"It turns out that you were the one who fought that weirdo before." Saitama turned to Fubuki and said innocently, "I saw that you were too rough, so I solved it for you, otherwise the guy will give it to you. ran away."


When Chuixue heard the words, the blue veins on his forehead bulged. Can this bastard speak?

Are you mad at her on purpose?

"Look at me smashing your hateful bald man!"

Chuixue rolled up his sleeves and walked over looking at him.

"You are not his opponent yet, Chuixue." Wuchen grabbed Chuixue, this bald head is invincible in this world.

"Yeah, you're too weak."

Saitama also nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, but that look and tone...

"You bald man!!!"

Hearing the words, Chuixue almost ran wild. Saitama heard that Chuixue had been calling him bald, and his face was gloomy. This name was very taboo for him.

Those who dared to call him that were almost beaten.

"If you are dissatisfied with her, you can come to me."

Wuchen said quietly, and at the moment when the voice fell, Saitama's eyes immediately came over, and he felt an unfathomable force from Wuchen's body.

Since the first sight of Wuchen, Saitama's sleeping excitement has been slowly awakening, and now Wuchen's words "you can come to me" can be said to have completely ignited Saitama.

"Anyway, you're also a hero, and I'm just unhappy with watching a hero..." Wuchen's eyes showed a hint of gloom, and there was a manic power lurking in the body and ready to go.


With Wuchen and Saitama as the center, two invisible forces are colliding with each other, the sky is constantly shaking, sometimes dark clouds cover the sky, sometimes rainstorms rush down, sometimes lightning strikes, sometimes storms roll...

All in all, in the dozens of seconds when Wuchen and Saitama collided, there have been dozens of extremely bad natural disasters one after another.

"These two... Could it be a battle between gods and gods?"

Fubuki stared at the two of them in shock. This kind of duel is unprecedented, and the collision of momentum alone is daunting. Once it really starts...


The ground under his feet was trembling constantly, and the strata were torn apart on a large scale, as if two continental plates had collided, causing an earthquake with a scale of more than ten magnitudes to erupt.

"Let's go to the sky to fight, otherwise the city will collapse before warming up." Wuchen said slowly, and his body began to float.

"Uh...you're still flying? It's amazing." Saitama said that she gave Wuchen an envious look on her face, and then embarrassedly touched the stubble she didn't have at all, "Well, what, I don't fly!"


Saitama's legs were slightly bent, and the explosive force condensed on the soles of his feet. With a bang, the ground beneath his feet collapsed instantly, forming a pitch-black hole, and Saitama also rushed to the sky, approaching at a speed no less than the speed of light. Dust free.


Wuchen's pupils shrank abruptly. This is the first time that he has seen a pure body movement speed that is no less than his own powerhouse.

But that's not what Saitama is best at, his overwhelming power...is what Saitama is good at.

Chapter 15 Can be called the confrontation between gods and gods [second more]

"Whoosh whoosh!!!"

Almost in an instant, Saitama was close, and his seemingly plain fist, without the slightest leakage of power, was infinitely close to the dust-free head.

"Rampant guy!"

Wuchen's eyes froze when he saw it. Maybe it was invincible for too long. Saitama hadn't encountered an enemy in the eye for a long time, so he didn't understand Wuchen's ability, so he hurriedly approached.

Of course, he may have enough confidence in his ability to resist beatings.

"Round Tomb · Border Prison!"

Wuchen's pupils blinked abruptly, and a dangerous wave of power emanated.


Before that fist could touch Wuchen's body, Saitama fell from the sky to the ground in a strange way, and was buried deep in the soil. The ghost knows how to do it.

"As expected of Mr. Wuchen, beat up that arrogant guy!!!" Fukiyue raised her arms and shouted, watching Wuchen violently beat Saitama, she was very excited.

"The vitality is very strong."

Wuchen stared at the large ruins on the ground, then his fingers stretched, and a huge energy ball descended.

"Wang Xu's flash!!!"


The beam pierced the sky and fell to the ground from a high altitude. All the ruins buried in the deep pit vanished and were annihilated into particles.

And Saitama in the deepest pit also came into view. This guy was lying on the ground and was attacked by the Tomb of Wheels, Boundary Prison and Wang Xu at the same time. In addition to his disgraced face, his clothes were worn a lot.

There was almost no wound on his body, not even a slight scratch.

"The defense is really strong."

Wuchen squinted his eyes, Wang Xu's flash just now, a dragon-level geek can be smashed into scum, but it fell on the rest, and really didn't see any results.

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