. Wuchen possess such invincible defense and strength because he broke through the limiter?" Fubuki asked in anticipation.

She couldn't help but get dry mouth and couldn't wait to imagine herself breaking the limiter.

"How do you say it, your question is stumbling me. I am not a native creature in this world, so there is no limiter."

"If the strength reaches the god level, it is considered to break through the limiter, then you can think that I have broken through the limiter." Wuchen explained slowly.

"What kind of bullshit god-level and limiter, do you get carried away with a slight advantage, stupid human, just this uncle was just careless!"

The Vaccine Man on the other side immediately stood up to express his dissatisfaction, and he said extremely arrogantly: "Just now I was just afraid that you would not be able to bear it. This uncle deliberately suppressed his strength, and now I will use all my strength to deal with you. "

Dust-free: "............"

After looking at Vaccine for a while, Wuchen then pointed at him, completely treating this kid as a negative teaching material, and admonishing Fubuki: "This kind of guy who has a villain face and thinks he is powerful and unscrupulous, often die. earliest."

"I understand."

Fubuki looked at the vaccine person with a vague understanding, and then nodded silently.

"Damn, you human die!"

The deeply infuriated Vaccine Man was completely furious, and the two horns on his head suddenly showed a black wave of power.


A pitch-black energy ball is rapidly brewing, and it is also accompanied by a dark mist. The smell of this dense mist is extremely pungent, just like chemicals. When he arrived, Fubuki covered his nose in embarrassment.

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