The smell was unacceptable to her, too pungent.


Chapter 13 Teaching Fubuki [First Update]

"You humans are destroying the environment unscrupulously. Various industrial chemical wastes have seriously damaged the earth. Now I will return them all to you!"

Vaccine roared with a hideous face, and at the same time the black sphere condensed by his horns became bigger and bigger.

The pungent smell is also getting stronger.

"Blowing snow..."

Wuchen Du was shocked and asked in a low voice: "This guy has reached the level of a dragon-level weirdo. You are too reluctant to deal with it. I will weaken him a bit, and then how about you practice your skills?"


Fubuki nodded vigorously.


"Practice your hands?!"

The vaccine man on the other side is frying. What does this hateful bastard think of himself? !

What kind of stupid setting is this, do you think of yourself as a sandbag being beaten!No reason!

"Your tricks, let's have a good experience first." The dust-free pupil suddenly fell on the black ball condensed on the top of the vaccine man's head, and shouted: "Amaterasu!"

"Boom boom boom!!!"

A mass of fire burned on the head of the vaccine person without warning!


The Vaccine Man screamed in agony the next moment, his voice was full of endless pain, his skin was as hard as steel, and ordinary flames could not be felt at all.

But... the moment the black flame appeared, the skin on his forehead was scorched, and it was still a blink of an eye, showing how scary the temperature of the flame was.

Of course, that's not the most important thing.

Under the control of Wuchen's pupil power, Amaterasu gradually spread to the horns on the vaccine person's head, and the jet black energy ball was eventually burned.

"Boom... boom... boom..."

A huge explosion resounded, and Wuchen blocked himself and Fubuki with the barrier for the first time. This Vaccine Man is indeed a dragon-level eccentric. The power of this move is indeed extraordinary.

The diameter of the destruction... It is several kilometers long, and there is no end to it!

Moreover, the land attacked by this black energy ball turned dark gray, and was filled with a strange smell, close to sulfuric acid.

This kind of land... can't be lived in in the future, and there will be no grass for decades or even a hundred years.


The Vaccine Man on the other side also shouted angrily. Under Wuchen's control, Amaterasu had spread to most of his body. The body was burnt to the point of oil, crackling loudly, and the Vaccine Man's momentum was not as good as before. Dying, he could only lie on the ground in pain, struggling unwillingly.

"Almost all right."

After burning for a while, Wuchen controlled Amaterasu and disappeared. This guy's whole body was burnt, but there was still a breath.

"Go kill him, Fubuki."

Wuchen glanced at Fuxue beside him, and warned: "Don't be careless, even though his strength has been weakened by me, he is still a dragon-level monster after all. He can easily kill you if he has a chance, be careful..."


Fubuki nodded heavily when he heard the words, and then walked up to the vaccine man with awe-inspiring fighting spirit.

"Damn human, you don't deserve to be my opponent. For a rubbish like you, I can stab ten to death with one finger!" The vaccine man roared furiously, and now he finally learned how it feels to be bullied by a dog. .

"I only know that you are my stepping stone now!" Fuxue responded coldly, then closed her eyes slightly, and an invisible wave was released from her body.

In the distance, a gust of wind suddenly hit!

"Do you control the wind?"

Seeing this, Wuchen couldn't help but look sideways. This is also a good ability. If Fuxue can use it reasonably, maybe it will be as powerful as a tornado in the future.

But the process is extremely difficult.

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

And the vaccine person also felt tremendous pressure immediately. The ground she stepped on collapsed in an instant, her weight seemed to have suddenly increased hundreds of times, she couldn't move, and all the bones in her body were crackling.

The vaccine person tried to move his arm a little, and immediately felt a burning sting, which was all burned by Amaterasu before.

"Death to me!"

Seeing that the vaccine people were restricted, Fubuki immediately launched a big move.

"Nirvana: Hell Lan!!!"

A gust of wind rolled up all over Fuxue, and the surrounding rubble and stones were all involved, and they swiftly swept toward the vaccine man, each one as cold as a bullet.

"It's this trick again, isn't there any new tricks, and using stones and rubble as a nirvana... It's just insulting to the three words nirvana." Wuchen spit on the side.

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

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