
He dodged directly in front of Wuchen, his fist swept out like a machine gun, "Continuous serious punch!"

It must be noted that this is a series of serious punches, not a series of ordinary punches!

In the original book, Boros, known as the overlord of the universe, was also smashed to pieces by Saitama's continuous ordinary punches. If he continued to punch seriously...

The power can be imagined how terrifying!

"This explosive power, and this speed... No wonder everyone calls you a wall hanging!"

Even Wuchen, who has Tensei and Samsara eyes, can't capture Saitama's movement trajectory. The speed is too fast. When it appears, Wuchen wants to avoid it too late.

In fact, deep in his heart, he had no intention of escaping, so he just took Saitama to test his current level.

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

The strength of each of Saitama's punches has the power to easily collapse a planet, all of which hit Wuchen's body, not just a simple punch and two punches, but a continuous sequence of attacks, within two or three seconds. Inside, Saitama blasted hundreds of serious boxing series against Wuchen!


Every time Saitama's fist fell, Wuchen's body would vibrate violently. Where it was attacked, the skin was blood red, with a dense layer of bloodshot, and it would leave a deep fist mark, and the whole person was hit beyond recognition. , there is no good place for the body other than the head.

Dust-free body, limbs, abdomen, all have sunken fist marks, which look extremely dazzling.

He endured all of Saitama's attacks!

"Duchenless adults!!!"

As for Fubuki, she was terrified. She couldn't imagine what would happen if such an attack fell on her. The ripples of power that spread were enough to kill her tens of thousands of times.

"This guy!!!"

And Saitama was also stunned, his throat was choked up like never before, he asked himself that he had already used most of his strength, but Wuchen only...

Although it looks a bit miserable, and the body is full of fist marks, but at first glance... it seems that it is only a skin injury, and it is not injured at all.

His continuous serious punches... When did he become so weak? !

"Jie ha ha ha..."

Just when Saitama was extremely shocked, Wuchen suddenly laughed, his face was pale, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, and he looked at Saitama with a burning gaze and said with a grin, "This feeling... This kind of blood boils, I still get The feeling of being a new student...good, Saitama, you managed to please me!"

"Huh?!" The bald-headed demon king said with a stunned expression, he just wanted to blow Wuchen up, but looking at the current situation, it seems that he did not kill Wuchen, but was beaten with enthusiasm by this guy? !

"Tsk tsk, is it difficult to understand... I thought you would understand me to some extent." Wuchen said with a vicissitudes of life, and said with emotion: "You have only been invincible for a long time, and then you have realized the power of absoluteness. It's boring... so you know how long I've been boring? Not years, not decades or centuries."

"It's thousands of years! Now with you, I finally found some fun. To be honest... I can't bear to kill you!"

Wuchen's eyes clarified that his words were completely revealing his heart, but in the eyes of outsiders, this is probably the remarks of a lunatic.

"What, you haven't used all your strength yet?"

Saitama stared at Wuchen with a stunned expression, his expression trembled, and his saliva almost flowed out of his mouth involuntarily. What kind of perversion was this reaching?

A dragon-level disaster is obviously impossible. Could it be the legendary god-level disaster...or is it more powerful? !

"My own body has evolved to an incomparably powerful level, and I have also covered Reiatsu, domineering, and chakra as a defense. I didn't expect you to be beaten like this. To be honest, I'm a bit embarrassed."

While speaking, the wounds on the surface of the dust-free skin have recovered, and it is the ten tails itself. Any injury can be repaired, even if there is one cell left, and it also has an infinitely regenerated Collapsing Jade.

Therefore, within ten seconds of talking with Saitama, Wuchen's injury was repaired.

"Stop talking nonsense, are you ready next, it was your attack just now..."

"Now...but it's my turn!"

Wuchen's words revealed a dazzling edge, his eyes, like a world-shattering divine sword, swept towards Saitama, his body involuntarily awed in awe, waiting for him.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 17 The Strongest Human [First More]


Suddenly, a world-shaking roar exploded in the clouds. This sound wave was like a world-destroying thunder, which made people feel despair and panic.


Immediately afterwards, the originally blue sky gradually cast a dark shadow, and the sky also dimmed, as is the case in this city.

This invincible roar, like some divine beast awakened, covered the sky, and a huge threat fell on Saitama.

"in the sky!"

Saitama raised his head sharply, seeing the creatures entrenched in the sky, his eyes almost burst, his lips were trembling, his heart made waves, and he saw a white tiger entrenched in the sky, staring at him. he.

Those mighty eyes were full of brilliance, and the thorny Saitama frowned, and even he, who had always been fearless, didn't want to look at him.

From this tiger, he felt a faint threat!

It's almost never happened before!

"Let me explain, this is the day tiger that belongs to Jingmen alone among the eight dungeons..."

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