Although it looks fancy in Wuchen, it has an effect on the vaccine person. His previous skin defenses were melted by Amaterasu, so the stone easily penetrated the vaccine person's body.


"You two damned fellows, I can never forgive you!" The vaccine man screamed in extreme pain, blood dripping from his body, and his flesh was flying.


It seems that because the injury is too serious, the vaccine body falls to the ground with no strength, and the breath is very weak.

"good chance!"

Seeing this, Fuxue's eyes flashed, and he got up quickly and approached the vaccine person as quickly as possible.


"Liar to you, stupid human!"

The weakness on the Vaccine Man's face turned into a hideous one. At this moment, his speed reached the limit, he suddenly picked it up, and suddenly grabbed Fubuki's shoulder, and immediately used all his strength to throw it away.

"Go to hell for this uncle to cool off!"

"Bang, bang bang bang!!"

Hundreds of meters away, the buildings in the distance were smashed, showing the strength of the dragon-level geek. Even if there was still a breath left, the strength was overwhelming.

"I'm not dead, and it doesn't hurt yet?!"

Fubuki on the other side opened her eyes slightly, and the moment she was caught, it was like being stared at by a demon, and she felt like she was finished.

"I said it all, don't be too careless, why can't you listen?"

Wuchen's voice resounded in his ears, and Fuxue couldn't help but look up, and then suddenly froze.

He was actually held by Wuchen in his arms, and he was still in such a posture as a princess.

"That bastard is too evil, I'd better retreat... Human life is short, wait a few decades, he will die of old age and I will come out to destroy humanity!"

Vaccine people are also thinking about it. When they meet the great demon king Wuchen, all the thoughts of destroying human beings are gone, and it’s good to be able to leave alive!

Chapter 14 The Bald Demon King, Saitama Appears [First Update]

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Wuchen!"

Chuixue got down from Wuchen with a red face, and lowered her head in shame, "I'm disappointed, I'm so useless."

"Pay attention later."

Wuchen responded casually, but didn't care about anything, and said slowly: "This time it was an accident, if I don't take action, you are afraid that you will die on the spot, and I will not take action if there is no life-threatening situation in the future. , to become stronger, you must first start with being beaten, and another point is..."


A manic explosion shook the sky, followed by a raging fist wind, swept from the direction of the vaccine man, staring at the violent wind and waves, even if Wuchen is extremely rare, it is very rare to show a cautious color.

In thousands of years, this is probably the first time that a faintly threatening force has appeared!

"Tiancong Cloud Sword!"

The power of the glittering fruit was unceremoniously activated, and Wuchen, holding a lightsaber, slashed forward with a slash.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!"

The slash tore through the space and went up to meet the fist wind.

"Boom... boom... boom..."

The moment the two touched and collided, the entire space burst open, and the released power turned into an incomparably turbulent storm that raged and opened, and the city suffered a devastating blow.

All buildings within a radius of dozens of kilometers were annihilated into ashes.

"Uh... I'm sorry, I didn't find anyone here, I'm really sorry."

An abrupt voice resounded, and Chuixue swept over immediately, with a shocked expression, who was it?In this world... Is there anyone who can keep pace with the dust-free?

The dust-free eyes looked over early, and what came into view was a bald head wearing a cape. His appearance was very ordinary, belonging to the type of public face.

But his power is... There is no doubt that the punching style just now came from this guy.

"It was you."

After seeing this person, the surprise in Wuchen's heart was also relieved.

The person who caught his eye was Saitama, the bald-headed devil, no wonder the punch just now was so powerful.

"You are strong."

Saitama's gaze was also tightly locked on Wuchen. So far, this is the first person who can cancel his "ordinary punch" at will.

"Yeah, it should be better than you." Wuchen accepted Saitama's flattery calmly.


Seemingly not expecting Wuchen to be so shameless, Saitama touched the back of his head in embarrassment, "I haven't asked for advice yet, what's your name?"

"By the way, my name is Saitama."

"No dust."

"Where the hell did you come from, and you stole my prey?" Fubuki looked at Saitama with dissatisfaction.

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